Getting Started

The Biggest Challenges in Starting Your Book

Lisa Tener, start writingWhat are your biggest challenges to starting your book or creative project? Are you:

  • Wondering where to start?
  • Feeling overwhelmed?
  • Having trouble making time?
  • Needing better follow through and commitment?
  • Feeling self-doubt?

I can help you break through these creative challenges with:

  • Step-by-step guidance
  • Powerful exercises
  • Time saving tools

I’ve helped many dozens of published authors one-on-one and through my book writing courses. My hallmarks are helping you:

  • Write a great book—one that will have an impact on your readers and your success—a book that reflects the message of “excellence” you want your readers to “get.”
  • Tap into your creativity with my powerful, proven methods.
  • Write with ease and grace—enjoying the book writing process.
  • Overcome any internal blocks to step into that expanded self that your vision and dreams are calling you to become.

So, here’s my method, step-by-step for writing a meaningful, impactful nonfiction book:

start writing book1. You’ll begin your journey with my “Starter-Kit”Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book: Turn Your Passion into Profits to get you writing the right book and provide the habits and tools for success. You can get all the details here. Suffice it to say, this self-study program will save you months—or even years—by giving you the clarity and structure you need from the beginning to write that life-changing book.

Once you’ve worked through most of the exercises in Quick Start, you’ll likely have a clearer book concept including the vision, goals, readership, features, tone, content and structure of the book. Wow! That’s HUGE—and it will save you so much time later, eliminating the false starts that plague many new writers.

Note that the Quick Start self-study program is included in the Book Concept Consultation, so if you know you want a Book Concept Consultation, just skip to step 2!

2. You may still have some questions about your book concept and structure. At this point, many choose to have a Book Concept Consultation with me or one of my talented and experienced colleagues. In your book concept consultation, you’ll get to test your ideas with an experienced professional to confirm that it’s marketable, likely to meet your vision and goals and likely to resonate deeply with your readers. We’ll help you make sure it’s fresh and relevant.

In addition to being experts in the publishing industry, my colleagues and I tend to be good at helping you tap into your best creativity and we can also come up with creative ideas for you. It was in this type of consultation that the title “The Creativity Cure” was born and we determined a large, hungry market for client Carrie Barron’s worthy book that got a 6-figure advance with a top publisher, Scribner.

If you’re struggling with more than one book idea, your consultation will also help you clarify which one to write first! We can guide you to:

*  Build your following as an author (critical for traditional publishing)

*  Choose the publishing option that would be optimal for your particular book and goals

*  Develop ways to monetize your book and create the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

And during the consultation, we’ll put together a list of questions you’re grappling with, such as:

  • Who are my readers?
  • Which book should I write (out of several ideas)?
  • What would make it engaging and compelling for readers?

In the last part of our consultation, I can lead you in a guided visualization to connect with your “inner muse” and get clarity on those questions from your own inner wisdom and creative source.

start writing3. Okay, now you’re clear on the Book Concept.  You just have to write the darn thing. Here are 3 mix or match options:

a) If you’re clear on the outline and know where you’re going, you may want to join me for Get Your Writing Done membership – four 2-hour workshops each month to access a state of inspiration and creative flow and get some writing done right on the call. If you need a little push to make sure you write, this could be it.

b) Here’s where many people get really stuck, they need a bit more structure to complete a book. I’ve developed a step-by-step 8 week structure for getting your first draft written quickly and easily—and it’s all in my home-study course  Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks Self-Study Program. So, if you’re the type who just needs some guidance and you’re off, Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks is your ticket to write a great how-to book, self-help book or memoir. You can also pair Inspiration to Author with the Get Your Writing Done Membership Program.

A warning, though: there are no cookie cutter formulas or templates for a fast-food-type book. All my programs are designed to write a unique book that fills a market need and reflects the kind of quality and excellence you’ll want to be associated with you and/or your business—a book that makes a difference.

Lisa Tener Book Awardc) Now, if you know you’re going to need extra accountability, someone to immediately help you  get back on track if you falter or hit a road block, feedback on your writing, my Award-Winning Bring Your Book to Life® Program is a perfect next step for you. Bring Your Book to Life® includes the Inspiration to Author materials (all 8 MP3’s/CDs/audios and 8 weeks of lessons and exercises). However, it comes with so much more personal support as well.

In my Bring Your Book to Life® Program, you’ll get private instruction, consulting and editing from me or Ginger Moran directly, you’ll be part of an intimate 8-week class (by interactive teleseminar or in-person in beautiful Narragansett, RI surrounded on 3 sides by ocean).

If you have already purchased Quick Start, a Book Concept Consultation and/or Inspiration to Author, you’ll be credited for these toward the cost of the Bring Your Book to Life Program. I also offer early bird discounts and a six-month version of the program for those with trickier books—so feel free to contact me if you want to explore in more detail and see whether Bring Your Book to Life is a good fit for you. You may want to read more about the Stevie Award Winning Bring Your Book to Life® Program before we talk.

My Bring Your Book to Life® Program is for you if you’d like to work with me personally on your book and:

  • You’d like a private consultation with me to write a top notch book.
  • You’re committed to clearing 8-15 (or more) hours a week to your book.
  • You want a proven method that’s worked for other busy professionals.
  • You want the support, accountability and community you’ll get in a course (through forums, optional buddy system and interactive classes).
  • You’d like to have a first draft in as little as 8-12 weeks.

Read all the juicy details of what comes with my Bring Your Book to Life® Program here.

Remember, these programs are for writing a how-to book, self-help book, business book or memoir. They are not for fiction or children’s book. However, I can refer you to a qualified fiction editor or children’s book editor here.


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If you are ready to get started on your book, contact Lisa Tener for guidance.

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