Celebrating our Clients’ Successes
Kudos to Rhonda Spencer-Hwang for her article I’m a Mom and Epidemiologist: Here’s How I Suggest You Travel With Kids This Summer for Parents.com (June 3, 2021)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted in The Assault of Light and Sound on ChildhoodObesityNews.com (June 2, 2021); in The Dark Side of Roblox Most Parents are Unaware of (June 16, 2021); in
It’s Time for a Post-lockdown Conversation About Children and Screens on medium.com (June 28, 2021); and in After pandemic free-for-all, parents struggle to reinstate screen-time rules (June 28, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being included in Making Book on Trump (June 20, 2021) on Front Page Magazine.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Gayle Myers, MD for her article Dr. Gayle P. Myers of the Intuitive Awareness Center: 5 Things You Need To Heal After a Dramatic Loss Or Life Change in Authority Magazine (May 28, 2021).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted as an international expert in the International Digitial Wellness Day celebration announcement. (May 7, 2021)
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for being quoted in You’ve Been Vaccinated—Now, Follow This Expert Advice on Your Next Flight on msn Lifestyle (May 13, 2021), in You’ve Been Vaccinated—Now, Follow This Expert Advice on Your Next Flight on MarthaStewart.com (May 13, 2021), for being honored as one of three Champions of Humanistic Care by University of Nebraska Medical Center for guiding “Nebraska Medicine through what may prove to be the most challenging period that we will face during our lifetime—the COVID-19 pandemic” (May 13, 2021), and for being interviewed for What’s The Risk Of Getting Others Sick After You’re Vaccinated? on Fox4 News, Southwest Florida. (May 7, 2021).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being recognized as an international expert in the Tune into International Digital Wellness Day invitation. (May 3, 2021)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for contributing to How To Avoid Becoming A Micromanager: 13 Actionable Tips on Forbes.com (May 20, 2021)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in 5 Red Flags You’re Raising An Entitled Kid Plus Some Simple Changes You Can Make Right Away, According To Experts (May 27, 2021)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW (Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts) for her interview on WGN Radio, Psychiatrist Victoria Dunckley, M.D. discusses screen effects during online learning (May 21, 2021)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for be referenced in Electronic Screen Syndrome – All You Should Know About It (April 22, 2021)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in 5 Red Flags You’re Raising An Entitled Kid on Yahoo and Huffington Post. (April 6, 2021)
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for being quoted as an expert in What’s The Risk of Going Out Without A Mask After The Vaccine? (April 5, 2021)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted as an expert in The Three Types of Narcissists and How to Recognize Them (April 22, 2021)
Kudos to Rhonda Spencer-Hwang for the excellent review of her book here. (April 3, 2021)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine)
for How Mindful Movement Can Support Your Meditation Practice: Q&A with Cara Bradley. (March 29, 2021), for being quoted in What Does Happiness Mean to You? (March 20, 2021), and for her event: Get to Know Your Optimal Body-Brain States-Virtual Meditation on April 25th.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her tip being included in Day 23 of Boost Your Creativity. (March 1, 2021)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in 12 Signs That You Are Actually A Narcissist (March 25, 2021) and in How The Narcissist Gets Away With Abusing People And Come Off As A Good Person (March 20, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Jon Lieff for his podcast interview The Secret Language of Cells (March 24, 2021), for his interview on the Optimal Performance Podcast How Your Cells Talk to Each Other With Dr. Jon Lieff, and for being included in How Managing Your Energy Supports a Calmer, Clearer Mind (Part I) on medium.com. (March 2, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being included in How to help your kids get to sleep and stay asleep: Take ‘a hard look at the bedtime routine’ (March 26, 2021).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for her book being referenced in Asian Pacific American Coalition promotes diversity and belonging among students (February 19, 2021).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for being quoted in How To Keep Your Family Safe During Future Road Trip Pit Stops (February 6, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Greg Cason for being referred to in 20 Negative Health Symptoms from RF Radiation (February 20, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being quoted in Baby Sleep Training: How to Optimize the Baby Nursery (February 23, 2021), in Do Weighted Blankets Really Help With Insomnia? We Investigated—Here’s Our Take (February 22, 2021), and in Everything You Need To Know About Your Sleepwalking Toddler (February 5, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in The most successful kids have parents who do these 9 things, according to science on FNTalk.com (February 9, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Greg Cason for being interviewed in Interview with LA based Dr. Greg Cason, expertise in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in The Hollywood Times (February 18, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Becoming a Narcissist by Proxy (February 18, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for inclusion in Selections from The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump on BillMoyers.com (January 25, 2021), in Echo ~ The Inverted Narcissist on medium.com (January 22, 2021).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for her interview with moms.com 5 Steps To Help Your Toddler Become Independent Sleepers and for Parents.com, Pros & Cons Of Letting Siblings Co-Sleep By Sharing A Bed (January 7, 2021)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later: A Memoir of Surviving Depression without Medication) For serving as workshop faculty poet at the (online) Palm Beach Poetry Festival, January 18-23, 2021.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for the recommendation of her book in How to revise our consuming love affair with electronics–A letter to Greta Thunberg: the magnitude of problems with digital technologies in Wall Street International Magazine. (December 13, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in Get More Done: Toss Your Checklist in 2021. (December 31, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cathy Turney (Get 10,000+ Twitter Followers Easily, Quickly, Ethically) for updating her book for 2021. (December 31, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her article Making Movement Mindful on Breathwork-Science (November 10, 2020)
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for the recommendation of her book in 5 books that shine a light on what coercive control really looks like (November 17, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Jon Lieff on the publication of his new book The Secret Language of Cells: What Biological Conversations Tell Us about the Brain-Body Connection, the Future of Medicine, and Life Itself by Benbella on September 22. Congratulations Jon!
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in The Hidden Danger of Being an Echoist, the Opposite of a Narcissist (August 11, 2020).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for being quoted on KMTV News in Omaha woman still battles health issues after COVID-19 “recovery” (August 27,2020) and in New York Gyms Reopen Next Week, But With Caution (August 18, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. James Zender for his conversation on the podcast It’s OK Not to be OK (August 25, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Jon Lieff (The Secret Language of Cells) for the review of his book in How the body communicates — to itself by David Wineberg on medium.com (August 10, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being quoted in 5 Expert Tips to Help Your Toddler Stay in Their Bed (August 25, 2020), in The week’s best parenting advice (August 18, 2020), in How to Help Young Children Sleep Better During COVID-19 on the KQED (PBS, San Francisco) website (August 13, 2020), and for being referenced in Is Consciousness a Quantum Phenomenon? on medium.com (August 16, 2020).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later: A Memoir of Surviving Depression without Medication) for being named one of his favorite writers in 5 Quick Questions with Tommye Blount (August 19, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW (Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts) for having her book selected as a favorite here: My Favorite Books (August 14, 2020)
JULY 2020
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Jon Lieff for the redesign of his website and praise for his book (July 20, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for being included in 12 Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement: 2020 (July 21, 2020).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for the publication of her article Fighting Fear in COVID-19 on the University of Nebraska Medical Center website (July 7, 2020), for being quoted in What to Know About Air Travel During the Coronavirus Pandemic on Shape.com (July 29, 2020), in As Nebraska sees surge in COVID cases, experts warn things could ‘go sideways’ (July 25, 2020), and in How to Actually Wear a Face Mask: 8 Common Mistakes You Might Not Realize You’re Making (July 16, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW (Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts) for Back Off, I Need Some Space! on “Beyond Bitchy: Mastering the Art of Boundaries” podcast series (July 20, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Scott Symington (Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry)
for the enthusiastic endorsement of his book in Have anxiety? This book may be helpful! on SoCalCityKids.com (July 23, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Why It Seems Like Bullies Are Everywhere—and How to Stop Them in the Wall Street Journal (July 14, 2020), in The Bully Narcissist at Work: A Toolbox for Coping on Psychology Today (July 20, 2020), in Racism & Narcissism: The Work of Carl Bell, MD on the blog Being Fully Human (July 21, 2020), in Echoism: When You’d Prefer to Go Unnoticed (July 30, 2020) and in Not Spotting a Narcissist in a Business Relationship May Cost You a Fortune (July 27, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in The health benefits of knitting (July 3, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being quoted in What is short sleep syndrome? The rare condition that causes a lucky few, like Barack Obama, to only need 6 hours of sleep a night on Yahoo!News and in several other platforms (July 17, 2020) and in Co-Sleeping: The Pros and Cons of a Family Bed on parents.com (July 7, 2020).
JUNE 2020
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for the publication of an excerpt from his book in 5 Hard-to-Spot Manipulations Narcissists Love on PsychCentral.com (June 29, 2020), for being quoted in Narcissists, Controllers, and the Art of Blame-Shifting on PsychologyToday.com (June 17, 2020) and in I Dated A Narcissist, Again on medium.com (June 18, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for her interview on The Worst Social Media App For Sleep Is TikTok (July 1, 2020).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later: A Memoir of Surviving Depression without Medication) for her presentation at the Fine Arts Work Center Summer Workshops in Provincetown, MA this summer.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Scott Symington (Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry) for the recommendation of his book in Kick Off Your Staycation – the Right Way on Journal by Get Abstract (June 20, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for her interview on sheknows.com: Are You Teaching Your Kids Activism — or Virtue Signaling? (June 19, 2020) and for being quoted in How to Talk to Young Kids About Violence, Hate & Other Terrifying Things (also reposted on sehknows.com) (June 4, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for being consulted in California Academy of Sciences has San Francisco’s most beautiful yoga class for the San Francisco Chronicle (June 4, 2020).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for her presentation at 2020 KAAN Connect (Korean-American Adoptees) (June 22, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in 12 Million People A Year Are Abused By Their Partners. The Pandemic Is Making That Much Worse on WBUR Boston (June 18, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in Not All Narcissists Struggle With Shame or Have Low Self-Esteem, According to Research on Psych Central (June 21, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his on-demand webinar called Science and Practice of Resilience for LGM Financial Services as a new digital solution to help support auto dealerships in Canada.
MAY 2020
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Gayle Myers, MD for her featured article–the first article on the home page!–in Organic Spa Magazine: Building Resilience.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Gael Sylvia Pullen on the publication of her book The Good Around Us and her wonderful day-long virtual book launch party.
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Arun Singh, MD whose memoir Your Heart, My Hands won the American Society of Journalists and Authors first place award in the Memoir/Autobiography category of ASJA’s Annual Writing Awards
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for being quoted in Behind Closed Gates: Life During the Lockdown At Wildlife Reserves Singapore (May 27, 2020) and in Check It Out: Animal books inspire, delight (May 24, 2020).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in PST Summary: Wireless Technology and Public Health (May 3, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for her appearance on Health Notes (KFAI.org) Behind the Therapy Door – Dr. Randy Kamen on Health Notes (May 5, 2020), and for being referenced in The Power of Forgiveness (May 18, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being featured in This Is The Best Temperature For Sleep + Other Tips For Better Rest on MindBodyGreen.com (May 4, 2020) and for her interview on News 9 wtnh.com (CT) (May 5, 2020).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Kathy Pollard for Never a Better Time to Reinvent Society on ThriveGlobal.com (May 13, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his op-ed in the Ottawa Business Journal, Op-ed: How to build resilience and thrive in a COVID-19 world (May 11, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in the Business Insider India, 19 signs that you’re a narcissist and don’t even know it (May 13, 2020), for being quoted in A complete guide to the narcissist: meaning and how to deal (May 4, 2020), and in 5 Signs You’re Dealing With A Malignant Narcissist (May 1, 2020); for being interviewed and quoted in I like the sound of my own voice – but does that make me a narcissist? on TheGuardian.com, Yahoo!Lifestyle and msn.com.
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for being quoted in Experts Predict How Coronavirus Will Change Gyms And Workout Classes first published in the Huffington Post and reposted on several other websites (May 27, 2020), for her COVID-19 webinar trainings for healthcare professionals in Nebraska through UNMC (begining May 26, 2020), for being quoted in When Will It Be Safe To Travel Again? Infectious Disease Experts Weigh In for Women’s Health Magazine (May 15, 2020) and in Some International Destinations Are Opening For Tourists In June on Yahoo!finance.com (May 15, 2020).
APRIL 2020
3 Prestigious Nautilus Book Award Winners and An Amazon #1 New Release!
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Lisa Langer, PhD on the publication of her book Deeper into Mindfulness, and #1 in New Releases (orange badge) from Amazon!
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Arun Singh, MD whose memoir Your Heart, My Hands won the Gold Nautilus Book Award in the Heroic Journeys category
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Scott Symington, PhD whose book, Freedom From Anxious Thoughts and Feelings won the Silver Nautilus Book Award in the competitive Psychology category
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Jill Sylvester, LMHC, whose book, Trust Your Intuition: 100 Ways to Transform Anxiety and Depression for Stronger Mental Health, won the Silver Nautilus Book Award in the Personal Growth Category.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life(R) Program graduate Hisla Bates, MD for her successful summit Healer, Heal Thyself.
Fast Track Your Book Proposal alumnus Kelly Cawcutt, MD for her interview on KMTV3 News Now Omaha Nebraska Medicine physician explains what herd immunity is (April 15, 2020), for her Webinar COVID-19 As Seen by Those on the Frontlines (April 15, 2020), and for speaking at Contagion Live News Network: Coronavirus Updates for April 14, 2020.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for being quoted in Manners maketh the person on the Canadian Government Executive website (April 7, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW (Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts) for her podcast series Beyond Bitchy: Mastering the Art of Boundaries.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for her interview on Denver 7 ABC television Psychologist offers tips on maintaining your relationship in quarantine (April 22, 2020) and for being interviewed for For Americans, pandemic takes the fun out of April Fools’ this year which was picked up by Reuters and published on platforms around the world (April 1, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in Domestic Violence During Lockdown: How to Cope and Stay Safe which ran on PsychCentral and several other platforms (April 18, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her article Where is the Line When it Comes to Emotional Support Animals on Planes? on the official blog of the Trinity College Public Policy & Law Department (Hartford, CD) (April 18, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being referenced in Maybe it’s because we’re all spending more time than ever inside our homes April 23, 2020) in How to Stay Calm When Everything Falls Apart on medium.com (April 16, 2020), for her interview Sheltering in Uncertainty: Coping with COVID-19 and on the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health (Austin, TX) (April 9, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being quoted in How To Stop Stressful Dreams & Nightmares So You Can Wake Up Feeling Rested (April 30, 2020), and in Kids Waking Earlier During Quarantine? Experts Say It’s, Unfortunately, A *Thing* (April 20, 2020) and in Why Now Is The Time To Get Firm About Nap Time, According To Experts on Romper.com (April 22, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for his interview What Does Healthy Narcissism Look Like? on the goop podcast (April 21, 2020), for being quoted in Progressives decide: Dignity and freedom, or voting for Biden shared on several sites (April 11, 2020), in Are You An Echoist? A Psychologist Explains The “Opposite Of Narcissism” (April 2, 2020), in 7 Signs You’re Dealing With A Covert Narcissist (April 30, 2020), in Are You An Introvert — Or An Echoist? A Psychologist Explains The Difference (April 30, 2020), and in 8 Types Of Narcissists & How To Distinguish Them (April 27, 2020)
MARCH 2020
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for being interviewed on Coronavirus for Nebraska Medicine Infectious Diseases Doctor Discusses Common Misconceptions Surrounding Coronavirus on KMTV3 News Now Omaha VIDEO (March 3, 2020), answered commonly asked Coronavirus questions in Are play dates OK? Will warm weather kill the coronavirus? UNMC doc answers COVID-19 questions (March 20, 2020) and in Golf And The Coronavirus: How To Play With Confidence, According To An Expert (March 19, 2020) on Golf.com for being quoted in As coronavirus myths go viral in Florida, health officials are warning against the “snake oil” treatments sure to proliferate as the pandemic grows in The Ledger (USA TODAY) (March 29, 2020).

Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being quoted in How to survive the 18-month sleep regression on KidSpot.com (March 5, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in Stitch Away Stress by Knitting in the Rivertowns in The Hudson Independent (NY) (March 4, 2020), and for being quoted in Loneliness and stress can make you more prone to COVID-19, if exposed. Here’s how to combat those feelings in The Houston Chronicle (March 31, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for contributing to 10 Mindful Exercises For Kids You Can Do At Home (March 16, 2020), on becoming a Mindful@home Teacher on mindful.org and for being quoted in This Month in “Big E Experience”: Brain Training (March 30, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for contributing to 22 Proven Tips to Fight “Cabin Fever” (March 27, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Jon Lieff for being quoted in Human Brain. Its Role in Consciousness and Mind (March 13, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) for being referenced in Will Drinking Tea Make You Healthy? on the American Society for Nutrition website. (March 25, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for being quoted in in Meet Dr. Vint Virga: The zoo animal whisperer (March 2, 2020).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for COVID-19 – What is UNMC ID doing? on the University of Nebraska Medical Center website (February 26, 2020) and for her article Antimicrobial Stewardship & Sepsis – A Great Debate posted by Physician’s Weekly (February 27, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for being quoted in Training Thursday: teachers meet to discuss cueing strategies in first quarterly workshop of 2020 (February 20, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in 11 Subtle Signs You Might Be In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship on TeenKidsNews.com (January 30, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for the announcement Best-Selling Author On Leadership Joins Forbes’ Speakers Network on Forbes.com (February 12, 2020), for being keynote speaker at CCIF Toronto (The Canadian Collision Industry Forum) (January 30-31, 2020), and for being quoted in Ways to Increase Empathy on YourWorkplace.ca (February 4, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in MODERN EXTREMISM and the Cult of Narcissistic Control – A Psychological View into Current Social Manipulation (February 27, 2020), for being quoted in 19 signs you’re a narcissist and don’t even know it in Business Insider Malaysia (February 24, 2020), in How to Humiliate an Absolute Narcissist on Psychology Today (February 24, 2020), in 4 Ways a “Narcissist” Gets the Upper Hand on PsychCentral (February 18, 2020), in ‘Modesty Is A Virtue?’ No, Today Narcissists Get Further In Life on Forbes.com (February 10, 2020), in How Your Attachment Style Colors Your World on Psychology Today (February 13, 2020), and in The Suffocating ‘Locomotive Breath’ of Trumpism on Medium (February 13, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10)
for being quoted in 11 Ways To Keep Your Toddler From Climbing Out Of The Crib, According To Experts on Romper.com (February 18, 2020), in Why Do Babies Jump In Their Sleep? It’s Actually Completely Normal also on Romper.com (February 6, 2020), and in 40% of Americans Say They’re Sleep-Deprived After the Super Bowl on Healthline.com (February 2, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for being quoted in 5 Things You Need to Know About Breaking Up With a Friend on Medium.com (February 15, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in 7 Strange Examples Of Parenting Advice You Should Never Follow on moms.com (February 26, 2020) and in How (& Why) I’m Teaching My White Kids About Black History on SheKnows.com (February 11, 2020)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for How to Give and Receive Useful Feedback Every Month being included in the course “How to be Awesome at Your Job” on Lynda.com (LinkedIn) (January 22, 2020).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being quoted in 10 Toddler Sleep Red Flags That Parents Should Watch Out For (January 21, 2020), and for being quoted in 5 Reasons To Forget Having A Nursery (& 5 Reasons You Need To) (January 18, 2020).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for her presentation Leveraging the Power of Social Media in Medicine at University of Nebraska Medical Center on January 23, 2020.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Are They A Narcissist Or Just Self-Confident? Here’s The Difference (December 1, 2019).
Craig Malkin’s Rethinking Narcissism was #1 Bestseller on Amazon Kindle! (Yes, #1 for the entire list, not just in a subcategory!)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted on AARP.org in Finding Joy While Caregiving During the Holidays (December 5, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for being a guest on Sweet Dreams, a podcast of the former White House doctor for George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and George W. Bush, “House Calls with Dr. Connie Mariano,” and for being featured in a recent issue of Catherine Andrews’ newsletter The Sunday Soother: The weird things I do for better sleep.
Lynelle also shared some tips in Parade Magazine in Nicole Pajer’s great piece, Why You Should Try a Coffee Nap–and Other Surprising Tips on How to Sleep Better, got to weigh in with some sleep advice on Medium in Emily’s Glover’s piece, “Parental Sleep Deprivation is Real–and It Has Real Consequences,” contributed to Paola Mariano’s piece “Bambini: come resolvere i disturbo del sonno” (Children: how to resolve sleep disorders) written in Italian, and on Tracy Merda’s Future Tech podcast.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in How To Know If The Person You’re Dating Is A ‘Healthy’ Vs ‘Unhealthy’ Narcissist. (November 12, 2019).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Kathy Pollard for her presentation “Fork This!: How to Combat Climate Change with Your Fork” to the Rochester Area Vegan Society on November 17, 2019.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for being listed on the Book List of the Day during National Adoption Month. (November 7, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Unloved Daughters and the Problem of Unmet Goals on the Psychology Today website (October 17, 2019), in Seeing the Narcissist in Your Rearview Mirror: What You Missed on PsychCentral.com (October 29, 2019), in 3 Types of Narcissistic Parents on Yahoo! Lifestyle (October 18, 2019), in Top 3 Things You Can Do To Help a Loved One Who’s Stuck in Life: Getting stuck in life or business sucks. There’s no way to sugar coat that feeling of being stuck. on Thrive Global (October 15, 2019), in The emotionally intelligent way to deal with 5 types of coworkers: From the bully to the eternal pessimist, don’t let your toxic coworkers ruin your work experience. on FastCompany.com (October 7, 2019) and in Unfit for Office: Donald Trump’s narcissism makes it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires by George Conway in The Atlantic. (October 3, 2019).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted in the opinion piece The Dangerous Push For More Technology In Schools on the International Business Times website (October 19, 2019).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal client Kelly Cawcut for her interview Q&A: Using social media to promote infectious disease research on Healio.com (September 6, 2019) and for presenting Using a Deliberate Social Media Strategy to Boost National Recognition which she will present (with Dr. Jasmine Marcelin) at the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network 2019 Annual Conference in October (September 25, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg (Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor’s 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10) for What To Do When Your Kid Has Bad Dreams: A Sleep Expert’s Top Tips on mindbodygreen.com (September 22, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Echoism: The Trait You Might Relate to If You Grew Up With a ‘Narcissistic’ Parent on Yahoo! Lifestyle (September 10, 2019), and in Narcissism 101 (September 23, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for his interview Alone Time for Dogs: How Much Is Too Much? on AKC.com. (September 4, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for her article The Number of Women Murdered by a Partner Is Rising on PsychologyToday.com. (September 3, 2019)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Martha Rhodes who has sold over 15,000 copies of 3,000 Pulses Later: A Memoir of Surviving Depression without Medication.
Kudos to Arun Singh, MD and John Hanc for Your Heart, My Hands winning the Gold Medal in the 2019 Living Now Book Awards for Inspirational Memoir.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being a keynote speaker at the first ever EMF conference for health professionals (providing CME credits to MDs), and for being mentioned on the Wikipedia page for Computer Induced Medical Problems, due to her identifying and coining the term “Electronic Screen Syndrome.”
Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) for becoming the Director of the Lifestyle Medicine Economic Research Consortium (LMERC) at American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Kudos to Jill Sylvester, author of Trust Your Intuition: 100 Ways to Transform Anxiety and Depression for Stronger Mental Health for her article in Working Mother Magazine: 5 Steps to Take If Your Child is Feeling Anxious
Fast Track Your Book Proposal alumnus Kelly Cawcutt, MD for the repost of Placing PICCs for Antibiotics–Potential Undue Risks May Outweigh Benefits on the PhysiciansWeekly website. (August 5, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being referenced in Having A Mental Illness Does Not Make Us A Risk To Others on PsychCentral. (August 8, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in You Aren’t a Narcissist, But Could You Be an Echoist? on psychcentral.com (August 14, 2019), in When Scapegoating Is a Weapon in Mom or Dad’s Arsenal on PsychCentral (August 13, 2019), in What is Echoism? A psychologist tells us about how some people really hate being praised (August 20, 2019), and in What narcissism is? All questions as to character of property – a view. (August 23, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in How to talk to your kids after the Dayton, El Paso/Walmart shootings on the USA Today network. (August 5, 2019)
JULY 2019
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for her audio interview Parenting Adopted Teens and Tweens with Host Dawn Davenport, Executive Director of Creating a Family, the national adoption & foster care education and support nonprofit. (July 19, 2019)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her guest blog Save Your Child’s Brain Part 1: The Toxic Effects of Video Games and other Electronic Screens on The Microwave Factor blog. (July 19, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Scott Symington (Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry) for his VoiceAmerica Variety podcast Uncover Yourself (July 15, 2019)
JUNE 2019
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in 6 Ways the Narcissist Takes Control of a Relationship on PsychCentral.com (June 5, 2019), in Are You an Echoist? Take This Quiz to Find Out (June 21, 2019), in Spotting the Narcissist by How He Tells (and Curates) His Story on PsychCentral.com (June 11, 2019), in How long should you be with your partner before you move in together? (June 9, 019), and in Vulnerable vs Grandiose Narcissism: Which Is More Harmful? on the Psychology Today website. (June 23, 2019).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Hisla Bates for being quoted in “Black” or “African American?” (June 9, 2019) and here.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Scott Symington (Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry) for Six Common Thinking Patterns That Feed Depression (June 4, 2019) on Thrive Global, and for his interview Want to eliminate relationship anxiety from your life? Here is an easy how-to (June 29, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Greg Cason for his expert advice in Shocking new invention! Amazon is selling a bracelet that give you an electric ZAP (June 29, 2019)
MAY 2019
Congratulations to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Gustavo Ferrer M.D. (Cough Cures: The Complete Guide to the Best Natural Remedies and Over-the-Counter Drugs for Acute and Chronic Coughs) on being awarded the 2019 Gold Nautilus Award in his category for his second book Graceful Exit: How to Advocate Effectively, Take Care of Yourself, and Be Present for the Death of a Loved One, which is also #4 in the Top Hospice Books of All Times.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for Listening to Echoism: Understanding this trait may help explain why some people find themselves stuck in relationships with narcissists. (May 13, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Scott Symington (Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry) for his article 6 Simple Steps to Defuse Emotional Pain published on HowToLearn.com (May 17, 2019), and for being quoted in Mom’s Health: Working Through Worry on the LA. Parent website (May 27, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in The 8 worst things you can do during an argument with your partner on lifestyle.ng (Nigeria). (May 1, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lynelle Schneeberg for being quoted in Do Weighted Blankets Even Do Anything for Anxiety? in SELF Magazine (May 7, 2019), and in This Sleep Pod Is Like A Giant Swaddle For Adults on simplemost.com (May 15, 2019)
APRIL 2019
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Is Your Toxic Childhood Making You Open to Abuse in Adulthood? on PsychCentral.com (April 17, 2019), in 8 signs you’re dating a narcissist (April 28, 2019), and in Narcissistic Mothers: The Long-Term Effects on Their Daughters on PsychCentral.com (April 30, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen ) for her guest appearance on Chicago’s WGN Radio 20: “Figurefacts for Life” Sjögren’s Syndrome: Be Aware to Get the Right Care! (April 17, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her four part series Open Your Mind and Your Body Learn heart-opening movements to strengthen the muscles in your back, expand your breath, and uplift your mind on Mindful. (April 2, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her Q&A: We are what we consume. Do you have a balanced social media diet? (April 4, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for How Can You and Your Organization Thrive During the AI Revolution? Insights from MindBridge Ai CEO Eli Fathi on Thrive Global. (April 4, 2019)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for a summary in The Gleaner (Jamaica) of her speech at the Soy Seminar organized by LASCO and DuPont: Soy, A Useful Weight Management Option For Jamaicans (April 10, 2019)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for inclusion in Why Video Games Are So Addictive (April 12, 2019), and in How Does Screen-Time Affect Behavior? (April 4, 2019)
MARCH 2019
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for her LIVE STREAM at Harvard’s Child Mental Health Forum: Exploring the Unique Needs of Adopted Teens: Four Essential Tasks for Parents and Providers (March 6th, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephen Snyder, MD, author of Love Worth Making (St. Martin’s Press) on being a Guest on the GOOP podcast with Gwyneth Paltrow and being featured in The Times of London, and many other major media outlets.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. James Zender for his blog being honored by Healthline’s list of Best Traumatic Brain Injury Blogs for 2019.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Greg Cason for being quoted in 6 Dating Rules For Realists, Not Romantics. (March 28, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in The Maddening Allure of the Fragile Bully in Psychology Today. (March 12, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for the publication of his new book Do Good to Lead Well: the Science And Practice Of Positive Leadership by Forbes (February 8, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in What is Gaslighting? 11 Red Flag Signs He’s Manipulating You (January 10, 2019), and for the reference to his book in What a Narcissist Means by Saying “I Love You”. (January 22, 2019)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) for her speaking engagement at “The Humane Hoax” online summit (January 10, 2019).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in 5 behaviours that seem ‘normal’ but could be signs of emotional abuse (January 18, 2019).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her book being featured on the website unplugged.ca (December 18, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in the opinion piece Michael Adkins: Worries about Trump’s mental state in the Daily Reporter (Indiana) (December 26, 2018), and for the reference to his book as a resource for further reading on BrightSurf.com (UK) in Narcissists less likely to support democracy (December 5, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his report Harvard prof: Forget nature and nurture. It’s idiogenic influences that make you who you are published on o.canada.com (December 7, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for being quoted in How to disagree with your family on Thanksgiving and remain civil on the FastCompany website (November 22, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for the recommendation of her new book on Psychology Today’s list: Dementia Essential Reads (November 16, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being included in “for more information” after the article Screen time in Young Children: Information for Early Childhood (0-6) Professionals (November 13, 2018), for her appearance on ABC’s GMA Can’t get your kids off their devices? These automatic kill switches can help (November 5, 2018) (video), and for being referenced in Are we hooked on our devices? Are we hooking our kids? Take the No Tech Challenge (November 18, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in False accusations and the power of words in The Wilson (North Carolina) Times (November 8, 2018), and for being quoted in Feeling Better with ‘Bake Off’ (November 1, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her interview on The Running Lifestyle 234: Does Gratitude Make You A Better Runner? (November 15, 2018) (audio). Cara will return as a featured guest on an upcoming long run episode to discuss her book, On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up and Shine, which is the February Book Club book.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in That ‘Picture Perfect’ Instagram Couple You Love Might Be Filtering Out An Abusive Relationship (November 9, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for the selection 9 Things Everyone Should Know About Echoists on the Narcissism Essential Reads list on Psychology Today (November 15, 2018), for being quoted in When You’re Not Narcissistic Enough: Meet the Echoist! on PsychCentral.com (November 7, 2018), and for being included in the WIKIPEDIA definition of Narcissism (October 28, 2018).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal Program alumnus Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being quoted in Why You Should Talk To Your Parents About Their Dating Histories (And How To Bring It Up) (November 21, 2018), in How You Can Help Your Child After They’ve Been Diagnosed with Mental Illness (November 16, 2018) and for being quoted in the repeat printing of How being grateful makes us healthier on The Dallas Morning News website (November 21, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later) for her upcoming event (October 10, 2018) in Newtown, CT: Working Women’s Forum with guest Martha Rhodes. Networking, light dinner, then presentation by Ms Rhodes about her unsuccessful attempts to self-treat her mental illness and success with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, donations accepted for FAITH Food Pantry; 203-426-7022, rsvp@workingwomensforum.net.
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal Program alumnus Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being quoted in Body Neutrality Is A Body Image Movement That Doesn’t Focus On Your Appearance (October 7, 2018), for her recommendation in 12 Useful Gifts For People With Anxiety on Huffingpost.com (October 31, 2018), and for her contribution to How To Make Last-Minute Kids’ Halloween Costumes Using What You Already Have In Your House, Right Now on MindBodyGreen.com (October 28, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for being included in 19 Ways to Calm Racing Thoughts in a Minute or Less on Thrive Global (October 3, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for Kavanaugh’s Shift to Victim on the Psychology Today website (October 9, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Dealing with Narcissists: Two Tips from Shakespeare on the Psychology Today website (October 10, 2018), and for being quoted in Unloved Daughters: Why the Term “Echoism” May Help You Heal on Psychology Today (October 25, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her contribution to How to Protect Your Family from Screen Addiction (October 22, 2018), and for being quoted in Ten reasons why video games should be banned for children under the age of 12 (October 28, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun 4 Tips to Enhance Daily Life for a Loved One with Alzheimers for her article published on the Psychology Today website (October 19, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Alice McDowell, PhD, author of Hidden Treasure. Readers’ Favorites has given Hidden Treasure a Bronze Metal in the motivational category.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain). Comedian Paul Poundstone will host an event Kids’ Brains & Screens: Smart Parenting in the Digital Age Monday, Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Moss Theatre at New Roads Schools, Santa Monica, CA. She will be joined by two experts: child psychiatrist Dr. Victoria Dunckley and Melanie Hempe, founder of Families Managing Media. Tickets here at Brown Paper Tickets.
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal Program alumnus Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being quoted in It’s 100% Normal to Feel Angry After a Miscarriage (September 20, 2018), and for Feminist Boys are our Future Men: Changing Culture of Sexual Violence at TEDxDartmouth (in June). Click here for the video.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for The Power of Pause on Thrive Global (September 13, 2018).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in 11 Features of Emotional Abuse: How to Recognize and Protect Yourself from Psychological Violence [#2]. (September 2, 2018)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his article Willpower and executive function aren’t the be-all for success, but these three positive emotions can be (September 28, 2018) and for When axe and ambition meet, it’s BATL time (September 14, 2018) published in the Financial Post and on several other Canadian websites.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in People pleasers are losing their sense of self in a disturbing trend (September 24, 2018) reprinted on several outlets, and in 25 Fun and Helpful Quotes About Self-Confidence on the Psychology Today website (September 14, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Kristen Carpenter-Ogden for her podcast “The Intrepid Entrepreneur” listing in The Best Female-Forward Podcasts for Entrepreneurs (September 24, 2018).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal Program alumnus Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being referenced in Body Neutrality Is A Body Image Movement That Doesn’t Focus On Your Appearance (August 16, 2018), for being quoted in Hey Parents! These 6 Mindful Hacks Will Help You Beat The Back-To-School Rush (August 8, 2018) and for her appearance on MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) News August 28, 2018
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her article The Power of Pause (August 15, 2018)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in How Meghan Markle Should Deal With Her Family, According To Therapists (August 23, 2018)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being included in These 11 Signs Mean Your Boss Could Be a Narcissist (August 20, 2018), in 10 Myths About Confidence That Are Holding You Back (Psychology Today) (August 22, 2018), in 6 Ways The Narcissist Turns the Tables on You (Psychcentral.com) (August 10, 2018) and in 7 Subtle Signs You’re Dating A Narcissist Who’s Really Good At Hiding It (August 2, 2018).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being included in 7 Toxic Habits Of Emotionally Abusive Partners on HuffPost (August 24, 208), and on Yahoo! News.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being include in Children and screen time: How to cultivate media manners August 23, 2018 on NBCNews.com, and for being quoted in Helping Students, Teachers, and Parents Make Sense of the Screen Time Debate (August 3, 2018) on the International Literacy ssociation website.
