Writing and Publishing Events

get your writing done

Thursdays, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm ET

Get Your Writing Done

Join Lisa (or every other week, Laurie Hunt) to enter that miraculous state of creative flow and write in the zone! Join us for the first hour or a full two hours. Only $247/month and it comes with several self-study programs and other resources to help you write your book. Read more or register here.

Fridays, 8-10 pm ET

Get Your Writing Done

Join Lisa (or every other week, Sharon Burton) to enter that miraculous state of creative flow and write in the zone! Join us for the first hour or a full two hours. Only $247/month and it comes with several self-study programs and other resources to help you write your book. Read more or register here.


Nonfiction Writers Conference 2024

May 8-10, 2024 Virtual Nonfiction Writers Conference

The Nonfiction Writers Conference can help you navigate the overwhelming world of publishing and empower you to create your path to success!

Leverage Book Awards to Sell More Books with Lisa Tener

Plus Ask-A-Pro Sessions

And here’s a secret: While the private Ask-a-Pro sessions are normally 15 minutes, I’ve asked them to schedule mine 30 minutes apart so we can have a bit more time if you need it! Ask-a-Pro is completely FREE for Gold, Platinum, and VIP attendees of NFWC! (Not available to Live-access attendees.)

The opening speaker is Jane Friedman, author of The Business of Being a Writer. And Stephanie Chandler, founder of the Nonfiction Authors Association and this conference, is a fabulous interviewer.

Depending on the registration level, attendees can access the following benefits:

  • Live educational sessions delivered by Zoom webinar, including Q&A with most speakers.
  • Pitch the Agents LIVE! is an interactive double session in which several literary agents listen to author pitches and give constructive feedback. If agents like what they hear, they will request proposals from participants. (Participants must apply to participate; 20 participants will be selected.)
  • Attendee Networking Event, which features small group discussions held with Zoom breakout rooms.
  • Ask-a-Pro sessions, delivered as one-on-one phone and video consultations with industry pros. Many attendees feel these are worth the price of admission alone.
  • Recordings and transcripts are available for those who can’t attend live sessions.
  • Private Facebook group.

The Nonfiction Writers Conference has a long history of delivering content-rich learning sessions with industry experts and helping accelerate the careers of attendees. If you’re ready to take your author business to the next level, don’t miss this powerful event.


June 12, 2024


June 18, 2024, 6:30 pm

Our First Book Launch Event in Person!

Join Lisa Tener and Robin Kall at Curiosity Store in Jamestown, RI

for an author chat and book signing!

Lisa will be presenting.


June 25, 2024

Breathe. Write. Breathe.: Learn to Write in Creative Flow–at Will

FREE Virtual Workshop for Creative Flow

  • Learn Lisa’s practices for creative flow.
  • Get your questions answered.
  • W

Buy Lisa’s book by June 24, 2024 and fill out the form here.


July 11-14, 2024

Nonfiction Secrets Summit

Lisa will be presenting.


October 20, 2023

Willett Free Library OPEN HOUSE, Saunderstown, RI

I am proud to be included in the Willett Free Library Open House this year.

Proposed schedule:

  • 3:00 Poetry Reading – Lisa Tener
  • 3:30 Guitar Performance
  • 4:00 Shakespeare Reading
  • 4:30 Writer’s Group Excerpts

Throughout the event, there will be displays of fiber arts and watercolor paintings, and representatives from Classic Book Group and OpenBK. If the weather cooperates, there will be a bonfire in the backyard with s’mores and conversation.

For more information write willettfree@gmail.com or call 401-294-2081


June 16, 2023

Journaling For Creative Inspiration and Joy

Willett Free Library, Saunderstown, RI

* Presenter: “Pitchess and Proposals: Essential Messaging for Authors”

* Ask-a-Pro consultant

Sign up or learn more.

Journaling For Creative Inspiration and Joy

Nov. 16 6-8pm PT

California Writers Club, Marin

Choose Your Publishing Path: Traditional, Hybrid or Self

Cumberland Public Library, RI

Sunday, October 15 1:30 pm ET

Title – TBA

Creativity Camp for Adults, Week 1: Give Yourself Permission to Create at Cumberland Public Library  6:30, Cumberland, RI FREE

Lisa will lead the group in fun activities – including one that will give you the permission your subconscious needs to let go and play.  This program has been moved to in person at the library.

July 14-16, 2022

1455 Summer Storytelling Festival On Cultivating a Daily Writing Discipline. Join me, Justen Ahren, Ron Hogan in conversation with 1455’s Executive Director Sean Murphy about the benefits of establishing a regular writing routine.

July 10, 2022

“The Benefits of Journaling & How to Seamlessly Implement It” Doctors on Social Media online.

May 4-6, 2022 on Zoom Nonfiction Writers Conference

Choosing Your Publishing Path: Traditional, Hybrid or Self? with Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener Joy of Journaling

Do I have a shot at getting a traditional publisher? What are traditional publishers looking for? What are the advantages of self publishing? What about hybrid publishing? How do I find high quality freelance publishing support? What should I consider in deciding what publishing path to take? 

