FAQ on Book Writing Coaching, Book Proposal Coaching, Services, Creativity Catalyst and other Book Writing Programs

Who Needs a Writing Coach or Book Proposal Coach?

What is a Creativity Catalyst?

What can you help me with?

What services do your programs include?

What does it cost?

Can You Teach a Class in My Area?

Who Needs a Writing Coach or Book Proposal Coach?

  • Speakers, trainers and coaches who have wisdom to share and want to write their first book to share it, increase their speaking fees and be recognized as leaders in their field.
  • Doctors, Therapists and Holistic and Healing Professionals who wish to share their knowledge in book form to reach a broader audience and create a larger market for their work.
  • Professional writers who want to take their writing to the next level.
  • Anyone who wants to support and improve his/her writing process.
  • You, if you can you answer yes to any of the following questions:
    • Do you want to write a book and get published?
    • Are you unsure where to begin?
    • Do you need help organizing your ideas and developing a structure or outline?
    • Are you working on a project and feeling stuck or challenged?
    • Do you need help finding time and scheduling?
    • Do you want tools to make the creative process easier? More fun? More effective?
    • Are you writing a book proposal?

What is a Creativity Catalyst?

A Creativity Catalyst helps you:

  • Break through creative blocks
  • Develop creative confidence
  • Get clear on artistic direction
  • Access your deepest source of inspiration and creativity

What can you help me with?

  • Writing a how-to, self-help, memoir or other nonfiction book
  • Writing a top-notch book proposal
  • Getting unblocked
  • Clarifying goals and book concept
  • Choosing from more than one project
  • Inspiration: help connecting to your creative source consistently and with ease
  • Ease and grace in the process

What services do your programs include?

  • A Stevie Award-Winning program for writing your book or non-fiction book proposal in as little as 60-90 days
  • Workshops and retreats to help you write your book, improve your creative process, develop effective habits for success and/or get published
  • Editing Services
  • Coaching support to meet your goals
  • Referrals to quality editors and writing coaches who specialize in fiction or children’s books
  • Referrals to quality ghostwriters for books and book proposals
  • Self Study programs to write your book

What does it cost?

There are several plans to meet your needs and budget, from self study to in depth, one on one. Some prices are listed here and others can be explored by email or phone. We can also make referrals to a variety of skilled professionals in various genres, from editors to ghostwriters at fees that run the whole gamut (ghostwriting from $5,000 for a short ebook to $70,000 and up for our most seasoned ghostwriters on a full length book).

Get Your Writing Done: This twice monthly class costs only $154 for two months and offers four 2-hour workshops with powerful exercises to write in the zone and make progress on your current project. Or $97 for one month. Find out more.

The Stevie Award-Winning Bring Your Book to Life Program® (Write Your Book or Proposal in as little as 60- 90 Days): The title says it all—for those on the fast track and looking for plenty of one-on-one with Lisa. We will spend 60-90 days on your book or non-fiction book proposal. I’ll guide your through the entire process, providing a road map for quick completion. Read more here.

Pricing is $5,997. Check with Lisa about Early Bird Pricing on this Program, which offers a significant savings (up to 20%).

The Coaching Program: Choose this plan for writing a book or book proposal, as well as other projects. This plan can also work well for writers working to prioritize projects, develop effective habits or obtain feedback on their writing or marketing materials. Three fifty-minute coaching sessions per month, up to ten brief e-mails per month and editing / feedback on up to 50 pages of writing per month. Please inquire about pricing.

The Basics: The Basics works best for someone focused on a smaller project (compared with a book), exploring their writing or seeking help with marketing materials. Three thirty-minute coaching sessions per month. Up to three brief e-mails per week included. Monthly fee- please inquire. Editing/feedback/longer e-mails on an a la carte basis.

Full book proposal: Have Lisa Tener guide you through the full process of writing a highly effective non-fiction book proposal. Please inquire about pricing.

A la Carte: Editing / Feedback / Consulting: Write or call to discuss your particular project needs. Please inquire about pricing.

Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book: This self-study program will help you get clear on your book concept: vision, goals, audience, features, tone, content, structure and outline. And, while it is mostly self-study, it includes a mechanism for getting questions answered personally by Lisa. Price: $97 for the download version:  More about this self-study book writing course here.

Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks: This self-study program will help you write a self-help or how-to book in 8-12 weeks. It currently includes a book concept consultation with a top book coach hand-picked by Lisa. More about this self-study book writing course here (including cost).

Mentoring Program: Call or e-mail for a free brief consultation and/or program pricing today:

Contact Lisa

Can You Teach a Class in My Area?

If you would like a workshop in your area and are able to help spread the word to publicize the class, please call or e-mail me to discuss it.

Contact Lisa

A note on referrals: I work hard to find editors whom I consider top notch–and at different price ranges depending on your budget.  I do receive a commission–it will come out of their marketing budget, not your costs.


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“The structure of Lisa’s class and her constant encouragement gave me the push I needed to start writing and keep at it. The interaction in class is content rich and positive, and the course materials…


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Lisa has enough wisdom and experience in her to help launch a thousand books. Take the opportunity to learn from her now. When I first met Lisa I was lost–I mean, completely lost. I had…


“Lisa is an Outstanding Book Writing Coach.”

“Lisa Tener helped me immensely in completing my book Wellness For Super-Seniors by personally editing every page, advising me on the restructuring of certain sections and rewriting other chapters that needed such professional evaluation. “She is…


If you are ready to get started on your book, contact Lisa Tener for guidance.

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