JULY 2018
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her participation in Can kids regulate their own screen time? A family’s week-long experiment on Good Morning America (July 18, 2018). Click for Video, for being quoted in Screen Time Is Making Your Kids Moody And Insane (July 9, 2018), and for being referenced in Gaming Addiction Now Officially Listed as a Behavioral Disorder (July 1, 2018).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for publication of What to Do When Your Kid Is Scared of the Dark on the Psychology Today website (July 5, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for publication of Suicide on Huffington Post (July 17, 2018), for being quoted in How Meghan Markle Should Deal With Her Family, According To Therapists on Huffington Post, msn.com, Yahoonews.com and others (July 23, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Do You Keep Dating Narcissists? 4 Romantic Scripts You Must Give Up on PsychCentral.com (July 30, 2018)
JUNE 2018
Kudos to Ellen Moyer for winning the 2018 New York Book Festival Award for General Non-Fiction for Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive While Creating a Sustainable World.
Kudos to Ellen Moyer for winning two other awards: 2018 Green Book Festival Award for General Non-Fiction and 12th Annual National Indie Excellence Award for Environment.
Kudos to Jill Sylvester. Her Children’s book, The Land of Blue won a Mom’s Choice Award.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen ) for being quoted in Read This Before You Grab 1 of Those Trendy Selenium-Infused Waters on Popsugar.com. (June 25, 2018)
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for Putting to Rest “Why Doesn’t She Just Leave?” on PsychologyToday.com (June 12, 2018)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for being quoted in Why adoptive parents like Sandra Bullock feel that ‘the perfect child will find you’ on Yahoo! Lifestyle (June 4, 2018)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being referenced and quoted in Bec Sparrow: “My little wing attack is trying out for a netball team. Here’s the weird bit.” (June 26, 2018)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for the recommendation of her book on Summer reading for Realtors & Agents (June 18, 2018).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal Program alumnus Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being quoted in Here’s How To Tell If Your Kid’s Alone Time Is Healthy Or Harmful (June 22, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being the inspiration for The Story of Narcissism (July 17, 2018), and for being quoted in Is Your Partner Emotionally Abusive? 7 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore on Psychcentral.com (July 10, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in Two & Done? Having Boy-Girl Twins Doesn’t Mean You’ve Hit the Reproductive Jackpot (July 16, 2018).
MAY 2018
Kudos to Karin Esterhammer for winning the Silver Nautilus Award for So Happiness to Meet You: Foolishly, Blissfully Stranded in Vietnam.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Christopher Littlefield on his new website, AcknowledgmentWorks.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Martha Rhodes who has sold over 11,000 copies of 3,000 Pulses Later, which is going into its 6th Printing!
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal Program alumnus Dr. Bobbi Wegner for her guest appearance on Minnesota Public Radio on the topic Are American parents over-protective? (May 14, 2018), for being quoted in The 7 Mindfulness Gadgets Every Parent Needs For Calm & Happy Kids on the Mind Body Green website (May 2, 2018) and in Free-Range Parenting Could Soon Be Legal In Your State, And It’s Causing A Lot Of Controversy (May 9, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her presentation at the Syosset Public Library (June 5, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her presentation at the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) Summit on Happiness Science in Health Care in partnership with Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin (May 6-6, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in 6 Ways to Spot a Narcissist from Day 1 on the Psych Central website (May 6, 2018).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal Program alumnus Joy Dryer who has been named one of the newest Women of Empowerment members honored for their contributions and achievements in their field by the P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) (May 18, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Kristen Carpenter-Ogden for being quoted in The Outdoor Brand Playbook, Part 4: Going above & beyond for retail partners (May 7, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Nora Hall (Survive Your Husband’s Retirement) for her workshop presentation Are You Ready for Retirement? at the South Kingston Public Library, Peace Dale, RI on May 30, 2018.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in How to complain constructively (and get results) on NBCnews.com. (May 18, 2018)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program alumnus Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted in How to Have a Healthier Relationship with Your Phone on REALSIMPLE.com (May 18, 2018), in Early Toxic Stress Changes Brain Structure on PSYCHOLOGYTODAY.com (May 7, 2018), in The Ultimate Guide to Managing Screen Time for Children (May 17, 2018), and in Seduced by screens: Kids need their parents and some experts advise fasting to reset the brain on the Canadian Broadcast Corporations website CBC.ca (May 6, 2018).
APRIL 2018
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for her recent TEDX talk at Dartmouth on April 21, 2018, for Free-range parenting laws letting kids roam could catch on [published in nearly 100 newspapers and blogs via Associated Press] (April 10, 2018), and in this podcast: Author Sara Zaske on the German art of raising self-reliant kids (April 3, 2018); for Why This Child Psychologist Is Begging Parents To Rethink Timeouts (April 20, 2018), for being referenced in What Actually Makes A Parenting Lesson Stick? Here’s What The Experts Have To Say (April 16, 2018), and in Helicopter parenting flies out the window (April 15, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in Save money and improve student behavior by reducing screen time (April 12, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for being quoted in Life Lessons: Mindfulness also works for children (April 3, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Nora Hall (Survive Your Husband’s Retirement) for her presentation Are you Ready for Retirement at the Pontiac Free Library, Warwick, RI (April 29, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for being quoted in His-and-Her-Stress (April 2, 2018) and for being quoted in Modern Moms Ask for Help on WEBMD.com (April 17, 2018) and in Is Stress More Dangerous for Women or Men? on the Vitacost website (April 9, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being included in 20 Ways to Improve Your Health in Under 20 Minutes on the Eat This, Not That website (April 11, 2018) and in Why Rearranging My Furniture Is My Self-Care on Self.com (April 11, 2018), and in Afraid Of Being Happy? You Might Just Be Suffering From Cherophobia (April 11, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Are You a Victim of Gaslighting? on MSN.com (April 27, 2018) and in 10 Reasons Unloved Daughters Keep Picking the Wrong Men on PsychologyToday.com (April 9, 2018).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in If You Say This During An Apology, You’re Doing It Wrong on HuffingtonPost and shared on several other websites and blogs. (April 12, 2018)
MARCH 2018
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in Quit Feeling Guilty About Missing Your Child’s Performance in The Wall Street Journal (March 13, 2018), and in What Every Mom Should Know About the First Week Back at Work (Mar 28, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted in How Digital Media Effects Young Brains on Cyberculture and Digital Media @ BSU, A blog for the Bridgewater State University course “Cyberculture & Digital Media” (March 14, 2018), for being referenced in The Ultimate Sedentary Behavior (March 7, 2018) and for being quoted in The Pros and Cons of Screen Time: Finding a Healthy Balance (March 1, 2018).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for Parenting in the Age of Harvey Weinstein: How to raise conscious boys in a modern day world (March 1, 2018) and My Seven-Year-Old Jerk: Practical tips for managing frustrating behavior in elementary-aged-kids (March 16, 2018), both on Psychology Today‘s digital platform, for being quoted in So Your Child Is Obsessed With Selfies. Here’s What You Should Know About That (March 15, 2018, in The Students In Parkland Are Being Heard: Here’s How To Teach Your Kids To Speak Up (March 3, 2018), and in These Are The Toys Your Child Should Be Playing With, According To A Psychologist (March 23, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for Try This Movement Practice Before You Meditate being included in 10 Mindfulness Practices from Powerful Women (March 8, 2018), and for being included in 10 Free Meditations to Encourage Restful Sleep with her 1-Minute Grounding Meditation (March 23, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for the reference of his book in Love Bombing and Other Tactics from the Male Narcissist’s Handbook (March 27, 2018), for There’s Nothing Romantic About Love Bombing in Huffington Post (March 16, 2018), for being quoted in Curse Of Narcissism (March 12, 2018), and in 11 Subtle Signs You Might Be In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship in Huffington Post (March 5, 2018).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for being quoted in 11 Subtle Signs You Might Be In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship (March 5, 2018) on Huffington Post.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her presentation at #SWSW2018 titled “The Here & Wow! Contemplative Healthcare Practice” [recording here] (March 22, 2018), for being quoted in 6 Habit Changes To Help Your Mental Health—That You Can Do In Your Bathroom (March 13, 2018), in Making a List and Checking it Twice (March 14, 2018), and in A Negative Person Could be a Suffering Person (March 1, 2018.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for There’s one action above all that can make or break your company in the Financial Post (Canada) (March 2, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for the recommendation of her book in 16 Real Estate Books Every Agent and Broker Should Read (March 13, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Jon Lieff for being referenced in Music Therapy for MS: How Rhythm Can Help With Movement and Memory (March 9, 2018).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for this article 8 Tips For Raising Feminist Boys, From A Mother Who Has Been There (February 15, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her upcoming presentation at SXSW 2018: The Here & Wow! Contemplative Healthcare Practice on March 11, 2018, for her interview on the Annie Talks podcast. (February 15, 2018) and for The Good Leader (February 19, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) whose book is referenced in The hidden costs of letting your children be raised by screens and smart devices on CNBC.com (February 22, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for his article Narcissistic Personality Disorder (February 4, 2018), for How to Spot Covert Abusers: Meet the personality type most prone to secret abuse (February 16, 2018), and for being referenced in 7 Toxic Behaviors You Should Never Tolerate on PsychCentral.com (February 21, 2018), and quoted in Can narcissists actually change their ways? We asked the experts on msn.com (February 28, 2018).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for Domestic Abuse: The Fallacy of “He Said She Said” on PsychologyToday.com (February 13, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for How to be the CEO with fully engaged teams in the Financial Times (Canada) (February 27, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for his video Common Traits Of The Super Rich (January 4, 2018), and for being quoted in Truly, Madly, Deeply in Love… with Myself (January 4, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for the review of her book in Cincinnati Magazine online Screens: Are They Safe for Your Kids? (January 19, 2018), and for the recommendation of her book in Super cool books (January 4, 2018).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for Boost Your Brain in 2018, Week 1 Kickoff!: Enhance your future success with better brain health, a series on PsychologyToday.com (January 1, 2018), for Sharpen Your Mind With the MIND Diet: Boost your brain in 2018—week 2 of 4 (January 9, 2018), 3 Tips to Reduce Stress for Better Brain Health: Boost your brain in 2018—week 3 of 4 (January 16, 2018), and for Beyond Brain Games: Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by growing your “cognitive reserve” (January 22, 2018).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for the citing of her book in Science Says the Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These 8 Things on Inc. Magazine online (January 16, 2018), in 9 Things to Never Say to a Friend Who’s Had a Miscarriage on Reader’s Digest Magazine online (January 14, 2018), in Overweight Kid? Here’s How to Talk to Them Without Hurting Them (January 8, 2018), in Here’s Why It’s Normal to Feel “Regret” Over Becoming a Mom (January 4, 2018), and in 20 Awesome Children’s Books About Resilience (Sorted by Age) (January 7, 2018).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for Gender Inequality: Why healthy relationships must kick this dynamic to the curb on Psychology Today Magazine online. (January 9, 2018)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) whose earlier article in Psychology Today was cited in Urge social media generation to realize the value of privacy in the Brandeis University Independent Student Newspaper. (December 5, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for her expert advice quoted in How to Cure Homesickness on Your First Holiday Away From Family, According to a Psychologist on the MSN Lifestyle, Travel and Leisure and the Boston Herald (December 24, 2017), for her interview on Psych Central Work/Life Balance as a Therapist : An Interview with Stephanie O’Leary, Psy.D (December 5, 2017), for being quoted in Six-Year-Old Girl with 500,000 Instagram Followers Raises Concerns for Her Safety which was reprinted on several sites. (December 5, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in The Post that Hit A Nerve: Why Unloved Daughters Fall for Narcissists on PsychCentral.com. (December 30, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW (Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts) for Alabama, Our Daughters Are Watching in the Huffington Post. (December 12, 2017)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for her speaking engagement Parenting Event: “What Does Your Adopted Teen Need From You?” on January 20th in New York.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for the referral to her book Get 10,000+ Twitter Followers – Easily, Quickly, Ethically: Step-By-Step: You Can Do It! at the end of the article How great is the influence and risk of social and political ‘bots?’ (December 19, 2017), and in Last minute book Ideas for those hard-to-please family and friends. (December 16, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her expert advice in Want to Lighten Your Load this Holiday Season? These Experts Share How Meditation Helps! (December 17, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Fayth Parks for her successful event What Does Our Past Tell Us About Our Future? The Essential Role of Psychologists in Fighting HIV for the American Psychological Association. (October 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for Mind vs. Matter: Animal or Human? How can a bundle of neurons instinctively sense we are in danger? on Psychology Today.com. (December 21, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for The Sad Holiday: Songs and stories for hurting hearts on Psychology Today.com. (December 24, 2017)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for Dispelling Three Popular Myths About Alzheimer’s: Be inspired to build better brain health by knowing the facts about Alzheimer’s on PsychologyToday.com (December 7, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her interview/podcast Sivana Podcast: How To Thrive In The World And Still Stay Connected To Spirit – Interview With Cara Bradley. (November 10, 2017)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her presentation Victoria Dunckley – Haywire: The Unique Vulnerabilities of Autism to Electronic Screen Media (November 19, 2017) and for being referenced in Parents and Teens: Are We Addicted To Our Screens?: How Screen Dependence Is Impacting Children and Families (November 12, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen ) for being featured in 7 Healthy Holiday Meals that Taste Delicious (November 14, 2017)
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for Overcoming the Misuse of Male Privilege and Power on Psychology Today. (November 29, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in 5 Ways to avoid holiday conflict when your family is just the worst (November 22, 2017), for being the catalyst for 5 research-backed ways to deal with narcissists. (November 11, 2017), for being referenced in Were You Raise By a Narcissist? These Are The 5 Telltale Signs. (November 16, 2017), for being referenced in Illuminating Malignant Narcissism: The Need to Recognize and Understand How Much Danger We Are In (November 8, 2017), and in Psychologists Respond To Trump’s Mental Health/ TX Shooting Remarks Perfectly (November 6, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kathleen Trainor, PsyD (Calming Your Anxious Child: Words to Say and Things to Do) whose book was referenced in this Author Interview with Elly Swartz (November 2, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for being referenced in Dos and Don’ts for Discussing Politics with Family Members (November 22, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for How new executives can build team trust quickly: Lessons from science. (November 28, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for being referenced in How being grateful makes us healthier in the Dallas News (November 21, 2017) and in The Power of Gratitude (November 21, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for Want To Avoid Stress This Thanksgiving? Westchester Expert Shares Advice (November 22, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW (Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts) for Call It What It Is: Child Sexual Abuse in the Huffington Post. (November 10, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for being quoted in Discover how to give gifts and receive them with compassion. (November 7, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Angie Viets for Heavy Hearts: Subtle shifts to cope when the world feels too scary on PsychologyToday.com (October 5, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for The Good Leader: Which Qualities in Your Boss Bring Out the Best (or Worst) in You? on PsychologyToday.com (October 2, 2017).
Kudos to Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for her podcast interview Tweet Tweet with Cathy Turney with Sacramento Spirit on Blog Talk Radio (October 11, 2017) and for her Guest post Cathy Turney: Twitter, Why, Why, Why? on Authors Large and Small (October 2, 2017), and reprinted here (October 16, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for Go from startup to sale, with values intact and still top of mind on financialpost.com, montrealgazette.com, vancouversun.com, edmontonjournal.com, thestarphoenix.com, calgaryherald.com, the province.com, ottawacitizen.com, business.financialpost.com, worldnews.easybranches.com, calgaryherald.com, windsorstar.com, canada.com (October 12, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) whose article The Transformative Power of Gratitude in the Huffington Post inspired cultivate an attitude of gratitude … on the Daily Dress Project blog. (October 3, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her piece Taking a Deeper Look at the “Negative Person” (October 24, 2017), for inspiring 5 Techniques for Protecting Yourself Against Negative Energies (October 25, 2017), for being included in How to live a creative life (October 21, 2017), and for What’s Love Got to Do With It in Psychology Today online (October 27, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in 3 Sneaky Techniques Covert Narcissists Use to Disarm and Demean You (October 11, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) for the Children’s Nutrition Workshop (based on her book) that she led at Hull (MA) Public Schools (October 23, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for the reference to her book in Benefits of Gratitude (October 16, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being referenced in How to Spot the Subtle Signs of Bullying on the Microsoft News website (October 26, 2017), and in 5 Ways You Might Be Cyberbullying Someone Without Realizing It on the Teen Vogue website (October 10, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) or being referenced in 7 Ways To Reduce Stress In Tense Times (October 28, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Karen Esterhammer (So Happiness to Meet You) for being named Erma Bombeck Humor Writer of the Month by Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop at University of Dayton! Congratulations!
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for inspiring My Beautiful Korean Journey (September 28, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being included in 10 Things Teenagers Should Know How to Do By Themselves on the GoodHousekeeping.com (September 20, 2017), in Science Says the Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These 9 Things (September 22, 2017), and for 5 Ways to Help Your Child Deal With Change (September 12, 2017), and in How to Talk to Your Kids About Scary Things on the Microsoft News website (September 11, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being included in Mobile Devices, Kids, and School: Mix With Caution! (September 28, 2017), and in 10 Proven Ways to Give Your Child’s Brainpower a Mega Boost (September 15, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his article How a leader can introduce relational energy, affirmation and ethics in the Financial Post. (September 1, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in Is a Lack of Hands-on Work Making Us Angry? (September 1, 2017)
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being referenced in How Do You Know If You’re Ready To Get Engaged? 7 Signs The Timing Is Right, According To Experts (September 25, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being referenced in Secret to Happiness and Creative Potential Lies with Your Own Two Hands (September 17, 2017), and in 15 Women Who Realized (Too Late) That Being A Mom Wasn’t For Them (September 10, 2017).
