Hey! Don’t Just Sit There. It’s Time to Write Your Book!
Let Me Show You How Easily You Can Write Your Book
In as little as 8 to 12 weeks.
Without Putting the Rest of Your Life on Hold, Feeling Overwhelmed or In Over Your Head.

- If you want to write and finish your book, become a published author and get your message out into the world in a big way…
- If you want to know the thrill of holding your own book in your hand, watching it sell on Amazon and hearing how it’s changing people’s lives…
- If you’re tired of turning green with envy every time someone announces the release of his or her new book…
- And you’re ready to experience a multitude of life-changing
opportunities as a published author.
Well, clap your hands and stomp your feet.
Because you’re about to discover a revolutionary, self-paced book writing program that will make it easy for you to finally write, publish and even promote your how-to or self-help book… even if you’re not sure you have the time or the writing chops to make it happen.
Let me tell you about…

Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks
A Complete Roadmap to Take Your Book Idea
from Mind to Manuscript
This breakthrough book writing program gives you the step-by-step guidance, insight and book writing secrets you need to start, finish and share your book with the world… on your own terms, at your own pace, without feeling overwhelmed, pressured or unsure of yourself.
Start now, and you will quickly:
- Turn your ideas, stories or expertise into the book you’ve always wanted to write.
- Create the time you need to start and easily finish your book without dropping out of your life, feeling overwhelmed or
sacrificing time with your friends and family.
- Learn the secrets to writing a book people will love, talk about and recommend to others.
- Discover how to structure your book so your book-writing journey is fun, easy and super-efficient.
- Power-up your writing skills and develop your unique voice, tone and style, so you never second-guess the quality of your work.
- Plug into your passion, creative energy and inspiration and have a blast writing, editing and promoting your book.
- Elevate your career and your lifestyle by leveraging your book into a wealth of game-changing opportunities.
- Know the deep satisfaction and excitement of writing your very best book, the one you’ve always wanted to write and offer to others.
Hi. My name is Lisa Tener. And as an award-winning book writing coach and faculty member for Harvard Medical School’s CME publishing course, I’ve worked with hundreds of aspiring authors, just like you, who so wanted to write their books. But they weren’t sure how to get their message out of their head and onto the page. They, like you, had the desire, but they also had a lot of self-doubt and uncertainty about the process.Once I was able to give them a roadmap, some expert advice and a step-by-step system for writing their book, many of these authors not only finished and published their books, they leveraged them into a multitude of new career opportunities. From big promotions to 6-figure business deals, to invitations to travel and speak to audiences all over the world, to gaining access to top-level experts, to launching a whole new career.
And you can do the same.
Because now, with “Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks,” you have full access to the same revolutionary book-writing system, expert advice and industry secrets I share with my private clients.
My Book Became a Bestseller
“When I envisioned birthing my first book,“A Juicy, Joyful Life”, to the world, I knew exactly who its midwife would be—award-winning Book Coach Lisa Tener. As Publisher of Aspire Magazine, I had invited Lisa to serve my audience and speak at all of my live and virtual events since 2006 and I witnessed first-hand her level of expertise and attention to detail.
“In 2009, I took Lisa Tener’s Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks program and the materials were instrumental in helping me clarify, organize and develop my book. Within hours of its release A Juicy, Joyful Life hit #1 on multiple best-seller lists and brought 41 visionary women to bestseller status.
“Today, my heart-centered boutique publishing company has served over 180 visionary female authors and released six bestselling books written by women and for women, and it all began by taking that first step with Lisa Tener. Stop putting your dream of being an author on hold… Work with Lisa today.”
The idea for Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks came to me after years of teaching my award-winning book writing program, Bring Your Book to Life®. I was walking along a cliff near the ocean, wondering how I could create a program that offered the same benefits and results as Bring Your Book to Life® but with more flexibility and freedom so aspiring authors all over the world could write and finish their book in their own way and in their own time. As I looked out onto the ocean, I saw a lone surfer ride a perfect wave by circling up to the apex, down the side and into the center and over again. That’s when the answer came to me. I could “circle back,” collect and organize everything I know into a do-it-yourself home study program… one that provides the same how-to steps, inspiration and guidance I offer in my live classes and private coaching sessions.Thus, Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks was born.