When it comes to deciding on your publishing path, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Many traditionally published authors are now choosing to self-publish some of their books. As the publishing landscape continues to change, new considerations emerge. 

In this presentation, in addition to answering the above questions, book coach and book proposal expert Lisa Tener will share the pros and cons of various publishing paths, advice to get the most out of your chosen path, how to avoid scams and other problems and how to assemble a high quality publishing team, whatever path you choose. Lisa will share the questions to ask a publisher and other publishing professionals.
Lisa will leave plenty of time to answer individual questions as well.

Sign up here.

3/14/22, 7-8 PM Virtual Virginia Festival of the Book

Writing in Your Life: Day By Day: Watch the video replay

Ron Hogan (Our Endless and Proper Work) and Lisa Tener (The Joy of Writing Journal) join in conversation with Sean Murphy about the joys and values of a consistent practice of writing in your life. This discussion is for anyone looking to take up writing, or be more inspired with current writing practices, not necessarily for publication, but because it can help you lead a happier, more whole and engaged life.

As part of the 2022 Virginia Festival of the Book, this event is FREE and open to the publicTHIS IS A VIRTUAL EVENT.


3/8/22 All Day Best Ever You Women’s Day Conference 2022

Hear Lisa at 7 pm: Topic TBA – Journaling and Creativity related! Register Free.

2/10/22, 11 am WADK 1540 AM Newport, RI Leadership at All Levels with host Gail Alofsin and guest Gael Sylvia Pullen

2/10/22, 4 pm The Best Ever You Show on Blog Talk Radio with host Elizabeth Guarino

10/1/21 – 10/30/21 (not time dependent) Virtual


October Journaling Adventure

Free when you purchase The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day on Amazon here. Then, sign up for the free event/adventure.

10/13/21, 2 pm ET Older Person’s Commission, Rochester, MI

The Joy of Journaling with Book Coach Lisa Tener

9/30/21, 4 PM on Zoom (sponsor: Willett Free Library, Saunderstown RI)

The Joy of Writing Journal: Book Party and Journaling Event

18 People Showed up for the “postponed” event on 9/24 when the rain disappeared. Glad I popped in just in case! See you next week!

Join us to explore the benefits of journaling and creativity, how to spark your creativity, learn the inspiration behind the award winning book, The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day. We’ll journal to a prompt

Sign up here.

April – June 2021

Bring Your Book to Life® Program

This premiere book writing program, with built in accountability, guidance, support and one-on-one with Lisa won the Stevie Award for Best New Service. In addition to weekly book writing classes, you will have the opportunity to work directly with Lisa on your book concept, outline and get feedback from Lisa on 30 pages of your writing. Lisa’s premiere book writing program.

May 12, 2021

Writing in the Zone, OPC Senior Center, Rochester MI

Lisa Tener shares her five steps for Writing in the Zone and attendees do some writing while putting the steps into practice in this free workshop for the OPC Senior Center in Rochester MI.

May 3 – 5, 2021

Nonfiction Writers Conference, Expert for Ask-a-Pro Sessions

Lisa Tener serves as a featured expert in the Ask-A-Pro sessions offered to Gold, Platinum and VIP access participants in the Nonfiction Writers Conference. 10 of 12 sessions are booked – book now to consult with Lisa.

Special guests include Dr. Martha Beck and don Miguel Ruiz!


June – December, 2020

writing workshop

Get Your Writing Done – 2 Month Program.

Lisa will lead us in 1 or 2 exercises to connect with our creativity and write in a state of flow. We’ll then spend time writing. So, bring a project your working on and a specific aspect you want to write in class.

2nd and 4th Thursdays in June and July

November 5-7, 2020 Harvard Medical School: Career Advancement and Leadership Skills for Women in Healthcare

  • Rewrite Your Professional Bio to Position Yourself as a Leader by Lisa Tener
  • Advanced Workshop: How to Write and Publish a Book to Support Your Mission and Work: Strategies and Expert Advice by Lisa Tener

Fall 2020: Lisa Tener’s Fast Track Your Book Proposal

writing and publishing a plant based life

Get Your Book Out of Your Head and Into the Hands of the Right Agent and Publisher!

Fast Track Your Book Proposal is a 4-8 week program that will show you how to:

  • Take your book from idea to book proposal in as little as 4-8 weeks.
  • Maximize your time, energy and efficiency so you can start and easily finish your book proposal without completely putting the rest of your life on hold.
  • Write your best book… the one you truly want to write. Not some fill-in-the-blank knock-off.

January – May, 2020

January 2, 2020, 8:30 PM ET, 5:30 PM PT: FREE TO WRITE

In this free video/audio conference call via Zoom, Lisa will lead us in 2-3 creative exercises to enter an inspired space to let your writing flow. We’ll then spend time writing. So, bring a project your working on and a specific aspect you want to write in class.


February 5 – March 25, 2020—Bring Your Book to Life® Program

full book cover

Are you ready to get your book out of your head, onto the page and into the world? Give me 8-12 weeks, and I’ll show you how to write, edit and monetize your book so you can elevate your career, increase your income and experience a wealth of new possibilities.