Kudos to Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for being promoted in The Watchdog: How Twitter can stop a ripoff in the Denton Record Chronicle (September 24, 2017), for writing Five Easy Ways to Launch Your Writing into the Twittersphere (September 13, 2017), and congratulations for winning a Gold Star for the cover design of her latest e-book, Get 10,000+ Twitter Followers – Easily, Quickly, Ethically (September 25, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in Feeling Overwhelmed? The (Boston) MFA Says One Minute With A Rothko Painting Could Help on WBUR-FM, Boston’s NPR news station (September 22, 2017) and for being referenced in Healthy Self-Regard and Narcissism: Do You Know the Difference? (September 17, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kristen Carpenter-Ogden for her speaking engagement at Interbike, the largest bicycle industry trade show in North America. (September 13, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being the inspiration for the blog post What Facebook Can’t Do (August 2, 2017), in Narcissism and Capacity for Change (August 2, 2017) and in 5 Red Flags to Help Spot the Narcissist in Your Life Early (August 1, 2017), for being quoted in The Narcissist’s Playbook: Ten Tactics to Recognize on PsychCentral (August 17, 2017), in 5 important myths (and facts) about narcissism (August 31, 2017), and in Neuroscience: You Can Stay Resilient in Any Situation (and Here’s How) (August 17, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Angie Viets for her article Reunite With Your Soul, Self and Sisterhood on the Psychology Today website. (August 30, 2017).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner Is It Time To Break Up? 9 Signs Your Relationship Is Past Its Expiration Date for being quoted in . (August 17, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for publishing the audio version of her book. Interview with the narrator here. (August 18, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in My Child Likes to be Dirty! What Should I Do? (August 29, 2017), and in How Creativity Can Help You Find Your Way Back to You (August 17, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his article How to avoid CEO-itis, from Hill + Knowlton’s top exec. Part 2 of 2 (August 17, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in 8 Ways You Can Ease Your Anxiety When You Send Your Kid to Kindergarten which was picked up and published in four additional blog posts. (August 16, 2017), for being quoted in 5 Parenting Tips for Raising a Left-Handed Child (August 24, 2017), and in 5 Ways Your Kids’ Favorite Toys Actually Have Scientific Benefits (August 8, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted in Your mentality isn’t ready for virtual reality (August 18, 2017), in Your mentality isn’t ready for virtual reality (August 18, 2017) and in Neuro-Imaging Shows Screen Time Leading to Brain Damage (August 31, 2017), and for her expert advice in Ask the Experts: Deciding when to return to work (August 17, 2017).
JULY 2017
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in 11 Little Habits That Can Damage Your Relationship With Your Parents (July 10, 2017), in 5 Awful Things Kids Say to Their Parents — & What to Do When It Happens (July 6, 2017), and in Does Giving Your Kid An Allowance Teach Responsibility? (July 5, 2017).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for What The Handmaid’s Tale Can Teach Us About Coerced Women: Subjugation in the home today on the Psychology Today website (July 18, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being referenced in How to Live a More Creative Life (July 31, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for contributing to the upcoming The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President (publishing October 3, 2017), for being quoted in Do You Think You’re a “Magnet” for Narcissists? 4 Things to Consider on PsychCentral (July 26, 2017), and in How To Tell If Someone You Know Is A Narcissist (July 25, 2017), in 4 Signs to know that you’re in Love with the Wrong Person (July 23, 2017), in Why the Pain of a Broken Heart Mimics a Heart Attack: Rita Watson (July 17, 2017), in 3 Sneaky Techniques Covert Narcissists Use to Disarm and Demean You (July 16, 2017), in Kane County Divorce Lawyer : Six reasons It’s Easy to be Trapped by a Narcissist (July 16, 2017), and in Meet the Real Narcissists. (They’re Not What You Think.) (July 14, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Greg Cason for being referenced in Six negative thoughts that can destroy a relationship originally published in the Huffington Post. (July 27, 2017)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for being referenced in Setting Limits with Adopted Teens-If the Answer is No, Say No (July 12, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for her interview with Medical Daily for What Causes Brain Farts and How To Prevent Them, published on the International Business Times website and picked up by several others. (July 22, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her reference in Your brain isnt ready for virtual reality (July 15, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in The Best Way To Handle Kids’ Separation Anxiety Isn’t What You Think (July 26, 2017) and in Just Because Someone Has Boy-Girl Twins Doesn’t Mean They’re ‘Done’ (July 20, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen ) for being featured in 5 Healthy Cookbooks That Were Made Just For Runners (July 19, 2017).
JUNE 2017

Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) on being published in the first special issue in a peer reviewed journal on plant-based nutrition: The Journal of Geriatric Cardiology!, and for leading a discussion & food recipe demonstration at the Block Island (RI) Medical Center. (June 10, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for inspiring Hi, I’m Allie, and I’m a Social Media–holic (May 28, 2017), for having her Psychology Today article featured as June Monthly Favorite on this mom blog (June 19, 2017), for being quoted in this opinion piece in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Gwinnett parents and all parents ought to be wary of digital push (June 22, 2017), in Environment: Wireless Trends in Kindred Spirit Magazine (UK) (June 18, 2017), and for her presentation at Screentime Coloroado: An Expert Forum on Children, Screens, Privacy and Health (June 27, 2017).
VIRAL UPDATE: The Good Morning America video about a family’s electronic fast for 4 weeks: Amazing turnaround/results with Dr. Dunckley’s program from Reset Your Child’s Brain—as of June 27, it has 2.4 million views, 3.9K likes, 2,655 shares and 265 comments on Facebook alone!
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being featured in Self-Care for Parents of Children With ADHD on HealthCentral.com (June 12, 2017) and for being quoted in How to Read Your Kid’s Body Language (June 22, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for being referenced in Koko Robin Williams for Dummies (June 17, 2017), and for If for Just One Day We Could Smell as a Dog Does in Psychology Today (June 28, 2017)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dylan Klemper. The National Arts Stabilization published his narrative essay Of Birds and Butterflies: On the Convergence of Arts and Healthcare in its first issue of a new Journal. Proof that writers can get well paid for well-written and timely narrative essays!
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for getting 262,241 views to date of his YouTube channel, for being featured in the Carlat Psychiatry Report June 2017, for being quoted in On a Carousel with a Narcissist? 5 Steps to Get Off on PsychCentral.com (June 15, 2017), in The Real Narcisists on WillingWays.org (Pakistan) (June 15, 2017), in In Delusional Tweet, Trump Claims ‘Vindication’ From ‘Leaker’ Comey. Gets EPIC Response on PoliticalDig.com (June 9, 2017), and for being quoted in 4 Behaviors That Unmask Narcissists… (June 27, 2017)
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being quoted by NBC News in How to Talk Consent and College with Young Adults. (June 8, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her 2014 article in Psychology Today being quoted in About That New York Times Movie List… by WTLM radio. (June 16, 2017), for being referenced in 5 Powerful Reality Checks For Survivors Of Narcissistic Abuse (June 28, 2017), and for her interview on Lawyers with Depression, The Creativity Cure for Depression: An Interview with Dr. Carrie Barron (June 30, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Jon Lieff for being quoted from his blog in The Tasteless Network Engineer. (June 19, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for the publication of Chris Bogart: CEO with insight into startup, M&A and corporate worlds on the Financial Post website (June 1, 2017), and for his article A CEO’s lessons on learning, losing and lasting in the Financial Post (Canada) (June 22, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for Top Tips for Brain Blips for in HealthNewsDigest.com (June 30, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Teri Scheinzeit. Her book, Success Without Stress: Simple Steps to Finding Calm for Women Business Owners, is one of five finalists for the 2017 New Generation Indie Book Awards and Fnalist for 2017 International Book Awards Finalist
MAY 2017
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted in These Children With An Obsession With Electronic Devices Get An Intervention on ABC News and picked up by dozens of other outlets (May 18, 2017), and the companion piece Resources for parents, loved ones wanting to break extreme electronics usage habits on ABC News Radio (May 18, 2017), for being referenced in Want a phone that’s just a phone? You’ll struggle to find one on AFRWeekend.com (Australia) (May 1, 2017) and Culture Clips: We’re Consuming More, More Media (May 24, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for Is public shaming now our biggest fear? on Marie Claire.com (May 5, 2017), and for her interview on Lawyers With Depression.com (May 30, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in Fidget Spinners Are Selling Out Everywhere—Here’s Why (May 8, 2017), Family Central celebrates Screen-Free Week through May-7 (May 5, 2017), SheKnows Media misses with Hatch Tweens meet gender expert video (May 2, 2017), The Art of Complaining Constructively on the NBC News website and reprinted on several other sites (May 25, 2017), for being quoted in 5 Things Parents of Successful Kids do Differently (May 19, 2017), and for being quoted in How some women replaced pain with purpose and joy on Mother’s Day and reposted on six additional sites (May 15, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in 9 Things You Need to Do If You’re Involved With a Narcissist on Psychology Today.com (May 31, 2017); in Echoism: The Flip Side of Narcissism (May 31, 2017) and in 9 Things A Narcissist Will Never Do on PsyCentral.com (May 22, 2017) and for being referenced in In praise of selfish women (May 13, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Nora Hall (Survive Your Husband’s Retirement) for her presentation on preparing for and surviving retirement Are You Ready for Retirement at the Westerly Library in Pawcatuck, CT (May 3, 2017) and for being quoted in It’s that time of year, RIers give tips to grads (May 23, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for these posts in the Financial Post (Canada): Leadership tips from the world’s No. 1 executive coach. Part 1 of 3 (May 10, 2017), Words of wisdom from the world’s top executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith. Part 2 of 3 (May 11, 2017), CEOs are no longer embarrassed to need help: World’s leading executive coach. Part 3 of 3 (May 12, 2017), The Source president Charles Brown: ‘I get to work at 6:30 a.m. to have time to reflect, so I don’t just react.’ Part 1 (May 10, 2017), and The Source president Charles Brown: How to navigate profound change in times of retail closures. Part 2 (May 10, 2017).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for Coercion in Intimate Relationships: How therapists unknowingly can hurt the people they want to help on Psychology Today.com. (May 30, 2017).
APRIL 2017
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner School Fundraisers: My Kids Didn’t Get A Prize, But It Did Teach Them A Valuable Lesson for publication of on Scary Mommy.com (April 15, 2017), and 25 Ways to Spark Your Child’s Creative Thinking on Parents Magazine.com (April 4, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger (Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years) for for the excellent review of her book by Hannah Meadows. (April 21, 2017).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) for Coercive Control of Women: Where we are now and why we need to go further on Psychology Today.com (April 28, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for being sourced for My take on Feminism – What a woman is capable of if she decides to step up and take responsibility! (April 14, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for her presentation Parenting in the Real World at the Albert Wisner Library in Warwick, NY (April 27, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for Alterna CEO Rob Paterson: Knowledge is not power unless it is shared with others on FinancialPost.com and picked up by WorldNews.com (April 3, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. John Lieff for being quoted in Take care of your savings by taking care of your brain which was picked up and reposted on several websites. (April 29, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her presentation on the expert panel at Screen Time in Schools in Denver. (April 20, 2017) and for being referenced in 60 Minutes Explores Tech Designed To Be Addictive on EduResearcher.com (April 14, 2017).
MARCH 2017
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for being featured in Mindfulness in the Classroom on ABC30 TV News (Buffalo, NY) (March 13, 2017), and in Teaching mindfulness in school on Detroit TV News (March 9, 2017), WFMX-TV News (PA/NJ) (March 7, 2017), and in Replacing Detention with Meditation Benefits Students and Schools (March 11, 2017) on the Dharma Round Up blog.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being highlighted in Does your signature reveal you are a NARCISSIST? Researchers find large signatures are a sign of dark traits, for Patient in Chief: Controversy over the POTUS’s mental health continues to grow. (March 16, 2017), and for being quoted in 10 Projections From The Mind of A Narcissist on Power of Positivity (March 19, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in Bill seeks escape hatch from state tests; using it wouldn’t ruin kids in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (March 12, 2017), for being quoted in Use dinnertime to face time in real time with your children in the Poughkeepsie Journal (March 29, 2017), for being quoted in Are parents turning kids into ‘snowflakes’ by opting them out of testing? in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (March 14, 2017), and for being featured in How to Handle Any Tricky Parenting Situation by Fit Bottomoned Mamas (March 14, 2017).
Kudos to Carol Lambert (Women with Controlling Partners) here for Dating and Coercive Control on Psychology Today (March 1, 2017) and reprinted (March 2, 2017), and Coercive Control in Intimate Relationships: 4 ways women are made vulnerable on Psychology Today. (March 31, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Angie Viets Indie Author Weekly Update whose author platform case study on Lisa Tener’s blog was also highlighted in on Social Media Just for Writers. (March 10, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his article What’s your secret CEO superpower? Wrong answer if you said strength, bravery or resilience in the Financial Post. (March 13, 2017), and for ‘Rudeness is one of the biggest issues facing workplaces today‘ on CBC News (Canada) and on Yahoo! Finance. (March 12, 2017)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in Inviting Discussion About Safer Tech Use in Schools (March 26, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) The 8 types of women you absolutely need in your friend tribe for the reference to her book in (March 14, 2017)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Bonnie Leonard and South County Writers Workshop participant Rae Ferguson on being featured in this New York Times article (both on the website and Sunday March 5 print version) on the trend of people working longer and better into their 70’s and beyond. So excited to have been able to introduce them to the excellent journalist who wrote this informative and inspiring article, my colleague John Hanc.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Lissa Wheeler on the publication of her book Engaging Resilience.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Leslie Shapiro (Understanding OCD: Skills to Control the Conscience and Outsmart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) for her new CEU course based on her book. (February 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michelle Braun for her brand new column “High Octane Brain” in Psychology Today Online. Her first post became an “essential read”!(February 17, 2017) and for 3 Simple Steps to Boosting Your Brainpower (February 3, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Dr. Diane Radford (Bless Your Little Cotton Sox) for this excellent Kirkus Review of her book. (February 23, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in Shattered values; weakening of democracy in the Filipino Reporter online. (February 4, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being listed as a resource for this popular article: Screen time: How too much electronic media can be bad for our children (February 9, 2017), for being referenced in Giving Students Wi-Fi Has Made Lessons Chaotic (February 13, 2017), and in Parenting in the Digital Age and on several other outlets (February 12, 2017), for presenting Resetting the ADHD Brain: Improving mood, focus, behavior and sleep by reversing the effects of screen-time at the AutismOne 2017 Conference in Colorado. (May 24, 2017), and for being quoted in Opinion: The day the men died — Why young men are failing in society in The Ledger. (February 27, 2017), for being referenced in DI Families Share Tactics For Taming Tech Use in The Daniel Island News (February 1, 2017), and for her presentation Reset Your Child’s Brain: Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen Time to the Los Altos (CA) community sponsored by the education foundation Los Altos-Mountain View School Speaker Series (February 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in Behaviors That Unmask Narcissists (February 15, 2017), for being included in 14 Psychologists Describe What It’s Like to Treat a Narcissistic Patient (February 11, 2017), and in How to Know if You’re Dating a Narcissist (February 11, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for being quoted in Melania’s first job as first lady is to protect Barron in the New York Post and picked up by several other outlets (February 6, 2017), for being interviewed for The Best Color To Wear In Winter For SAD, According To A Psychologist (tip #2)(February 7, 2017) and for 7 Simple Steps to Handle Any Parenting Situation on MommyFactor.com (February 28, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. James F. Zender Who Is Responsible For the Crash? for on Psychology Today online (February 10, 2017). Dr. Zender’s column was chosen as an essential read for the third week and article in a row, including Free Hands Do Not Mean Free Minds: The problem of distracted driving (February 24, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for publication of Episode 45: Mental Strength Training on Giam’s meditation app, Untangle, for having her On The Verge app implemented district-wide for their mindfulness program in the Great Valley (PA) school district, for her continuing podcasts, and for How to Wake Up Your Body for Morning Meditation (February 10, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Greg Cason for being quoted in Donald Trump Is An Untreated Al-Anon on the Good website. (February 24, 2017), and My Ex-Boyfriend’s Social Media Shows No Trace of Our Relationship. How Do I Cope? published on his column “Ask Dr. Greg” (February 7, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen) for this endorsement on the Chocolate Runs Judy blog. (February 14, 2017).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Bridget Engel (Guidance to Go) for being referenced in Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day To Change Your Life For Good! (February 17, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden The Right Way to Be Generous for being sourced for s on Success.com (February 1, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary (Parenting in the Real World) for the extensive coverage of the release of her book: Dr. Stephanie O’Leary Releases PARENTING IN THE REAL WORLD, for being quoted in Pre-K Program Teaches Kids How To Handle Their Emotions Before They Act Out (January 18, 2017), for her article The Secret Power of Chores on Pittsburgh Parent.com (January 17, 2017), for Parenting Pointers: 7 Simple Steps to Handle Any Parenting Situation on Motherhood Moments. (January 17, 2017), and for the excerpt of Parenting in the Real World in How To Be Happy In Your Family Life (January 15, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for her January 30 52 Ways to Love Your Body Event in San Francisco, and for the excellent review of Full: How I Learned to Satisfy My Insatiable Hunger & Feed My Soul on PsychCentral. (January 20, 2017).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for The Case For Choosing Downtime Over Organized Sports published on Scarymommy.com (January 14, 2017), and for being quoted in 6 Parenting ‘Fails’ That Are Actually Wins on Parents.com (January 17, 2017), and for being quoted in 7 Signs Someone Definitely Isn’t “The One” (January 2, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in 6 Ways To Know You Were Raised By Narcissists (January 3, 2017), and in 6 Signs that Your Partner is Emotionally Abusive on PsychCentral.com (January 31, 2017), and for being quoted in Here’s how we can change the domestic violence statistics in 2017. (January 2, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. John Lieff for being quoted in Take care of your savings by taking care of your brain in the Star Tribune, the Times Union, the Post Gazette, Hawaiiantel.net and dozens more (January 21, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Angie Viets for The Importance of Slowing Down published on PsychologyToday.com (January 19, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen) for being cited in Follow This Eating Guide Based On Your Activity Levels on Women’s Running (January 24, 2017), and again in 3 Small Steps To Reclaim Your Nutrition And Eating Habits (January 10, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) was cited in The Loneliest Whale in the World? published in The Washington Post (January 26, 2017).