And the results have been amazing.
“I’m Now a Published Author Living My Dreams”
“I’d never written a book before. I wasn’t sure how. I needed guidance.
Lisa Tener’s Inspiration to Author self-study program was perfect for me. It helped me clarify my market and organize the book—two critical issues—among many other things. I wrote my book, Feel Good Spaces: A Guide to Decorating Your Home for the Body, Mind and Spirit because I wanted to help people who were stressed or depressed create beautiful environments that transport them from the daily grind. I also wanted the book to open doors to speaking and provide more recognition in my field.
I get many compliments on Feel Good Spaces, and because of what I learned from Lisa, my book was mentioned in both Parade Magazine and Essence, and The Washington Examiner did a piece on it, too. Thanks, Lisa, for a great program. I am now a published author, fulfilling the very dreams I put forth.”
The Springboard to a Whole New Career
“My dream has always been to be a professional speaker and writer. I doubt I ever would have gotten my book written without Lisa’s class. I’d still be thinking it was an activity for ‘real’ authors, and hoping to do it ‘some day.’ Lisa’s program was the springboard to my new career! I just published my book and have already been on TV!”
“The Answers to My Questions”
“Lisa, I want to thank you for your Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks material…I come back to your materials whenever I get stuck, and I always find my way forward. Seriously, each time I come back to it, I find the answers to my questions. It’s great.”
With Inspiration to Author, you will not only learn how to organize, write and edit your book, you will learn how to leverage your book into a multitude of career-boosting, money-making and life-changing opportunities.
Yes, you will be guided through every step of writing your book, from start to finish.
But you’ll also learn the secrets to writing a book that generates media (and viral) buzz, establishes you as an authority and sparks a flurry of irresistible requests, invitations and opportunities to radically elevate your career, your income and your lifestyle.
Starting Is a Snap!
Sometimes, starting can be the hardest part.
But not with “Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks,” because you get my “Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book”** program, which makes it super easy and straightforward for you to:
- Get exquisitely clear on what your book is about.
- Create an outline that inspires you to dig in and write.
- Know for sure whether your book idea has the pull-power to engage your ideal audience.
- Discover how to create time out of thin air (it really feels that way!) so you always have time to write.
Write It Right!
Once you’ve laid the foundation for your book with the Quick Start to Kick-Start Guide, Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks makes it easy for you to dig in, start writing, keep writing and finally finish your first draft… in as little as 8 more weeks.
You’ll also discover how to:
- Follow your own step-by-step writing roadmap so you never feel lost, stuck or without a clue.
- Consistently write one chapter after another without losing momentum, feeling discouraged or falling into self-doubt.
- Ignite your creative fire, break through writer’s block and feel invincible throughout your book-writing adventure.
- Uncover and celebrate your distinctive writing voice and unique style.
- Develop your writing chops, hone your skills and write with power, passion and clarity.
Publish, Promote and… Pow!
You will learn my best publicity tips and promotional secrets to get your book out into the world in a big way. Including how to:
- Make your book irresistible to the media.
- Attract stellar endorsements from your favorite experts, authors and celebrities.
- Build viral buzz for your book.
- Leverage your book into a number of big income opportunities.
- Find an excellent agent, (if you want to traditionally publish).
- Plus… a bonus! How to decide whether to self-publish or traditionally publish your book.
**If you already have the “Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book” program, check out the special deal I have for you below.
Oh, yes, writing your book is a thrilling, life-changing adventure.
But that’s just the beginning.
Once your book is written and you’ve applied all the tips and techniques I give you in Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks, you’d better watch out. Because your book will fling wide the doors to so many life-changing opportunities and lucrative offers that you may need help deciding what to do with them all.
Okay, this may sound a bit over the top. But I’m speaking from experience here. So many of my clients have been able to create a life and career changes beyond their wildest dreams… because of their book.

Let me tell you about my client, Pat.
When Pat first came to me, she felt completely overwhelmed. She’d never written a book before and wasn’t quite sure how to tell her story. Plus, she didn’t think she was a good writer.
