Here’s Everything You Need to Start Writing Your Book Today…
…without Feeling Overwhelmed, Stuck or Unsure of Yourself!

You have a book inside of you just waiting to be written.
You’ve been thinking about it, dreaming about it and even talking to your friends about it.
And you know, in your bones, that writing your book will change your life in many wonderful ways while simultaneously changing the lives of others!
So, what’s the problem?
The problem is you don’t know where or how to start. The idea of writing your book “feels” great, but when you sit down to make it happen, you get attacked by questions, doubts and “I don’t know’s,” like:

I understand.
As a book writing coach, workshop leader and faculty member for Harvard Medical School’s publishing course, I’ve helped thousands of aspiring writers who had these same questions, doubts and concerns about writing their how-to book, self-help book or memoir.
That’s why I created a “starter kit,” a step-by-step guide that shows you how simple and easy it can be to plan, research, organize and finally write your book, while staying inspired, excited and eager.
Let me show you how easy and rewarding it can be to write your non-fiction book or memoir without wasting time, feeling scattered or giving up!
Let me tell you about…
Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book
Turn Your Passion Into Profit
This self-paced, self-study program takes you by the hand and shows you, step-by-step, how to structure, start, write and even format that great book you have inside of you without feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or in over your head.

This program gives you everything you need to:
- Turn your passion, ideas and message into the book you’ve always wanted to write.
- Discover the secrets to writing a book that will be read, talked about and recommended to others.
- Get crystal clear on the message, concept and content of your book.
- Never stay stuck in confusion or overwhelm.
- Avoid writing the wrong book!
- Make your book’s message distinctive from any other out there.

- Carve out time to write, even if your schedule is jam-packed, without feeling overworked and stressed out.
- Maximize your time, energy and creativity by making a plan before you write one word of your book.
- Jump into the passion, inspiration and joy of writing so your book-writing journey is a fun, soul-satisfying adventure!
In as little as 4 to 8 weeks, you can have the first draft of your book finished.
The Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program allows you to go at your own speed and create a timeline that fits with your schedule, so you don’t feel stress-out, pressured or overwhelmed.

I could cry (for joy) at how helpful Quick Start was! I have been trying to get that book written for two years. In under two weeks of using the Quick Start Program, I got further than in all those two years of trying.
With the Quick Start exercises, I discovered specific features and ideas that can help my readers and empower them to graduate. At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed at the idea of the outlining exercise, but once I actually started with your suggestions, it came easily.
Quick Start has been worth many hundreds more dollars than the $97 you charge!
~Christine Stroble, author of Helping Teen Moms Graduate, published by Rowman & LIttlefield

My book has been my greatest business tool and I thank Lisa Tener for the expertise she provided to help make that happen. Without Lisa’s systematic tools, I’d still be struggling with how to organize that book rather than be an internationally acclaimed published author.
~Evana Maggiore, Author of Fashion Feng Shui: The Power of Dressing with Intention
This program is NOT a fill-in-the-blank, one-size-fits-all formula!
It is designed to help you write YOUR book, for your audience, in your own authentic voice.
The Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program is different from any other “write-your-book” course out there. Here’s why:

Your Message, Your Passion, Your Book
With the Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program, you get to write YOUR BOOK, the book that lives inside of you, the book you’ve always wanted to write. A one-of-a-kind book that communicates the heart and soul of your message.
A Balance of Strategy & Creative Inspiration
Writing a book requires strategy and creativity. This program gives you both: a step-by-step, strategic approach and guidance on how to tap into your best ideas, find inspiration and keep the creative fires burning.

In Your Own Authentic Voice
With this program, you will discover your unique writing voice, tone and way of communicating so your book is like no other.
Oh, and one more thing…
You can get it done while having fun! No struggle allowed
Too many people think writing a book has to be a grueling, all-consuming journey. But I’m here to tell you, your book writing journey can be fun, easy and very exciting.

And just imagine how your life will change once your book is written!