March 2, 2020, 8:30 PM ET, 5;30 PM PT – Creativity Catalyst

writing creativity

Explore several exercises for sparking and enhancing creative flow. In this free video/audio conference call via Zoom, Lisa will lead us in creative exercises to cultivate an inspired state for creativity. We’ll then spend time writing, making art, or working on another creative project, during the call. So, bring a project your working on and a specific aspect you want to write or create in class.


April 16-18, 2020 Harvard Medical School: Writing, Publishing, & Social Media for Healthcare Professionals

  • Writing Workshops, Lisa Tener and others
  • Pitching Panel
  • Advanced Workshop: Write a Winning Book Proposal, Lisa Tener


April 28, 2020 Interview with Katana Abbott, Smart Women Talk Radio (April’s monthly theme is  Turning Passion into Profit)


May 5 and 7, 2020: Private Consultations for the Nonfiction Writers Conference

May 14, 2020: Healer Heal Yourself Summit with Hisla Bates

write a successful book proposal


May 22, 2020, 4 pm ET: “How to Write a Successful Book Proposal

Podcast: JoEllen Taylor interviews Lisa for First Editing

May 20, 2020: Book Launch Party for Gael Sylvia Pullen: Special Guest 12:30 pm ET

June 4, 2020, 3 pm ET, 12 noon PT: Get Your Writing Done (Free Zoom Workshop)

In this free video/audio conference call via Zoom, Lisa will lead us in 1 or 2 creative exercises to enter an inspired space to let your writing flow. We’ll then spend time writing. So, bring a project your working on and a specific aspect you want to write in class.

2019 events

November 14-16, 2019 Harvard Medical School: Career Advancement and Leadership Skills for Women in Healthcare

  • Rewrite Your Professional Bio to Position Yourself as a Leader by Lisa Tener
  • Advanced Workshop: How to Write and Publish a Book to Support Your Mission and Work: Strategies and Expert Advice by Lisa Tener


November 8, 2019 Nonfiction Writers Conference: Presenting on Bulk Book Sales Opportunities


June 20-22, 2019 Harvard Medical School: Writing, Publishing, & Social Media for Healthcare Professionals

  • Writing Workshop, Lisa Tener and others
  • Pitching Panel
  • Advanced Workshop: Write a Winning Book Proposal, Lisa Tener


March 6th, 2019 Harvard’s Child Mental Health Forum 2018-2019 LIVE STREAM “Exploring the Unique Needs of Adopted Teens: Four Essential Tasks for Parents and Providers” Live stream of presentation by Bring Your Book to Life® graduate Katie Naftzger, LICSW, Author of Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Navigating the Teen Years.


February 20 – April, 2019—Bring Your Book to Life® Program

Are you ready to get your book out of your head, onto the page and into the world? Give me 8-12 weeks, and I’ll show you how to write, edit and monetize your book so you can elevate your career, increase your income and experience a wealth of new possibilities.




February 6, 2018

5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book! Live FREE Webinar 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern


February 15-18, 2018—San Francisco Writers Conference

This will be the 15th Celebration of Craft, Commerce and Community for all writers. Attendees will join with 100+ presenters and fellow writers from across the country and around the world at this year’s event. InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel on Nob Hill, San Francisco


 April 26-28, 2018—Harvard Medical School CME course

Writing, Publishing, and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals, Fairmont Copley Plaza, Boston. A special program for healthcare professionals who want to advance their communication skills or get published.



More listings as they become available.

A * next to a name means I’m a fan, and/or a customer, and an affiliate. If you use my link, I’ll get affiliate credit, and that would be very nice. Know that I only recommend products and services that I think are of great benefit for my readers, clients and students.


Wrote a First Draft in 8 Weeks!

Lisa is astonishingly good at what she does. She gives it her all. I participated in Lisa’s “Bring Your Book to Life” program. The intention was to create a first draft of a book in…


“Signed with the #1 Agent on My List”

“Lisa played a big role in helping me find my way from being a writer to published author. When I felt frustrated and overwhelmed by the book publishing industry, just reading Lisa’s emails and blog…


MD Nails a Book Deal & 4 Book Awards!

“Not a Real Enemy, the story of my father’s miraculous survival through World War II and the Holocaust, won a prestigious Nautilus Award, Living Now Book Award, National Indie Excellence Award and Readers’ Choice. I…


Published by Rowman & Littlefield

“I could cry (for joy) at how helpful Lisa Tener’s Quick Start was! I have been trying to get that book written for two years. In under two weeks of using the Quick Start Program,…


“Awestruck by the Publisher’s Offer”

“Lisa Tener is an amazing coach and so much more. One day I was googling online for ideas on how to write a nonfiction book, when I stumbled upon her web page. I continued on…


Two Awards & “Instrumental in My Work Supporting Healthcare Workers”

“I signed up for Bring Your book to Life® Thanksgiving weekend. By February, Lisa’s materials and consultation had helped me develop a structure to set Deeper into Mindfulness apart from other mindfulness books on the market. “The course…

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