But after working with me and the strategies I’m going to give you in this program, Pat not only wrote and published her book, Simply a Woman of Faith, she started being invited to lead workshops and retreats all over the world!
She now receives generous speaking fees plus all expenses-paid trips to Bermuda and cruises, including a Mayan cruise. And now she lives in Hawaii and teaches workshops there—another result of her book.
But get this! Less than a year after Pat’s book was published, she retired from her day job as a substance abuse counselor and began working full time at her dream job as spiritual coach, retreat leader and radio host (where she interviewed famous authors on her show—like Bernie Siegel).
This and more is possible for you!
And Just In Case This Isn’t Already Clear…
Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks is not a fill-in-the-blank, one-size-fits-all template that you can whip out in a weekend.
No, this program is designed to help you conceptualize, organize and write your one-of-a-kind, true-to-you book – the book only you can write. And while you could finish your first draft within 8-12 weeks, this program allows you to write and finish your book in your own time, at your own pace.
No matter how busy you are or how demanding your life may be, you can still write, edit and finish your book.
“Publishers Expressed Interest Right Away”
“Before Lisa’s self-study course, I was feeling overwhelmed. I didn’t know what I should include or what to focus on. But Lisa’s approachable tone, easy-to-follow system and exercises got me focused and made the project do-able. It helped me pare down the amount of information I had and make it more accessible. I also got so much clearer on who my target audience is, as well as the overall tone, style, and “flavor” I was trying to create.
The workbook helped me write 3 different book proposals in just a matter of weeks, in preparation for Harvard Medical School’s CME publishing course. Because I had such clarity about each book, I was able to pitch my books to publishers, and they expressed interest right away.”
“For the first time, I know HOW to write this book.”
“I received the Inspiration to Author 8-week program in the mail this week. I’ve already begun using it, and it is wonderful! For the first time, I know HOW to write this book. I absolutely love the template in Week 1.”
“I wrote my book in 8 weeks!”
It’s Time For Your Very Own Book-Writing Breakthrough.
Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks is two programs in one. It includes:
The Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book** program, a self-study audio and downloadable guidebook that shows you how to create a strong foundation and writing road map for your book.
The Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks program, which includes 8 recorded lessons and a step-by-step guidebook to coach you through every phase of the book writing process.
Each recorded session is anywhere from 20-40 minutes long, and each one contains high-value, no-nonsense information, tips, techniques and guidance to help you write your book. No fluff-n-stuff filler here!
**Please Note: If you already have the Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book program, you can order Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks without Quick Start at a reduced price.
Here’s a brief outline of the book-writing guidance, support and secrets you will get:
The Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book: Turn Your Passion into Profit program will show you how to:
- Clarify your book’s message and structure so it appeals to your ideal audience while showcasing your expertise.
- Create a book-writing timeline that fits your schedule so you never feel stressed-out, pressured or overwhelmed.
- Stay inspired and avoid wasting time, feeling stuck or getting discouraged.
- Start to develop your own authentic writing voice, rhythm and tone.
The Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks program picks up where Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book leaves off and guides you through every step of the book writing process.
Week 1: Write Chapter One and Discover Your Tone
- Start or continue writing your first chapters and introduction.
- Develop the right tone for your book to keep your readers engaged.
- Learn and engage the essential elements of a successful book.
- Discover the questions you must ask and answer.
- Receive Special instructions and tips for memoir writers.
Week 2: Traction in Action: Create Your Action Plan
- Why a plan is critical if you want to finish your book, save time and stay motivated
- How to create a plan that is perfect for you
- How to make sure there’s a market for your book
- How to spice up your writing with stories
- Of course, your biggest focus this week will be writing chapter 2 or 3 of your book.
Week 3: Time is on Your Side: Time Management Tools That Rock
- How to make time work for you (even when you’re sure you don’t have any)
- What to do when you’re too pooped to write
- Meet your Muse to stay inspired and full of fresh ideas
- How to easily break through any blocks or resistance
- When and how to get feedback
- And you’ll write yet another chapter or more!
Week 4: Lean on Me: Getting Support You Need for Breakthrough Results
- Why asking for support is critical to your success
- The 3 best ways to find a supportive writing community
- How to know who’s a fan and who’s a foe when it comes to your book writing success
- Your own writing buddy and accountability partner
- The advantages of having access to a writing mentor
- Celebrate! With another chapter or two written, you could be half-way through your first draft.