Kudos to Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for Chairing The National Society of Newspaper Columnists 2017 Annual Column Contest. (January 2, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden Franklin Templeton Investments’ new CEO: Success takes a lot of hard work for in The Financial Post (February 17, 2017).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for publication of For Wayfair’s Canadian chief, the key to being a game changer is bravery in the Financial Post (Canada) (December 21, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client, Dr. John Lieff, for being quoted in What Are the Smartest Animals on the Planet? (December 6, 2016) and for being quoted in Don’t Give Trump The Satisfaction Of Stressing You Out, published on GoodHealth.com with over 4,000 shares. (December 15, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) for her apple-lemon breakfast recipe from her book A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body published on Forks Over Knives (January 5, 2017)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in #9 of 9 little ways to make your husband feel butterflies again, which was published here and on several online outlets (December 20, 2016), and in #10 in 22 signs you might be a narcissist (December 9, 2016), republished on 19 websites (so far), and #1 in 7 Signs that the Quiet Guy is a Narcissist After All on PsychCentral.com. (December 15, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen for being quoted in Why Practicing Gratitude Matters (December 1, 2016).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) whose book is quoted in Why is it important for kids to have a quiet time? (December 1, 2016), for the recommendation of her book in “Cell” Is Horror Movie About Cellphones (December 12, 2016), and for being quoted in Another addiction: Video games and screens? (December 11, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Angie Viets for Redefining Resolutions in Recovery, published in Psychology Today online. (December 21, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary for Holiday Stress-Busters For Parents, published on The Good Men Project website. (December 25, 2016), and for her interview in Parents’ guide to minimal holiday meltdowns (December 12, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for publication of For Wayfair’s Canadian chief, the key to being a game changer is bravery in the Financial Post (Canada) (December 21, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for being quoted in If Mammals Live Longer in Zoos, Does That Make Captivity OK? (November 16, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary for being referenced in How to talk to your kids about the election and the results (November 11, 2016), in An expert tells us how to talk to your kids after the election (November 9, 2016); in How to talk to kids about Donald Trump’s victory in the Dallas News (November 9, 2016); in How Do I Explain the Election Results to My Kids? on Yahoo! (November 9, 2016); in Oh, Dear! What do we tell our children? (November 11, 2016); in An expert tells us how to talk to your kids after the election (November 9, 2016); in How to talk to your children about the presidential election (November 9, 2016); in 30 Chores Kids and Teens Can Do For Thanksgiving on Woman’s Day.com (November 14, 2016), and for being quoted in 4 things not to say if you want to raise healthy tweens (November 29, 2016).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kathleen Trainor, PsyD (Calming Your Anxious Child: Words to Say and Things to Do) for being quoted in How parents can help disappointed kids cope with the Trump win in the Washington Post (November 10, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) whose 2014 blog post inspired Trump’s Racism and Misogyny Exploited Voters (November 3, 2016) and for being referenced in How creativity is a *major* mood-booster (November 11, 2016) and in To-Do Lists: Nurturing or Torturing? (November 6, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in How to Spot a Narcissist? By His Anger… on PsychCentral.com (November 11, 2016), 5 Reasons Unloved Daughters Fall For Narcissists (November 1, 2016), in 6 Signs You Were Raised By A Narcissist (November 1, 2016), and in Sexual Assault Awareness Month (November 4, 2016).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Stacy Corrigan (Manifest Your Man) for her article Healing Your Heartaches published on Psychyclub.com (November 9, 2016).
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for being quoted in 7 Signs You’re Tricking Yourself Into Thinking You’ve Found “The One” (November 5, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for Reflections from the C-Suite: Giving to Others as a Successful Business Strategy – An Interview with Serial Entrepreneur Eli Fathi published in the Huffington Post (November 1, 2016).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being quoted in Batman Virtual Reality Viewer: Worst Children’s Toy of the Year? (November 22, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for being quoted in Why Practicing Gratitude Matters, Even When Everything Is Awful in the Huffington Post, which trended on the web and was picked up by several other media outlets. (November 22, 2016)
Kudos to Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for her CUTV News Radio Spotlight (November 25, 2016)
Kudos to Carol Lambert on the publication of Women with Controlling Partners: Taking Back your Life from a Manipulative or Abusive Partner. (release date: December 1, 2016) and for her article You’re Not Crazy?He’s (or She’s) Controlling! in Psychology Today (October 22, 2016).
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Boosting your emotional intelligence may be key to winning and keeping friends on Today.com (October 4, 2016), and in Is it time to get help? Narcissism epidemic in Aquarius Magazine online (AE) (October 1, 2016); for being quoted in Do you have a narcissist in your life? These traits can be telltale signs on Today.com (October 24, 2016); for the review of his book on Dr. Gail Beck’s website (October 23, 2016); for being quoted in Narcissists are everywhere—but they may not be the people you think they are in The Washington Post (republished on several websites) (October 18, 2016); and for being quoted in Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy: Diet, Exercise, and—a Good Relationship? on Parents.com (October 17, 2016); in Unloved Daughters and The Appeal of the Controlling Partner on Psychology Today (October 11, 2016); in I blog, therefore I am narcissus (October 30, 2016); How Narcissism Hurts Us All (September 17, 2016); Why We Can’t Stop Reading About Trump in LA Weekly (October 30, 2016); and in Narcissistic Parenting: Its Harmful & Long-Term Side Effects On Children on Parent Herald. [Includes Video presentation by Dr. Malkin]. (October 30, 2016).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later) for Martha’s Story: TMS Offers an Alternative to Medication & Electroconvulsive Therapy on Psychcentral.com which was republished on blogs internationally. (October 7, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for the recent review of her keynote “Queering Yoga” at the Race and Yoga Conference held last April (October 12, 2016) and for this review of her book on PicklebacksandPaperbacks.com (October 18, 2016).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for participating in a “YMCA: Family Talk” presentation Parenting in the Age of Technology: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (October 19, 2016) and for being referenced in Digital Detox–At Every Age on the Goop website. (October 13, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen) for being referenced in The Quest For Veganism Continues on Vacation in Runners World (October 24, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dawn Davis for Advice to Those Who Are Stressed Over The Election (audio) on The Dean Obeidallah Show on SiriusXM radio (October 17, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Stephanie O’Leary for being interviewed for Things to Know Before Talking to Your Kids About the Election published on Pop Sugar (October 17, 2016); for her essay: 5 things your child can learn from Trump and Clinton on Newsworks.org (October 19, 2016); for being referenced in What can third-graders learn from Trump and Clinton? (October 11, 2016); and for her article Is It Smart To Talk Politics With Your Kids? in LionessMagazine.com (October 11, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Angie Viets for Dr. Phil: Please Stop Triggering People With Eating Disorders published in The Huffington Post (October 14, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her guest interview about creativity on The Gen Why Lawyer website (October 24, 2016); and for the inclusion of her book on this list of resources on the health benefits of knitting and crochet (October 14, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for ‘In order to make something happen, you have to dream it first’: Plan International Canada’s CEO in the Financial Post (Canada) (Octrober 21, 2016) and for being quoted in The upside of being always-on (October 8, 2016) on bbc.com.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kathleen Trainor, PsyD for her appearance on the WOSU Radio guess panel: Wellness Wednesday: Activity Trackers, Child Anxiety and Tattoo Safety podcast. (September 28, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Karin Esterhammer for signing a book contract with Prospect Park Books for So Happiness to Meet Your: Foolishly, Blissfully Stranded in Vietnam. Karin received more than one offer and had the exciting task of choosing the best offer! The book comes out in July 2017.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) for her interview for 8 Must Knows Before Trying A Plant-Based Diet on the msn.com website. (September 12, 2016)
And a special kudos to Micaela on the birth of daughter Cadence Annamarie Karlsen on September 19, 2016 (6lbs, 11oz and 20.5 inches)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in The Real Narcissists on PsychologyToday.com, for being quoted in 5 Moments Getting Back Together With An Ex is a Waste of Time on FemaleNetwork.com (September 27, 2016), in What to Do When a Woman Doesn’t Like You (September 15, 2016), in 5 Things A Narcissist Never Does on PsychCentral (September 15, 2016), and for the viral piece 8 Common Effects of Narcissistic Parenting on PsychologyToday.com (September 20, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for The Therapeutic Benefits of Beautiful Sights and Things on PsychologyToday.com (September 6, 2016) and for her keynote address at Sister Circles at Illinois State University (September 24, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Greg Cason for being quoted in How to Stay Married When You’re with Hillary but he’s with Trump on the Huffington Post.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his article LGM Financial Services CEO Adam Hill believes helping others is good for business on the FinancialPost.com website (September 12, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Micaela Karlsen (A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better Body) for being referenced in this Mini Chickpea Quiches (or Frittatas) recipe (August 26, 2016)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in Be aware of negative impact of technology, mothers told in the Brunei Times (August 26, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her article Train Your Mind To Have The Fierce Focus Of An Olympian in The Huffington Post (August 12, 2016) and for being referenced in Sharpen Your Mental Strength To Improve Your Body (August 27, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW (Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts) for her article Here’s Why Roger Ailes’ Sexual Harassment Victims Took So Long To Speak Up in The Huffington Post (August 15, 2016); for What No One Should Say To Huma Abedin About Anthony Weiner on The Huffington Post (August 30, 2016) and for the reviews of Moving Beyond Betrayal on Psychyclub.com.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for his article 4 Keys To Leaving A Bad Relationship in The Huffington Post (August 8, 2016); for being requoted from his 2014 TIME interview in Lindsay Lohan Exposes a Sad Reality About Abuse on the attn: website; for being quoted in Does your office have a clear hierarchy? Then you could be a narcissist, researchers say in the Daily Mail (UK) (August 17, 2016
Kudos to Write Your Book clients Alton & Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) whose book was quoted in Creativity, Productivity & Group Dynamics, the featured story on Mad Marketer (August 4, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his article Why You Want To be Stretched Outside Of Your Comfort Zone in The Huffington Post (August 11, 2016) and for his article Collaboration is key for Ottawa Hospital CEO Dr. Jack Kitts on the Financial Post (Canada) (August 23, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen for being referenced in Fresno State Women Need Each Other in Fresno State student publication The Collegian(August 30, 2016).
JULY 2016
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) on the paperback release of his book, for inclusion in These Simple Steps Will Improve Your Dating Life (July 15, 2016), and for being quoted in Why America can’t get enough of Trump’s campaign of spectacle. (The Buffalo News, July 22, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for being quoted in The 8 types of women you absolutely need in your friend tribe in the Huffington Post (July 19, 2016)
Kudos to Craig Dowden for the publication of The power of the team is stronger than the power of the individual in the Financial Post (CA) (July 28, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM (The Soul of All Living Creatures) for his New Hampshire Public Radio interview, The Inner Lives of Animals (July 19, 2016)
Kudos to Greg Cason for being quoted in Donald Trump’s Wife Says They Never Fight. Here’s Why That’s Not Good in The Huffington Post (July 18, 2016)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her contribution to Michael Phelps’ sister talks about sibling rivalry in the Chicago Tribune (July 22, 2016) and for being mentioned in Keep an eye on children’s screen time in The Brunei Times (May 16, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. James F. Zender on his column and first post on Psychology Today The New Normal: Helping Accident Survivors Move Forward (The meaning of auto accidents) (Jul 11, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW for her podcast interview on Carol the Coach: Boundaries for Partners of Sex Addicts (July 11, 2016)
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for being quoted alongside Marianne Williamson, Lady Gaga and Ralph Waldo Emerson: 14 Quotes to Make You Feel Beautiful on Yahoo! Style. (July 2, 2016)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kathleen Trainor, PsyD for her audio interview on KERA Radio: Dealing With Child Anxiety (July 6, 2016)
Kudos to Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her 2014 article being reprinted two years after writing: Helpful Words for the Severe Narcissist. (July 5, 2016)
JUNE 2016
Kudos to Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen) for being mentioned in FIFTY different articles regarding her involvement with NBA star Ray Allen’s new restaurant Grown. Is this America’s best fast food restaurant?
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Micaela Karlsen (A Plant Based Life) for the publication of her book and for her interview on the Just Jenny Show on Sirius XM, channel 109 (June 29, 2016) and for this review on Publishers Weekly.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kathleen Trainor, PsyD for coverage in the Washington Post: After a terrorist attack, how to keep a child’s anxiety at bay, and this very positive review in Library Journal.
Kudos to Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her guest interview on Blog Talk Radio’s Awakenings with Michele Meiche: On The Verge with Yoga Expert Cara Bradley (June 8, 2016), for the excerpt of her book on BeforeItsNews.com Finding Time in Silence (A Book Excerpt to Get You Grounded) (June 2, 2016), for her podcasts Wake up, Show up and learn to shine with Cara Bradley (June 24, 2016), and for being quoted in Slowing Down, Staying Present (June 20, 2016). Cara also presented her work at the NYU Bookstore on June 16.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being cited in the research for A narcissistic Leader tends to move towards being a Fascist leader. (June 9, 2016), for being quoted in 4 Reasons a Narcissist is like Catnip–at first… on PsychCentral (June 8, 2016) and for creating a 7 Hr CEC Credit course, Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad and Surprising Good about Feeling Special, based on his book.
Kudos to Greg Cason for being interviewed and quoted in The 6 Most Overlooked Reasons People Get Divorced and in 9 Ways To Deal With A Mother-In-Law Who Feels More Like A Monster-In-Law. (June 21, 2016), both in the Huffington Post and several other media outlets. (June 27, 2016)
Kudos to Fast Track Your Book Proposal participant Dr. Bobbi Wegner for her podcast interview here.
MAY 2016
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Annette Giacomazzi for her interview on The Sustainable Business Radio Show podcast, What Everyone Needs to Know about an Unsupportive Spouse (May 31, 2016)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later) for her interview on PM360 Elite: From Advertising Exec to Advocate to Elite Patient Advocate (May 25, 2016)
Kudos to Craig Dowden for his published interview of Liz Rodbell, President of Hudson’s Bay and Lord & Taylor department stores in the Financial Post (Canada) (May 9, 2016), and for his article Reflections from the C-Suite: An Interview with the CEO of McDonald’s Canada on The Huffington Post and picked up by three additional outlets including PsychologyToday.com (May 31, 2016).
Kudos to Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for her podcast interview Author2Author with Cara Bradley on Blog Talk Radio (May 4, 2016); for her article Against My Maternal Instinct in HuffPost Parents (May 5, 2016); for her BlogTalkRadio podcast discussing her book with Cyrus Webb. (May 11, 2016); for her podcast on Valerie Smaldone and Friends (May 1, 2016); for the review of her book on the SentinelSource.com (May 8, 2016); and for her interview on Inspire Nation (May 5, 2016); for her Huffington Post article New College Grad? 5 Life Tips You Need to Know (May 27, 2016); for ‘Human potential junkie’ says we all can excel on Philly.com (May 22, 2016); for her podcast interview on CHI For Yourself (May 27, 2016); and this review of On the Verge on Confessions of a Fitness Instructor on May 25, 2016. “I could go on and on, but I want you to go pick up a copy for yourself.” Cara will be presenting her work at the NYU Bookstore on June 16.
Kudos to Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her article When Someone You Know Might Be Molesting a Child on Psychology Today (May 26, 2016).
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for his contribution to Why We Still Think About Rodin’s ‘The Thinker,’ Now Sitting Pensively At The Peabody Essex (May 16, 2016)
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for the review of her book on Psych Central.com (May 19, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW for We Each Have Our Own ‘Becky With the Good Hair’ on the Huffington Post (May 19, 2016).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Gus Ferrer, MD and his co-author Burke Lennihan on the publication of their book Cough Cures.
APRIL 2016
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Helen Deines on A Dance with Hummingbirds becoming an Amazon #1 bestseller in two catories and selling over 155 copies in less than 2 days! And congratulations to her editor Stuart Horwitz, and Howard Van Es, the Amazon Marketing expert.
Kudos to Cara Bradley (On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine) for the creation of her new app for IOS On the Verge released April 10, 2016. It’s free!; for her article Are You a We or a Me? in HuffPost Healthy Living (April 5, 2016); for her expert interview for Local Author’s Mental Technique Helps Villanova During Championship Run on CBSPhillly (April 6, 2016); for her podcast interview for Blog Talk Radio On The Verge-Cara Bradley on LOVE Cafre Radio with Scott Cluthe (April 7, 2016); for her interview with Bert Martinez on Money for Lunch podcast at Blog Talk Radio on April 11, 2016; for her expert interview with the Waltonian.com, Wildcat fever: From Villanova basketball, the thrill of victory (April 18, 2016); for her talk and book signing at the Yale Bookstore in New Haven, CT on April 19, 2016, and at Brown Bookstore in Providence, RI on April 21, 2016; for her interview On The Verge for Blog Talk Radio’s “Relationships with Dr. Skeen” program (April 21, 2016); for her expert interview for Mental strength coach Cara Bradley’s advice to Broad Street runners: ‘Be open to possibility’ for Philly Voice.com (April 25, 2016); for her article How To Slow Down & Stay Present—Even Under Major Stress for Mind Body Green.com (April 25, 2016); for her interview with Sandra Lee Schubert on Blog Talk Radio for “Wild woman Network” (April 26, 2016); and for her interview for the America Meditating program on Blog Talk Radio, On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine – Cara Bradley – America Meditating (April 29, 2016).