Let me tell you about my client Pat.
When Pat first came to me, she felt completely overwhelmed. She’d never written a book before and wasn’t quite sure how to tell her story. Plus, she didn’t think she was a good writer.
After working with me and the strategies I’m going to give you in the Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program, Pat not only wrote and published her book, Simply a Woman of Faith, she started being invited to lead workshops and retreats all over the world!
She now receives generous speaking fees plus all expenses-paid trips to Bermuda, Hawaii and now a Mayan cruise!
And get this: Less than a year after Pat’s book was published, she retired from her day job as a substance abuse counselor and began working full time at her dream job as radio host, interviewing famous authors like Bernie Siegel, spiritual life coach and retreat leader. And she wrote a second book.
And, then, after being invited to teach her workshops in Hawaii, she moved there and met Larry, the love of her life and wrote a book about their love. Here's a picture of Pat with both of her published books.
This is possible for you, too!
Your book can open the doors to your best life, your most fulfilling career and more. There’s no reason for you to put those possibilities on hold.
Let’s get your book started now.
Here’s what you’ll receive in The Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program:
Assure Your Success
- How to make sure there’s an eager audience waiting for your book… before you write one single word.
- How to structure and write your book so it positions you as an expert and fully supports your big vision for your life.
- The 5 elements that guarantee your success, keep you inspired, and get your book written… no matter what!
- How to get the support and accountability you need in this self-paced program.
Make it Easy... and Fast!
- How to create writing time in your schedule so it feels natural, easy and fun.
- Avoid wasting time, getting stuck or feeling scattered.
- What you need to write and finish your book in 4-8 weeks or less.
Create the Structure & Employ the Strategy
- How to design your writing “roadmap” so you don’t get sidetracked or create content you’ll never use.
- 5 different methods by which to organize your book. (Pick the one that works the best for you!)
- Why your table of contents is so important and how to create one that appeals to your readers and results in more sales!
- The secret to writing irresistible chapter titles.
- What to include, what to leave out and how to structure your book for maximum readability and popularity.
Enjoy the Journey & Stay Inspired!
- How to have fun, stay inspired and enjoy the journey as you write.
- Discover and develop your own authentic writing voice, rhythm and tone.
- Get ideas on how to format your book.
- How to make sure your book showcases your true gifts, message and expertise.
Plus… you’ll learn the success strategies of Lisa’s published clients!

“I thought about writing a book for 17 years, but, before Lisa Tener, I struggled. Lisa’s exercises were so helpful, I outlined the book and wrote three chapters in the first week. With Lisa’s help, I’m now an award winning published author and my book is changing people’s lives.”
– Anne Burnett, author of Step Ahead of Autism, winner of the Mom’s Choice Award

“Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book helped me clarify my vision, set aside time for writing and develop a working title—all within a week. When I shared my title with Lisa she loved it and called it, ‘spot on’. Lisa’s down-to-earth style and supportive tone helped me immensely in getting started on a lifelong dream—to write a book. Lisa’s daily emails provided practical tips to guide an aspiring writer and Quick Start and the accompanying Meet Your Muse exercise offered the emotional support needed to overcome obstacles that have blocked me for years. It’s well worth the price!”
– Dr. Jeffrey George
…But that’s not all! I’m also giving you two special reports that my clients have found extremely helpful when writing anything

The Empowered Author: How to Avoid the 10 Worst Mistakes of New Authors

Writing Breakthrough: 5 Powerful Steps for Inspiration and Flow
Okay, you’ve got to be asking… how much is this program?
My mastermind team told me to charge $249 for this program. As authors and aspiring authors who know what it’s like to write a book, they told me it is worth so much more because of how it saves time, empowered them and makes the whole process so much easier.
But I want to make this program available to anyone, especially the first-time book writer, who wants to write a truly great non-fiction book. So, I'm charging only $97!
Today you pay only $97!
So, be sure to get this program now.
What you Receive When you Order Today
Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book: Turn your Passion into Profit
- an mp3
- a workbook (pdf download)
- plus 8 email lessons to keep you on track, fired up and inspired as you finally write your book.
- personal answers from Lisa when you ask your questions on her blog forum
$197 $97
The Empowered Author: How to Avoid the 10 Worst Mistakes of New Authors
$11 FREE
Writing Breakthrough: 5 Powerful Steps for Inspiration and Flow
$11 FREE
Total Investment
$219 $97
That’s a $116 Savings!
Payment Options
Download Version: Have it NOW for $97
Your book has the power to transform your life and career in a number of amazing ways.
It also has the power to change other people’s lives. The world is waiting to hear your message and know your story so they can create positive changes in their own lives.
So, you tell me. Is $97 too great an investment when you consider how your book will radically enrich your life, career and the lives of others?
Listen, I know that once you dig in to The Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program and start writing your book, you’re going to love this program. So, I’ll offer you a 100% money-back guarantee:

100% Money Back Guarantee
If after receiving and reviewing Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book: Turn your Passion into Profit you are unsatisfied with the information, you may delete it from your computer within 3 days of receipt, and I’ll send you a full refund. Click here for full terms and conditions.
I’m excited for you!
It won’t be long before you’re holding your book in your hands. Or selling it in the back of the room when you speak at conferences (be sure to autograph it!). And it always feels good to watch those orders come in from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
The possibilities are endless. So let’s get you writing your book today!
To Your Book Writing Success!
Lisa Tener
Your Book Writing Coach
P.S. You know, sometimes the hardest part of any project is just getting started. With the Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book program, you’ll get the guidance and support you need to make a strong start and get it done!