Week 5: Armed and Organized: Creating Systems that Work for You
- Special systems for speakers, trainers and article writers
- 4 secret systems for capturing your best ideas
- How to illustrate your points with other people’s stories
- Enjoy the momentum and joy of writing yet another chapter or two of your book.
Week 6: Bring Your Book to Life®: Making Your Book a Media Magnet
- How to write a book that promotes itself
- How to position your book to appeal to the media
- How to create a brand from your book
- How to get endorsements from other experts, authors and celebrities
- Publicity and sales secrets from best-selling writers
- How to make your book go viral… without publicity
- You are on a roll… with another chapter or more written… and I’ll be right there if you need support or suggestions.
Week 7: From Here to Eternity: Your Next Steps
- How to enjoy the editing process—and quickly become good at it
- The 3 sure-fire ways to transform your writing from “pretty good” to “really great”
- Priceless writing and editing tips from experienced authors
- How to leverage your book into multiple income opportunities
- An easy grammar guide
- What to look for in a professional editor, should you choose to hire one
- How to land an agent
- Getting published: Traditional publishing vs. Self Publishing
- You’re in the home stretch! Your first draft is almost complete.
Week 8: Tying the Loose Ends: Blurbs, Blogs, Forewords, Back Matter and Don’t Forget the Title!
- How to get great blurbs and endorsements to establish your credibility and inspire readers to buy
- 5 easy strategies to attract an audience of readers and fans with your own blog
- How to select, ask and guide someone to write the foreword to your book
- The art and science of writing the perfect title for your book
- More creative brainstorming on your title so it stands out, captures the core of your message and inspires readers to buy
- Woohoo! This could be the week you write the final chapter of your book.
- Pssst! I’ll also share my special tip to make your book a viral sensation.
*** Each weekly lesson includes an inspiring and engaging audio, plus practical weekly written lessons (in PDF form). In addition, you can receive email lessons (at no additional cost) to help you stay motivated and on schedule. If you have any questions about how the material is delivered, feel free to email me.
6-Figure Contract with Scribner
“Meeting Lisa Tener at Harvard Medical School’s publishing course changed my life – I landed a 6-figure book deal with Scribner. Lisa has an ability to bring out your creativity and at the same time she understands the business end of book writing and publishing.”
“My Book Won 4 National Book Awards”
“Lisa’s book writing coaching helped make my dream come true. I’ve won four national book awards, and I launched my own teleseminars, a speaking career, and a radio show (The Best People We Know), which is in the top 1% and 2% in popularity in self-help.”
With Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks, your book-writing journey gets to be as exciting, transformative and rewarding as that life-changing moment when you finally hold your finished book in your hand.
“Okay… I Can’t Wait! How Much Does Inspiration to Author Cost?”
>The complete Inspiration to Author program is $1297.
If you already have the Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program, your investment in Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks is only $1197.
Oh, but that’s not all!
“This sounds great, but… I’m still not sure I can afford it.”
Because when you consider all the ways your finished book will bring you more income and new money-making opportunities, this investment is, well… tiny.
Unless you’re planning on writing your book and then sticking it in a drawer.
But if you’re writing your book so you can get your message out into the world and attract new clients, raise your prices (and your credibility), expand your reach or even launch a new career path, then the price of this program is a drop in the bucket.
The truth is… your Investment in Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks can pay off a hundred times over… and over and over again… in new clients, new opportunities, new relationships, or perhaps a whole new career and lifestyle.
How do I know? Because I’ve seen it happen time and time again with my clients.
For instance, my client Evana Maggiore made thousands of dollars whenever someone bought her book, Fashion Feng Shui: The Power of Dressing with Intention. Because after they read it, they couldn’t wait to sign up for her high-end training program. Her book was her secret super-powered sales force.
Many of the new authors I’ve coached have been shocked by how quickly they were able to attract higher paying clients, land 5 or even 6-figure business deals, become best-selling authors on Amazon and launch the business they’ve always wanted.