Kudos to Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her keynote address at the Detroit Institute of Arts Arts & Health Symposium(April 21, 2016); for being quoted in Knit and Crochet Lemons Bring Stress Awareness To Tax Payers (April 4, 2016); for her expert interview How Making Makes Us Happy and More Creative (April 11, 2016); for being quoted in Why Do Kids Love Playing in the Dirt So Much? (April 13, 2016); for being quotes in This innovative, women-only networking event took place 30,000 feet above the ground (April 19, 2016).
Kudos to Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for getting out the word for stories for her next book. Are you a Boomer woman? Boomers! I Would Like to Interview You (April 29, 2016)
Kudos to Craig Dowden for being quoted in The Possibility of Workplace Purpose on Huffington Post Business, and picked up on Wow.com (April 25, 2016); and for his interview with Red Hat’s CEO Jim Whitehurst on Huffington Post Arts & Culture, How Red Hat became the world’s first billion dollar open source company-An interview with CEO Jim Whitehurst, and picked up on newsreality.com (April 14, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW for her article Five Ways to Avoid Being “His Porn” on Huffpost Women (April 19, 2016).
Kudos to Kristin Carpenter-Ogden for being asked to sit on the powerhouse panel discussion at the Women Outside adventure forum in Durango, CO (April 14, 2016).
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for her interview for the Excellence Reporter, Dr. Randy Kamen: The Meaning of Life and Eternalizing Our Planet (April 18, 2016)
Kudos to Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen) for being cited (#5) in The Top 10 Wellness Tips You Never Knew You Needed (April 20, 2016).
Kudos to Greg Cason for inclusion in 7 Pieces Of Marriage Advice For Realists, Not Romantics (#3) in Huffpost Divorce (April 29, 2016).
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain), whose book is recommended at the end of 5 Reasons to consider a screen break in the Charlotte Observer (April 12, 2016)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Susan James for becoming a Huffington Post blogger (Arianna Huffington personally responded to her query!) and for her first article: The Invisible Altar: Guidance at End of Life (April 23, 2016), and for the creation of her new workshop When the Here & Now is Over Tomorrow’s Horizon; Facing Death with Grace.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for his book being featured and reviewed in the latest issue of New England Psychologist. For being quoted in What It Takes — 2016: Excerpt II From ‘BRIGHT, INFINITE, FUTURE’ in Huffpost Politics (April 28, 2016), in 13 Honest Confessions From People Married To Narcissists on Huffpost Divorce (April 27, 2016), in How to Confront My Boyfriend Without Being Jealous (April 25, 2016), in Analyzing the Language of Narcissists (April 25, 2016), in How To Spot (And Work With) The Office Narcissist (April 6, 2016) and From Office Narcissists To Equal Pay: This Week’s Top Leadership Stories (April 11, 2016) for FastCompany.com, in HOW Are We Fooled by a Narcissist? (Learn how!) on the Surviving Narcissistic Abuse blog (April 13, 2016), and in How to Help an Emotionally Needy Sister (April 7, 2016)
MARCH 2016
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in the Opinion piece Your brain isn’t ready for virtual reality (March 29, 2016).
Kudos to Kathleen Trainor, PsyD. (Calming Your Anxious Child) for being interviewed and quoted in After a terrorist attack, how to keep a child’s anxiety at bay in the Washington Post (March 23, 2016).
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for being quoted in How to love your body more (March 24, 2016)
Kudos to Dr. Pamela Oatis for being awarded the UT College of Medicine and Life Sciences Alumni Community Award. (March 24, 2016)
Kudos to Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen) on the grand opening of GROWN, Miami Heat’s Ray Allen Healthy Fast-Food Concept in South Miami UPDATED (March 25, 2016) Tara is a member of their health-knowledge squad.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM, author of The Soul of All Living Creatures for being quoted in The Chicago Tribune: Medical advances in care of aging zoo animals lead to difficult questions (March 4, 2016) and picked up here: Zoos today are long in the tooth, beak and antler (March 13, 2016) and on several other sites.
Kudos to Greg Cason for his expert interview on the Huffington Post for the article, What to Know Before Asking Your Spouse for an Open Marriage, which was also featured on several other sites. (March 22, 2016)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Is Technology Destroying Our Front Porch? on thealternativedaily.com (March 3, 2016)
Kudos to Craig Dowden whose report, Civility Matters, inspired this piece: Respect in the Workplace: Now is the Time to Bring it Back and Keep It! (March 21, 2016) and for his interview “I learned passion is infectious’: Mike Woollatt, CEO of Canada’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Association” published in the Financial Post (Canada) (March 18, 2016)
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her interview on PscyCentral.com: Treating Childhood Obesity with Integrative Psychiatry: Interview with Victoria Dunckley, MD (February 23, 2016)
Kudos to Craig Dowden for his interivew Openness and transparency are keys to success for Red Hat CEO published in the Financial Post (Canada) and picked up and published by eWallstreeter. (February 23, 2016)
Kudos to Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her invitation to address the Arts and Health Symposium as keynote speaker on April 21 at The Detroit Institute of Arts; for the recommendation of her book on this blog post, You Are Calm (February 26, 2016); for her interview on OneRadioNetwork.com (Texas), Using creativity for spiritual growth; and for her post on PsychologyToday.com: The Fear of Gaining Weight. (February 21, 2016).
Kudos to Tara Mardigan (Real Fit Kitchen) for being chosen to help Miami Heat’s Ray Allen and his wife prepare menus for their new restaurant. Miami Heat’s Ray Allen Opening Healthy Fast-Food Concept in South Miami (February 16, 2016) and for being interviewed and quoted in Diet advice for Pablo — whether he wants it or not in the Boston Globe (February 24, 2016).
Kudos to Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later) for her interview and feature 3000 Pulses Later on PsychCentral.com (February 1, 2016), and reprinted on the World News Network (February 2, 2016), and for her Reading & Book Signing at the Mark Twain Library in CT on February 24th.
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for Look for the Good and You Will Find It on tinybuddha.com (February 16, 2016), and for being included in Experts’ Tips to Love Your Body More on FitBottomedGirls.com (February 8, 2016)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for the continuing coverage of his article “A Psychologist’s Open Letter to U. S. Voters” on several blogs, and which was the basis of this article In the Shreveport Times, Humility lesson: We’re all turtles on fence posts. (February 1, 2016); for his test for narcissism being featured in This Simple Test From Harvard-Trained Psychologist Could Reveal if You Are a Narcissist — and Which Kind, which has seen 671 social shares. (February 26, 2016); and repeated on The Telegraph website (U.K.) (February 26, 2016) and on several other sites; and for the good review of his book by Dr. Jude Arnold here. (February 24, 2016)
Kudos to Kathleen Trainor, PsyD. (Calming Your Anxious Child) for the announcement of Calming Your Anxious Child in Publishers Weekly. (January 15, 2016)
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for Time for an “electronics fast?” reprinted on BeforeItsNews.com (January 30, 2016) and on Bob’s Blog. (January 30, 2016); for being quoted in Protecting Yourself from Wifi & Cellphone Toxicity, a Q&A with Ann Louise Gittleman on goop.com; for her Psychology Today column being highlighted in the Sonoma Index-Tribune (CA), Best Tips, Resources and Events for Sonoma Valley Parents, Students and Teachers (January 26, 2016); for having her book recommended in How Screen Time Affects Your Kid’s Brain (undated) and on Lifehack.com; for being referenced in The One Thing Your Kid Needs—and Isn’t Getting on the Real Simple website. (undated); for being referenced in The President Wants Every Student To Learn Computer Science. How Would That Work? on the NPR website , and picked up and run on twenty-nine (29) National Public television and radio station websites. (January 13, 2016)
Kudos to Dr. Carrie Barron and co-author Dr. Alton Barron (The Creativity Cure) for their upcoming workshop, It’s In Our Hands: How Making Makes Us Happy And More Creative on March 30th at the 4-week online course, Maker Workshop 3: Design Your Maker Space to Foster Lifelong Learnin, for the quote from their book that was highlighted on this blog: Holding tight to heal. (January 31, 2016), for their book being quoted and reviewed on How Using Your Hands Creatively Can Reduce Stress And Anxiety (January 22, 2016), for Carrie’s interview on Yahoo! Health for the article How David Bowie Helped Us Learn to Treasure Difference (January 11, 2016), and for being quoted in Tip #4 here: 12 Ways Your Home is Making You Fat (undated).
Kudos to Cara Bradley for being quoted in 5 Frugal Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions on Yahoo! Finance (January 6, 2016) and for her published Q&A interview on the founding of her nonprofit Mindfulness Through Movement. (January, 2016)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for A Psychologist’s Open Letter to U.S. Voters: A research-backed guide to picking the next president. (January 4, 2016)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for being quoted in UltimateYou Challenge Day 3: List 5 things that you are grateful for. (January 6, 2016), and for being quoted in Being a leader, and how she inspired me to be one too. (January 16, 2016)
Kudos to Craig Dowden for his article, Why we may want to go ‘old school’ for our next meeting: How technology may be undermining our learning and performance on the Huffington Post (January 7, 2016)
Kudos to Cara Bradley, author of the forthcoming book On the Verge, to be published by New World Library, for her article How Planting Seeds helps us Live Our Dreams. (December 12, 2015)
Kudos to Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being quoted in How Using Your Hands Creatively Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety which was picked up and reprinted on several blogs. (January 3, 2016); for her expert contribution in Why do we like making year-end lists? (December 20, 2015); and for all of her articles published in her Creativity Cure column on PsychologyToday.com.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being referenced in Is Trump’s Narcissism Really a Bad Thing? Originally published on PsychologyToday.com (December 25, 2015); for being referenced in 9 Things To Know About Loving Again After Emotional Abuse on Huffington Post. (December 18, 2015) ; for being reference in the article Are You A Narcissist? (December 15, 2015); for his new CEU Course on Rethinking Narcissism offered by PDResources (continuing education for health professionals) (December 14, 2015); and for being referenced in The Best Way to Handle Rejection from Women on MensHealth.com (December 4, 2015).
Kudos to Craig Dowden for Ikea Canada’s president brings his Swedish values to the workplace in the Financial Post (Canada) (December 10, 2015)
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for the review of her new book 52 Ways to Love Your Body. (December 17, 2015), and for her article How I Outnumbered My Inner Critic on Huffington Post. (December 17, 2015)
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her presentation Electronic Screen Syndrome: The Overstimulated Child (video) at the Wireless Technology & Public Health Forum in Mountain View, CA, in October. (December 9, 2015)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being quoted in 5 Things Psychologists Wish Their Patients Would Do on everydayhealth.com, Yahoo! News: Health News, and (December 1, 2015)
Kudos to Tara Mardigan for being mentioned in 7 Healthy Holiday Meals on Muscle & Fitness.com (November 26, 2015)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for receiving top billing in Oprah’s book Club newsletter (again!) (November 6, 2015), for being added to The 100 Most Followed Psychologists on Twitter by the British Psychological Society with 17,771 followers (November 18, 2015), for being quoted as an expert in 5 Things Psychologists Wish Their Patients Would Do on EveryDayHealth.com (November 16, 2015), for his appearance on CBS affiliate KBZ radio’s NightSide program in Boston (November 18, 2015), for the article on Inc.com, This Is A Sales Call, Not A Marriage Proposal based on his book (November 10, 2015), and for the review of his book on this blog (November 1, 2015). Dr. Malkin was also quoted in 7 tips for choosing the next president in the Reno Gazette-Journal (November 25, 2015)
Kudos to Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) whose book is listed (again!) as one of Today’s 18 Best Free Kindle Books (November 14, 2015) and for her interview for the article Walnut Creek Realtor laughs her way to real estate success in the Contra Costa Times and InsideBayArea.com (November 12, 2015)
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for her appearance on Coast to Coast AM with medical journalist Katie Singer discussing electromatnetic fields. (November 18, 2015), for being quoted in Can Too Much Screen Time Affect Our Kids Health and Wellness? on the Wyoming Middle School Blog. (November 15, 2015), and for being quoted in New Study Shows Shocking Consequences Of Childhood ‘Screen Time’ on the Thoughtfulwomen.org blog. (November 11, 2015)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for the great review and endorsement of his book on Blogcritics.com. (November 3, 2015)
Kudos to Dr. Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for her interview on The Health Zone show. (November 5, 2015)
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for the “thumbs up” recommendation of her book on psychcentral.com (November 1, 2015)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for “Think carefully before calling someone a narcissist” on Catholic Herald.com (UK) (October 29, 2015)
Kudos to Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later) for the raving review on Therese Borchard’s mental health blog: Martha’s Story: TMS Offers an Alternative to Medication and ECT. (October 29, 2015)
Kudos to Craig Dowden for being quoted in The Power of Purpose on Chief Learning Officer.com. (October 30, 2015)
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in Close to Home: Putting the genie back in the bottle on October 25, 2015 and in the blog post wifi, cell phones, cell phone towers, electromagnetic fields on October 19, 2015.
Kudos to Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later) for being referenced in 10 Drug-Free Alternative Treatments for Depression on PsychCentral.com. (reposted from an April 28, 2015 post on EveryDayHealth.com)
Kudos to Craig Dowden for his latest article on FinancialPost.com Teamwork and emotional intelligence are keys to success. October 21, 2015
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in You know my name, look up my number. October 21, 2015 and in Electromagnetic Dangers & Alien Communications on Coast to Coast AM (video) October 19, 2015.
Kudos to Dr. Patricia Hoy on the publiciation of Arts Awareness. October 21, 2015.
Kudos to Charman Driver for receiving the The NC State University College of Design Life Award. October 21, 2015.
Kudos to Carrie Barron (The Creativity Cure) for being mentioned in 15 Favorite Hobbies of Successful People, Like Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett (under #2 Meryl Streep). October 15, 2015.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for being a referenced expert in a blog post on October 14, 2015, and for being quoted in 21 Signs You’re a Narcissist (#10) on Popsugar.com. October 13, 2015.
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (52 Ways to Love Your Body) for the review of her book. October 14, 2015
Kudos to Martha Rhodes (3,000 Pulses Later) for being referenced in This Magnet Can Change Your Faith in God on TheDailyBeast.com. October 14, 2015.
Kudos to Micaela Karlsen for her speaking engagement at a medical conference attended by 600 physicians, nutritionists and other health care providers. Medical treatment with no side effects. October 16, 2015.
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain) for being referenced in Screentime is making your kids moody, crazy and lazy. October 15, 2015.
Kudos to Cathy Turney (Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success) for being interviewed and quoted in The New York Times, Advice on Lending to Adult Children. October 9, 2015
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism), for inspiring 6 Signs You Were Raised By A Narcissist by Anna Almendrala, the Huffington Post Healthy Living Editor, and picked up and published by several other media outlets worldwide, October 12, 2015; for being quoted from a 2014 Time article in Rihanna Poignantly Explains Why She Went Back to Chris Brown, October 13, 2015; for being referenced in 21 signs you’re a narcissist, October 10, 2015; and for being referenced in 8 Qs To Ask To Know If Your Jealousy Is Normal (Or WAY Out Of Hand), October 10, 2015.
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins (Full: How I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and seed my soul) for her podcast Love Your Body,October 11, 2015, and for the review of her new book, 52 Ways to Love Your Body.
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley (Reset Your Child’s Brain), whose article Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain on PsychologyToday.com inspired this “screen test”: I Stared at Screens for 48 Hours and Here’s What Happened… October 7, 2015 (UK)
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin for his book Rethinking Narcissism being referenced in the article 8 Ways to Tell If You’re in a Healthy Place on the Jealousy Spectrum on Em & Lo’s columm at Huffington Post on October 6, 2015, then picked up and published by several other outlets.
Kudos to Kate Weiler, co-author of Real Fit Kitchen for the feature on Drink Maple in Bostinno on October 5, 2015 It’s More than a Fad with Remarkable Growth.
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins for the review (and recommendation) of her book Full by Lindsay Goodlin, LCSW on her blog on October 2, 2015.
Kudos to Martha Rhodes for the review of her book 3000 Pulses Later, TMS Offers an Alternative to Depression Drugs and Electroconvulsive Therapy, on everydayhealth.com October 1, 2015.
Kudos to Dr. Randy Kamen (Behind the Therapy Door) for being cited in The two words you need to say more in your hospital on October 2, 2015, and again in Why the words ‘thank you’ lead to greater rewards on October 5, 2015.
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley for her TV interview on WGN Chicago Focus on Family: Reset Your Child’s Brain, and for being referenced in Coding class, then naptime: Computer science for the kindergarten set on October 5, 2015 in the Westside Gazette.
Kudos to Traci Bild (Get Your Girl Back: Revisit What’s Possible for Your Life) for being quoted in USAToday September 2, 2015, citing her August Huffington Post article 5 Truths: What Women Really Want but Are Fearful to Say, weighing in on the opportunity for Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer to affect work/life balance.
Kudos to Cathy Turney: Octavio Nuiry, Managing Editor of Housing News Report (voted Best Newsletter in 2015 per National Assoc. of Real Estate Editors) said about Cathy’s Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success: “If you could read only one real estate book, whether you are a seasoned real estate agent or new to the industry, this is the book for you.” You can read the whole review on page 26 here.
Kudos to Micaela Karlsen who weighs in on the food controversy on the Forks Over Knives Blog in Do Different People Really Need Radically Different Diets?
Kudos to Kimber Simpkins, author of FULL, for her September 21st article My Body Is My Best Friend in The Huffington Post.
Kudos to Carrie Barron, author of The Creativity Cure for being quoted in Health benefits for those who stick to their knitting in The Sacramento Bee.
Kudos to Tara Mardigan and Kate Weiler, authors of Real Fit Kitchen for their coverage in Boston Magazine on September 22, and for Tara’s free clinic in association with a pre-Boston Marathong event: Nutrition for Athletes, Weekend Warriors & Everyone in Between the same day.
Kudos to Craig Dowden for his keynote address at the Ottawa Business Summit on September 29, and for being quoted in Stop pigeonholing your employees with the Myers-Briggs test on CanadianBusiness.com.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin (Rethinking Narcissism) for his reading at the Belmont (MA) Public Library Author Series on October 1, for his interview by Jessica Reynolds (Chicago Tribune) Rethinking narcissism: A small dose may be good for you, which was picked up by several publications, for being quoted in Why Emotional Abuse Is Such A Neglected Topic, for mention in Smart Advice For When You Disagree Over What’s Really Risky For Your Kid on Yahoo! Parenting September 25, for a review in Newsday September 23, for being cited in this September 22 article in the Sunday New York Times Book Review. ‘Selfish,’ by Kim Kardashian West, and More, and for A Psychologist’s Open Letter to U.S. Voters on Psychology Today, September 17 and for his reference in 3 Signs You Need A Narcissist Exit Strategy on redonline.com (UK) on September 30, 2015.
Kudos to Carol Lambert for being quoted in Why Emotional Abuse Is Such A Neglected Topic in Covington News.
Kudos to Leslie Shapiro (Understanding OCD: Skills to Control the Conscience and Outsmart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) for her reading at the Harvard Coop on September 28.
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley, author of Reset Your Child’s Brain, for her article in Psychology Today being used by the Herald in its post Is it healthy to let children play on electronic gadgets?, for being quoted in this article: The Emerging Link between Wireless and Autism, for being interviewed by WGN Radio (Chicago) Reset Your Child’s Brain: “It’s the medium, not the message” , for The behavorial effects of electronics on a child’s brain on Fox11TV LA, and for this television interview on September 10, 2015.
Dr. Dunckley also had a speaking engagement and book signing of Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time at Boulder Book Store on September 16, 2015, was quoted in Coding Class, Then Naptime: Computer Science For The Kindergarten Set on npr.org, which was picked up by a dozen other media outlets.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM, being interviewed for Meanwhile In The Future: Endangered Animals Live In Armoured Zoos (Australia), and for his article Where Our Brain Ends and Our Mind Begins on Psychology Today.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for being interviewed in the article Healthy Narcissism? 8 Ways To Be (A Bit) More Like Donald Trump (Boston), and for Rethinking narcissism: A small dose may be good for you which quotes his book Rethinking Narcissism.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen, for being quoted on WebMD.com A Woman’s Guide to ‘Me’ Time: How to find the time for yourself and why it matters.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for How body language — and a hearing impairment — helped this Dragons’ Den pitch published in the Financial Post (Canada) on September 10, 2015.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for all of his recent coverage in the media. Praise continues to pour in for his book Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad—and Surprising Good—About Feeling Special, including this glowing review from PsychCentral “Among all the books that have been published on the topic in the past 10 years, Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad—and Surprising Good—About Feeling Special stands out as a definite must-read.”
Dr. Malkin continues to be quoted in the media worldwide: Time Inc. Network: Health: Are you an Introvert–or are you maybe an Undercover Narcissist? And on the topic of candidates running for office, this piece in the Huffington Post, A Psychologist’s Open Letter to U.S. Voters, has gotten over 3,000 “likes.” Rethinking Narcissism was chosen as Book of the Week by the UK’s Daily Mail. How to Protect Yourself from Narcissistic Family Members, Why some people stay with their partners even after abuse, What to Do When a Woman Doesn’t Like You, How to use narcissism to your advantage, and Are You an Undercover Narcissist? were picked up in many US publications. Dr. Malkin appeared on Wisconsin Public Radio on the Joy Cardin Show Feeling Special: The Down—And Surprising Upside—of Narcissism and on the Halli Casset-Jayne Show In Defense of Selfishness & Narcissism on Blog Talk Radio. The Boston Globe, Style Section featured Who’s the Star of the Game? putting fans in the spotlight.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his article Managing by walking around: ‘The staff all know me’ in the Financial Post.
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley, whose book, “Reset Your Child’s Brain” was highly recommended on OpEdNews.com. And for her appearance on Fox News LA on August 19th. And for reviews on blesstheirheartsmom.
Kudos for Writing in the Zoan graduate Robin Cofer for her guest appearance on Dr. Jackie Black’s WebTalkRadio show Turning the Page on Problem Solving to Finding Your Charism (Yes, YOURS!) on August 17.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for his 3-part video series for the Oprah.com website …for his recent articles at the Huffington Post: The Key to Spotting Hidden Narcissists and Why It’s Hard to Leave Narcissists…and for his guest in terview on the Ocean City, MD radio show “Rude Awakening” on Healthy Narcissism & Presidential Candidates.
JULY 2015
Kudos to to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen for her article in the Huffington Post: Self-Talk and Self-Compassion. And for her many upcoming speaking engagements.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Michael Travis for being quoted in this article Risks for High Potentials If They Switch Jobs.
Kudos to to Write Your Book client Traci Bild whose new book Get Your Girl Back is now available for pre-order at Amazon. 20% of the proceeds from sales of the book go to support Women for Women International, for women who are survivors of war.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vicki Tidwell Palmer for signing a contract with Central Recovery Press to publish her upcoming book Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution for Partners of Sex Addicts.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for Rethinking Narcissism being featured on the “Millions Most Anticipated” nonfiction list, and for the distribution of The Narcissism Test — What’s Your Score? on several popular sites. Also, Dr. Malkin’s article It’s OK to be a Little Narcissistic was published this week in the New York Post.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden Ph.D. for the publication of his article in the Financial Post: Leaders must decide whether to be pit bulls or orchestra conductors.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert for being quoted in the Huffington Post by Dr. Craig Malkin in the post Can Abuse Be Invisible?
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cathy Turney on winning Best Business Book of the Year (Gold) and Best E-book of the Year (Bronze) from the American Business Awards for Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Dr. Randy Kamen for her appearance on HuffPost LIVE explaining The Best Things to Do to Help you Find Gratitude, and for her Huffington Post article: The Fantasy of Perfection, which was also picked up by DailyMe.com and freeinews.com.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Deanne Capotosto, who just launched her new Website and Blog: D Living Simply to help readers live better through simplicity.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carol Lambert for signing a book deal with New Harbinger for You’re Not Crazy—He’s Controlling!
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden Ph.D. for his interview and article titled What W. Brett Wilson learned from his addiction to work and material things in the Financial Post, and for the publication of his white paper The Rise of the Rude: Public Service Executives Urge ‘Civility’ Policy being quoted in the EdmontonJournal.com,The Star Phoenix, Canada.com, LeaderPost.com, VancouverSun.com, OttawaCitizen.com, Bullfax.com, news.nationalpost.com, WindsorStar.com, CalgaryHerald.com, AND the MontrealGazette.com!
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for being quoted in this article: How to Leave My Narcissist Boyfriend and for being quoted in What makes someone create a ‘false self‘? (regarding Rachel Dolezal)
Kudos to Write Your Book client Megan Dalla-Camina for the publication of her new e-book Rise and Shine: Creating the career & life you love.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Victoria Dunckley for presenting as a panelist discussing the effects of EMFs on children on June 22 at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco. Cell Phones & Wireless Technologies: Should Safety Guidelines Be Strengthened?
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Michael Travis for his recent interview in Forbes online, Looking To Hire The Perfect Talent? Tips From A Top Headhunter and for his interview on 33 Voices, Mastering the Art of Recruiting.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden Ph.D. for his article published in The Financial Post, Want a healthier corporate culture? Avoid email and embrace scoreboards.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Carrie Barron, MD for for her article published at Psychology Today online, How Technical Devices Influence Children’s Brains.
Kudos to Tara Mardigan and Kate Weiler. Real Fit Kitchen: Fuel Your Body, Improve Energy, and Increase Strength with Every Meal is now available for preorder on Amazon.
Kudos to former Write Your Book intern Rachel Horwitz for acquiring representation with a literary agent.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Dr. Diane Radford for being quoted in this article on breast cancer diagnosis at Healthline online.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Dr. Randy Kamen for two articles published in the Huffington Post: How Self Love Gave Me the Strength to Overcome Life’s Challenges, and My Journey Toward Gratitude.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden Ph.D. for his article on the Financial Post website May 8th, Why every executive team should have a Devil’s Advocate.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for his recent article in the Huffington Post: Why Parental Praise Doesn’t Cause Narcissism and What Does.
Kudos to Patricia Hoy for her interview on NPR: The Importance of Arts Education.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for this excellent Kirkus review of Rethinking Narcissism, and for this review at Publishers Weekly online, as well as articles in Forbes, Business Insider and more.
Kudos to Craig Dowden, Ph.D. for his article in Psychology Today online April 29. Smart Leaders Know They Need to Put Their Phones Away: How smartphones can negatively impact our leadership and organizational success.
Kudos to Karen Packwood on her contribution to an anthology that became a #1 Amazon Bestseller this month, SuperWoman Myths: Break the Rules of Silence and Speak UP Your Truth. And also on opening her new business: Spirit Spa International.
Kudos to Larry Kilham for his article Collective Intelligence for Mega Problem Solving in the Huffington Post and for his new edition of Great Idea to Great Company.
Kudos to Inspiration to Author graduate Karen Packwood on her contribution to an anthology that became an Amazon Bestseller, SuperWoman Myths: Break the Rules of Silence and Speak UP Your Truth . And also on opening her new business: Spirit Spa International.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for his first pre-release book review: “A great deal of ink has been spilled criticizing our self-obsessed culture, where our values seem to be driven more by how we want to be perceived and what we own more than who we are. In Rethinking Narcissism, Dr. Malkin offers a ray of hope, revealing the surprising good news about narcissism, exploring the complexities of narcissistic traits and deflating popular myths. Most importantly, he shows us how to develop a healthy sense of narcissism and how to manage relationships with narcissistic partners, friends, colleagues, and family.” — Dr. Drew Pinsky, author of The Mirror Effect
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Michael Travis author of Mastering the Art of Recruiting for his article 5 Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Job Interview in Time Magazine.
Kudos to Dr. Alton Barron, co-author of The Creativity Cure for his appearance on Stossel: Life or Death on Fox News.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga, DVM, author of The Soul of All Living Creatures, and Diane Radford, MD for their well-received presentations at Harvard Medical School’s CME leadership and publishing course.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Micaela Karlsen on the signing of her publishing contract with AMACOM. “With the help of a top literary agent [Linda Konner] whom Lisa introduced me to, I have signed a contract with AMACOM Books to publish The Plant-Based Life, a transition and lifestyle guide for making a plant-based diet permanent and easy.”
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Donna Valentine who received four song contracts from a publisher in Nashville. You can hear her latest song and like her Facebook page here.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Amy Beilharz for being quoted in the Houston Chronicle article Treehouse Resorts in Texas Growing in Popularity.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Abby Rodman for her March 26th appearance on Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda, sparked by Abby’s Huffington Post article 9 Truths ‘Moms of Boys Only’ Need to Know, which received over 225,000 shares.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Dr. Randy Kamen for being quoted in the Woman’s Day article There’s A Right Way To Give Thanks…And You’re Probably Not Doing It.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley founder of Verge Yoga and Verge Athlete for the coverage and quotations–on using meditation to improve team performance–in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Donna Valentine for breaking 300 on ReverbNation national charts and for her latest songs.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for being quoted in Cosmopolitan Magazine in the article 10 Things You Should Know About Dealing With a Narcissist.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dr. Randy Kamen on the Huffington Post event March 24 at the New Museum in NYC where she was invited to present on a panel about gratitude with Arianna Huffington.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Leslie Shapiro for the release of her book Understanding OCD: Skills to Control the Conscience and Outsmart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder .
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Keith Miller for the publication of his new book Love Under Repair: How to Save Your Marriage and Survive Couples Therapy.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin author of the forthcoming Rethinking Narcissism for his recent interview in Forbes: Recovering Resilience: 7 Methods For Becoming Mentally Stronger.
Kudos to Cathy Turney who has been invited to blog for Inman News – the real estate equivalent of Bloomberg News and a hugely trafficked real estate humor website (The Sunny Side of Real Estate)…and for Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success hitting #1 in Amazon Kindle real estate sales books, and #5 in books for real estate sales.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dr. Randy Kamen on her new Cable TV Show: Strategies to Spark Your Week.
Kudos to Cathy Turney, Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success made it to Number One in the Kindle Giveaway (out of 77,000 books!!!!)
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Dr. Randy Kamen on Behind the Therapy Door: Simple Strategies to Transform Your Life becoming a bestseller in 3 categories on Amazon!
Kudos to Cathy Turney author of Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success who will be presenting briefly at the San Francisco Writers Conference.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Katie Black for the publication of her beautiful book Eleuthera (on February 1).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Martha Rhodes for her upcoming gig speaking at a press dinner in San Francisco this month and on her fourth printing of 3,000 Pulses Later in just over a year.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Susan MacDonald for signing a book contract with Gryphon House Publishing for her upcoming book The Upward Spiral: Key Strategies for Igniting Passion and Engagement in Early Childhood Programs (working title).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Abby Rodman for the publication of her new book, Without This Ring: A Woman’s Guide To Successfully Living Through and Beyond Midlife Divorce.
Kudos to my friend and brilliant sales copywriter Nancy Tierney for publication of her free e-book, Twelve Tweaks to Quickly Transform your Message from Dull to Dazzling, on her website home page.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Martha Rhodes, author of 3,000 Pulses Later, for her book being featured and for being quoted extensively in the US News and World Report article Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: What Is It and Who Needs It?
Kudos to Write Your Book client J. Patrick Vaughn who has just published his ebook: Unlikely Glimpses of Grace
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Victoria Dunckley for her latest article in Psychology Today: Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Marla O’Brien for her successful book launch for Wine Within Your Comfort Zone, including getting her self-published book into indie bookstores–an often challenging feat! Well done.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® program graduate Martha Rhodes author of 3,000 Pulses Later for her recent and upcoming speaking gigs in England and San Francisco.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life program graduate Amy Beilharz for launching her brand new website Be A Female Millionaire and her free monthly presentations to help women “Discover Powerful And Critically-Important Keys To Success In ANY Business, Large Or Small.”
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Carrie Baron, co-author of The Creativity Cure: Building Happiness With Your Own Two Hands for her recent interview, “Five scientific steps to happiness through creativity,” on The Unmistakable Creative Podcast: Candid Conversations with Creative Entrepreneurs and Insanely Interesting People.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for his latest Huffington Post article: “Why We Shouldn’t Be Scared to Death to Have “That” Conversation,” which was shared 255 times on Facebook, and for his article published on the Canadian Financial Post website, Why you should be thankful at work for Canadian Thanksgiving.
Kudos to Write Your Book clients Drs. Carrie and Alton Barron, co-authors of The Creativity Cure: Building Happiness With Your Own Two Hands for their article “Health benefits for those who stick to their knitting” which was published in the Sacramento Bee and picked up by the Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation website, The Philadelphia Inquirer Daily News website Philly.com, and The Herald of Washington website HeraldNet.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Maryann Carlson whose story was accepted for publication in the forthcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched by an Angel Update.
Kudos to Terri Major-Kincade for her new website.
Kudos to Cara Bradley who will be leading mindful movement sessions at the Mindful Leadership Summit in Washington, DC November 14-16.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Teri Scheinzeit on her new music website.
Kudos to Patricia Raskin for expanding her coaching services. Patricia is best known as host of Positive Living Radio.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Suzanne McDonald, CEO of Designated Editor, Winner of the 2014 International Business Award — ‘Internet / New Media Company of the Year’.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for his interview quote in the Boston Globe piece “Overblown Facebook personas can leave friends deflated.”
Kudos to Victoria Dunckley, MD for her article in Psychology Today, “Why CFL’s Aren’t Such a Bright Idea”
Kudos to Faith Poe on her published story “Calamity Alchemy and the Power of Laughter” in Unwavering Strength and Deb Scott for her story “Faith Happened” in the same publication.
And a big congratulations to former intern Charlotte Seaberry. After graduating from Brown University in May, Charlotte will become the new Editorial Assistant for Lifespan, Rhode Island’s first health system. There, she will be writing and editing content for newsletters, press releases, the Lifespan websites and more. “I’m very excited to be putting the skills I learned during my time at Brown and working with Lisa on how-to-write-a-book.com to a new use, especially one that’ll reach a very different audience from my fiction writing would!” You can find more information about Charlotte on her LinkedIn Profile and her website, and read her many brilliant interviews at how-to-write-a-book.com.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Eileen Wilder for her TV appearance on Life Today, a result of a blog post she wrote.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for his online interview at Time.com on the topical issue “Why Women Stay: The Paradox of Abusive Relationships.” Dr. Malkin was also highlighted in the print edition of Time Magazine.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Cara Bradley for exposure in the print and online editions of Philadelphia Magazine‘s “Best of Philly” award for Cara Bradley’s Verge Yoga and for exposure in Epicure and Culture after responding to their HARO (Help A Reporter Out) query. Cara learned the importance of her platform in the Bring Your Book to Life® Program. This is what she wrote: “Thanks to you we made the list!”