So, whether you want to attract higher paying clients, book more speaking gigs, become well-known as an expert in your field or create a whole new career and a brand new lifestyle, Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks will give you the right guidance, industry secrets, writing and editing skills and promotional know-how to make it happen.
“Okay, that makes sense.
But I’m still not sure I have time to write a book.”
Oh, I know it feels that way.
Your life is already jam-packed with responsibilities. But as a book coach, I’ve helped the busiest people find time in their schedule to write their book without adding more stress and pressure. In Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks, I show you how to find “lost” time to spend on your book. And with the productivity enhancing tools I give you, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can write and complete your book… even if you only have a few hours a week.
“But what if I’m not a good enough writer?”
You may not know this, but many self-professed “non-writers” often write bestsellers. Why? Because like you, they had something valuable to say. And that’s what matters. And once your book is written, you can hire a great editor to polish it—I can even recommend someone terrific.
Besides, I’m going to teach you simple yet super-effective techniques for writing in a compelling, entertaining way so you can be sure your writing is high quality. Just today, a client told me that all of her business writing — her newsletters, blog posts, fundraising letters and daily correspondence — is ten times better and more effective because of what she learned about writing in Inspiration to Author. As a result, she’s boosting her business bottom line as she works on her book (which is just a few chapters away from being done).
Don’t let lack of experience prevent you from achieving your dream of becoming a published author.
“Yeah, but I’m not sure if this is the right time for me.”
There will always be plenty of reasons to put off writing your book. There will always be something you “must do” before you start. Or finish. And if you keep telling yourself that, then your book will never get written. How long have you been telling yourself, “I just have to do this one project and then I’ll be ready”?
You’re ready now. And with Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks, you can write your book at your own pace, in your own time… and in your own way. No matter how many must-do, top priority projects are currently on your list.
Sold 15,000 Books in the First Month
“I kept putting my hopes of writing a book on hold, because I felt I couldn’t do it. Lisa’s soft nudges and inspirational energy make me feel nurtured yet expertly guided. She helped me find my voice and enjoy writing, despite being a novice.
“Even with little free time on my part, Lisa has helped me to breathe life into the writing and gave it a life of its own. I achieved more with Lisa in two months than in 5 years of attempting to do this myself.
“Lisa helped me with my book proposal and chapters and I signed with a major publisher. We sold 15,000 books in the first month. Thanks, Lisa.”
And…. Just to Help You Jump In and Start Writing Now, I’ll Sweeten the Pot for You.
Not only will I take $200 off the price of this program,
I’ll throw in 5 fabulous bonuses of Special Reports… for free:
Here are your payment options:
Full Program:
“I’m ready to write my book with the complete edition of Inspiration to Author including Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book”
(The second payment will be billed 21 days after the first.)
Without Quick Start to Kick-Start:
“I already have the Quick Start Guide so sign me up for the rest of the Inspiration to Author program”
(The second payment will be billed 21 days after the first. Note: This option is if you already own Quick Start. If not, please use the option above, under “Full Program”)
We process your order on secure servers and you will receive an electronic receipt.
My 100% Money-Back Guarantee
If, after receiving and reviewing Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks: The Complete Roadmap to take your Marvelous Idea from Mind to Manuscript, you are unsatisfied with the materials or information, you may delete all materials from your computer and other devices and I’ll send you a full refund.
One Last Thing…
In my many years of helping authors write, edit and publish their books, I’ve seen this happen time and time again. So I feel I need to warn you.
Writing your book can change your life, your career and your business in many wonderful ways. And it can also change you.
As you tap into your own voice, clarify your message and express yourself clearly and honestly, from the inside out, you will become more confident and certain of what you know and what you believe.
Your confidence, inner knowing and self-realization will infuse every aspect of your life, not just your writing or your business. You will become more of who you are, and you’ll be more at ease expressing yourself and what you know to be true.
Writing a book is a journey of self-discovery, self-actualization and personal empowerment. So… take your vitamins, and get ready. You’re about to experience something extraordinary.
Here’s to your transformation and success as a published author!
Lisa Tener, Award winning book coach and published author
P.S. While I may not know what your main motivation is when it comes to writing your book, I do know this. You’ll never regret writing it. But chances are very good that you will regret not writing it. So, let’s get you writing your book now.