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduates Susan Rizzo Vincent (Dréa’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance) and Martha Rhodes (To Life’s Edge and Back – A Personal Story of Survival) who are presenting at “Inspiring Women~Inspiring Stories” at the Inn at Mystic (CT) on October 4th.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for being the featured expert in this syndicated article Hollywood’s Relationship Myths Can Wreak Havoc on Real-Life Romance in the Chicago Tribune (you can subscribe at no charge on their website to read this premium content).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Maryann Carlson: Her story “Undercover Angels” will be published in the upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched by an Angel. Maryann wrote: “I would not have attempted this if it wasn’t for your Bring Your Book to Life® course and encouragement.“
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vickie Helm on her new business and website.
Kudos Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dr. Victoria Dunckley whose book Reboot Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time will be published in paperback by New World Library on March 17, 2015 and available for pre-order at Amazon.
Kudos to Martha Rhodes, Bring Your Book to Life® Program author (3,000 Pulses Later) and Susan Rizzo Vincent, Bring Your Book to Life® Program author (Drea’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance) for their upcoming retreat “Inspiring Women–Inspiring Stories” at the Inn at Mystic, CT in October.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Craig Dowden for being invited by the Financial Times to lead an ExecSense webinar last month.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Susan James for the writing retreat she is leading in Puget Sound next month.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Sharon Horesh Bergquist for completion of filming 3 CNN Health Minute segments that tie into the main themes of her book.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Julia Griffin for launching The Power of Inner Connection Telesummit and to Write Your Book clients Monica Strobel and Cara Bradley for being two of the inspiring speakers!
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kimber Simpkins, whose memoir, Full: How one woman found yoga, eased her inner hunger, and started loving herself (to be released March 2015 with New Harbinger Publications) won a Nautilus Better Books for a Better World Silver Award for 2014 in the category of Body Centered Practices. “I don’t know what it means for the book exactly (shiny seal on the cover?), but it’s really cool! It feels wonderful to have all the work and love that went into the book recognized in such a big way.”
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Susan Rizzo Vincent. Last week Jane Seymour talked about Susan’s book Dréa’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance: Lessons of love, loss, hope and healing and the Andrea Rizzo Foundation on “Katie” with Katie Couric. Click here to watch the 6 minute video clip.
Kudos to Susan Rizzo Vincent as well for her upcoming presentation at Inspiring Women ~ Inspiring Stories at The Inn at Mystic (CT) on June 21.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Patrick Vaughn for developing his author platform with a video series.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Deb Scott whose The Sky is Green and The Grass is Blue reached #16 in the Kindle Best Selling category Personal Transformation & Spirituality!
Kudos to Stacey Morris, graduate of the very first Bring Your Book to Life® Program on the publication of her new book Clean Comfort: A Roadmap in Food and Memories: How I Went From 345 lbs. to a Size 8 by Learning the Real Meaning of Feeding Myself Well.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Gail Alofsin for her book launch event for Your Someday is Now at the Casino Theatre at the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, RI on May 20.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Lori Williams for her appearance on Time Monk Radio: The Plane Truth Remote Viewing: The Next Generation.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Patrick Vaughn for developing his author platform with a video series.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program Graduate Kathleen Trainor who signed a book deal for When Your Child Gets Anxious with Johns Hopkins University Press.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Randy Kamen for the publication of her book Behind the Therapy Door.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Stacy Corrigan for her upcoming presentation at Blithewold Mansion, Gardens & Arboretum, Speak from Your Heart with Confidence Ask for what you want and receive with Love.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Cara Bradley, founder of Verge Yoga and Verge Athlete for the coverage and quotations–on using meditation to improve team performance– in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin for writing the foreword for When Depression Hurts Your Relationship: How to Regain Intimacy and Reconnect with Your Partner When You’re Depressed by Shannon Kolakowski PsyD
Deb Scott‘s interview with me Secrets to Successful Writing, Publishing and Marketing was the #1 show on writing on blog talk radio!
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate Diane Petrella on her new audio program Wise Woman Weight Release: Your True Path to Become Thinner Forever.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Eileen Wilder who just launched her inspirational new blog, and even started the idea of a “daily inspirational thought from God” which launched March 10!
Kudos to Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino, author of PERCOLATE – Let Your Best Self Filter Through, published by Hay House. Elizabeth will be on Hay House Radio, April 14, 2014 11am/PT – 2pm/ET.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Craig Malkin for being chosen as one of “The 30 Most Prominent Psychologists on Twitter”
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate George Popovici for presenting an author event at Tatnuck Bookseller in Westborough, MA on February 1.
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Dr. Craig Malkin for being featured in Men’s Health and interviewed by Parents Magazine.
A big, big Kudos to Write Your Book Client Harvard Medical School affiliated psychologist and Huffington Post blogger Craig Malkin for his book deal with Harper Collins for RETHINKING NARCISSISM: The Bad – and Surprising Good – About Feeling Special, which addresses the “narcissism epidemic” by illuminating the spectrum of narcissism, ways to control the trait, and why too little of it may be a bad thing.
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Dr. Carrie Barron, Author of The Creativity Cure, who will return to the Harvard Medical School CME Publishing Course–this time as a featured speaker.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Amy Rosemarie Beilharz for being a first place winner in the Transformational Author Contest and receiving a critique and consideration for a traditional publishing deal by Marc Allen / New World Library.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Allen for getting her story published in the Fall 2013 issue of Spondylitis Plus!
Kudos to Juli Dixon on publishing A Stroke of Luck: A Girl’s Second Chance at Life. Find out more about how daughter Alex has overcome harrowing health challenges and a stroke—an amazing story.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Lorraine Giordano who is a finalist for the Stevie Award for Women Helping Women. The awards will be announced in November. We’re wishing her luck!
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Nora Reilly Hall on the publication of How to Survive Your Husband’s Retirement.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Graduate Leslie Shapiro for signing a book deal with ABC-CLIO for her book Understanding OCD: Skills to Control the Conscience and Outsmart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Program® graduate Patricia Mitchell, author of A Girl From the Hill, for her upcoming book signings in RI.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Gustavo Ferrer, MD for his appearance on CNN Espanol (twice) and his interviews in the Miami Herald and in three newspapers in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Kudos to Amy Day, Associate Publisher of Strategy Magazine, the magazine for the how-to market. The magazine has launched its new brand and now offers expert advice in how-to living for the everyday. You’ll find interviews, tips and articles on Publishing, Business, Self-branding, Finances, Lifestyle, Organization, Wellness, and Technology. The magazine’s Getting Published section features interviews with bestselling authors, agents, publishers, publicists, and more…it’s the how-to for getting published.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dylan Klempner for the
article the Gainesville Sun about his Arts In Medicine Program.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Susan Rizzo Vincent, Author of
Dreas’ Dream: An Unfinished Dance and President of The Andréa Rizzo Foundation for her upcoming presentation on a panel for The American Dance Therapy Association’s Conference in Brooklyn, NY on October 26th.
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Traci Bild for signing a contract with top literary agent Linda Konner. Visit Traci Bild’s website, Get Your Girl Back.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kaye Michelle for great reviews for her book Return of the Heroine from Book Reader’s Heaven “outstanding!” “inspiring!” and Underrated Reads “engaging!” “exciting!” “vivid settings.”
Kudos to Write Your Book Client Harris “Hershey” Rosen, author of Creating A Guide So Your Loved Ones Can Go On Living! on the glowing book review by Rabbi Rosenberg in The Jewish Voice. Rosenberg really gets this book as unique in the marketplace because it addresses the idiosyncrasies of families, and he calls the book “an act of love” which it most surely is. You can read the review here.
Belated Kudos to Write Your Book client Maureen Hancock, author of The Medium Next Door for her Hay House World Summit interview in June on death, dying and transitions.
To Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Mary Pritchard for her latest Huffington Post column, Soothe Hot Tempers With a Dose of Forgiveness, and A Food Psychologist’s Take on the Paleo Diet on the Psychology Today website.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Maureen Hancock, author of The Medium Next Door, for her Hay House World Summit interview on death, dying and transitions.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dr. Mary Pritchard for being a featured expert on Huffington Post LIVE’s presentation Skinny-Shaming Exists.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Pay Hoy for her new Arts Awareness blog and newsletter.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Vint Virga. His The Soul of All Living Creatures made Apple’s “Hot In July” book list.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Irving Gilson for his op-ed piece in the Providence Journal, “Obesity is rarely a choice.”
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Micaela Karlsen for launching PlantBasedResearch.org, and getting 900 subscribers in the first 10 days – a testament to the power of a free offer when you know what your audience is really looking for. PlantBasedResearch.org connects the public and the academic communities around plant-based nutrition and related research information.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Martha Rhodes, whose book 3,000 Pulses Later was featured in The New York Times.
Kudos to clients Terri Stark and Holly Hutcher Shamir, authors of The Quantum Olympics which was named as a finalist in the Self-Help Motivational genre for the National Indie Excellence Awards!
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Nora Hall for completing her about-to-be-published manuscript for Survive Your Husband’s Retirement.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Craig Dowden for his new position as a regular contributor to the Financial Post. You can read his first post, Forget Ethics: Focus on Empathy, which is already getting excellent comments and social shares from Dan Pink and other thought leaders.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dr. Victoria Dunckley for having her post named an “essential read” by Psychology Today.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Kirsty Greenshields for launching the pre-sale of her book Women, Money and Intimacy. 30% off during pre-sale.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® participant Katie Allen for her highly viewed blog post on overcoming medical difficulties to complete a half marathon. It will also be published in the Spondylitis Association of America’s winter issue of their magazine!
Kudos to Dr Craig Malkin for his recent blog on The Huffington Post going viral.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Graduate Stephanie Hrehirchuk for having an article published on My Yoga Online.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Stacy Corrigan, author of Manifest Your Man, for becoming a Finalist in the 2013 National Indie Excellence Awards.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Susan Rizzo Vincent for being a finalist in the 2013 International Book Awards – Non-Fiction Narrative for her book, Drea’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® Graduate Dr. Bruce Dow Interview on Changing Direction with host Michele Rosenthal on May 15th.
Kudos to Write Your Book client, Pat Mitchell for the publication of her NEW book, Girl From the Hill.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Susan Rizzo Vincent on her featured review of Dréa’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance on The Daily Quirk Review. Also, kudos to Susan for her interview by Lisa Ann Walter (actress from the Parent Trap – she was the nanny) on her radio show.
Kudos to Write Your Book client Elizabeth Sherry and her sister and co-author for their book Aging Parents, the Essential Resource Guide. To find out more, visit their website: elderlyparentresources dot com.
Kudos to Donna Hicks, Write Your Book client and author of Dignity (Yale University Press) for her TED talk in Belfast, Northern Ireland!
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® student Mary Pritchard for her recent Huffington Post column.
Kudos to Dr. Tim Warren, author of Lessons from Everest–he just finished recording the audio version of his book for the BBC’s AudioGo!
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Susan Rizzo Vincent for recent talk and book signing (Drea’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance) at the American Association of University Women – RI Chapter Annual meeting.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® participant Mai Phuong Nguyen for her appearance on Viet Nam California Radio (VNCR 106.3FM)’s healthcare program, and winning the New America Media’s 2013 Southern California Ethnic Media Award for Broadcast “Outstanding Reporting on Health & Healthcare.”
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate, Dr. Matthew Porter, on his Fulbright scholarship to extend the research project for his book in Brazil.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Jamie Perillo on her recent article on teaching children forgiveness on World of Psychology blog/ Psych Central.
Powerful platform and PR tips from successful client Dr Craig Malkin: “Tell all your clients to get on huffpost and NPR. In the past week since I aired I’ve been interviewed by psychology today mag, women’s health again, and the la times.”
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Leigh Reposa for another appearance on Huffington Post Live (a Google+ Hangout event).
Kudos to Teri Scheinzeit for her guest appearance on internet radio show, Music Power Hour, hosted by Sloan Wainwright and Austin Marolla.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life program graduate Gemma Utting for her new regular spot on New Zealand’s Radio Live 100.6 FM as the relationship expert on Damian Christie’s Sunday Morning Breakfast Show and her new (and fabulous) blog.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin for his recent interviews on WBUR and CNN.
Kudos to Ellen Moyer, Ph.D for her latest post in the Huffington Post: Telling the Truth About Food Ingredients Helps the Consumer, the Economy and the Environment
Kudos to Write Your Book client Dr. Eric Pfeiffer for another fabulous book review–this one in the Albany Times-Union for his book Winning Strategies for Successful Aging (Yale University Press).
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Dr. Bruce Dow, a board-certified psychiatrist and psychopharmacoloigst with more than twenty years of experience treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for being a guest expert on Your Life After Trauma Radio with Michele Rosenthal.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life participant Dylan Klempner on the release of his 3-day complimentary e-course and his month long e-course: 31 Days to a More Creative You.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate and author of The Generosity Plan, Kathy LeMay, on becoming a featured writer this month for both Feminist.com and V-Day
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Anne Burnett, author of Step Ahead of Autism, for having her story Reconnect seletected for Chicken Soup for the Soul: Raising Kids on the Spectrum.
Kudos to Terri Major-Kincade who is featured in a new PSA campaign by the Texas State Department of Health Services called Some Day Starts Now which promotes healthy lifestyles for men, women, and parents. Watch it here!
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Sister Gail Worcelo for her publication Movement of Grace: Religious Life and the Evolution of Christ Consciousness –featured on the front cover of Occasional Papers, which goes out to Catholic sisters all over the world.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Graduate and published author Susan Rizzo Vincent for her appearance on Martha Stewart Radio, Maggie Mistal’s “Making a Living Show”.
Kudos to client Michael Formica for his renovated website. You can also read Michael’s highly read enlightened living blog posts at PscyhologyToday.com
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Jamie Perillo for being quoted on sheknows.com in an article about kids with food allergies
Kudos to Dr. Randy Kamen Gredinger for her latest post on the Huffington Post
Kudos to Dr Craig Malkin for being one of the most read bloggers on the Healthy Living section of the Huffington Post! Read his most recent post “Is Empathy Sexy?” here.
Kudos to Eric Pfeiffer, MD for his appearance on Senior Voice America, Tampa FL on Health, Wealth and Wisdom with Evan and Deb and to Eric Pfeiffer, MD for his glowing review in Publishers Weekly for Winning Strategies for Successful Aging published by Yale University Press
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate, Susan Rizzo Vincent, author of Drea’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance!, recently appeared on Art Berluti on NPT’s WADK (and thanks for the generous mention!)
Kudos to Terry Gaspard for signing with a top agent. She blogged for HuffPost Divorce, had an interview with Self Magazine for an article on daughters of divorce, and was featured on Divorce Source Radio and Patricia Raskin’s Positive Living on WPRO.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Ellen O’Neill, author of Ellen Who? A Secret Love Child, for her upcoming appearance on Discovery Fit & Health new series Shocking Family Secrets.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Graduate, Victoria Dunckley on her latest psychology today post, Video Game Rage.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate, Susan Rizzo Vincent, author of Dreas Dream, recently appeared on Patricia Raskin’ Positive Living show on WPRO.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Malkin for his blog on the Huffington Post: How to Overcome Neediness that’s been featured for 5 days. It’s the second most popular read in emotional intelligence!
Kudos to Juan O’Callahan on the publication on his terrific book Wellness For Super-Seniors. You can purchase his book here.
Kudos to Dr. Craig Maklin for his expert contribution to “Win Her Back” in Men’s Health Magazine
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Dr. Randy Kamen-Gredinger on her post for the Huffington Post
Kudos to Elizabeth Hamilton Guarino for the new print version of Best Ever You Magazine.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Graduate Kirsty Greenshields on her weekend retreat Women, Money and Intimacy – A Weekend of Richness, Love and Fun.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Program participant Suzanne MacDonald on being a Stevie award finalist (looking forward to the news this Friday on final award won (Gold, Silver or Bronze)…
Kudos to Ellen O’Neill, author of Ellen Who? for her Huffington Post column on November 6, 2012, My Remarkable Self-Publishing Story.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Stacy Corrigan for her interview on Bring Your Book to Life Graduate Amy Beth O’Brien’s Re-Script Your Life Guest Star Interview Series.
On October 17th Ellen O’Neill, appeared on Dr. Drew (video) to discuss her book, Ellen Who?
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Stacy Corrigan for the publication of hew new book Manifest Your Man.
Kudos to Write Your Book client and author Deb Scott of The Sky is Green, The Grass is Blue for her blog talk interview of Lori Campbel on “Loving Your Life at Every Age” being a top feature on blog talk radio among thousands of shows.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Jaime Perillo on her new video on The Food Allergy Network website on the benefits of creating a “circle of safe people” for your child.
Kudos to Write Your Book clientt Theresa Bradley-Banta for being selected as a finalist for Mentor/Coach of the Year and Woman Entrepreneur of the Year by the Stevie Awards.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life Summer Instructor Ginger Moran. Since her award-winning novel was published in May, Ginger has done several readings and visited some amazing independent bookstores up and down the east coast. She’s been in two festivals of the book: the Virginia Festival and the Southern Festival of the Book in Nashville.
Kudos to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Dr. Bruce Dow, a board-certified psychiatrist and psychopharmacoloigst with more than twenty years of experience treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for being a guest speaker on the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Ask the Doctor teleconference on October 26. Congratulations to Bring Your Book to Life graduate Sarah Bell for presenting her “breathe” program at the Cross Mills library on Saturday, October 27th.