What could a VIP Day with Lisa Do for Your Book (or Your Business)?

Every summer, I offer a handful of spots for a VIP Day where a client can come for the day to complete a large chunk of work. Every VIP Day has also created some kind of breakthrough for the client and insightful takeaways.
We plan a VIP Day weeks ahead and I do my homework to prepare as much as you do. We set powerful goals and an ambitious agenda. And then the magic happens.
“So, What’s a VIP Day?”
A VIP Day is a day custom-designed especially for you. Before we get together for your VIP Day, I’ll send you a questionnaire and we’ll have a one hour phone consultation to prepare. Then, we’ll spend 6 hours, including a working lunch and, if you like, a working walk along Narragansett Bay, mentoring, brainstorming, writing and creating any breakthroughs you need. You’ll leave with a plan of action and two follow up sessions to make sure you use the momentum you’ve gained to continue on your successful trajectory.
“What might I work on in a VIP Day with Lisa?”

The possibilities abound, but here are a few examples of VIP Day goals to get you started. Many clients choose—and complete—anywhere from 2-3 of these in one VIP session:
* Conceptualize your book with me: From big picture vision to audience to features, freshness and foundation, we’ll get clear on what’s going to make your book unique, resonate for readers and make your book sizzle. We’ll also set down the structure to make it easier to write it when you return home!
* Blueprint Your Book Proposal: Overwhelmed by writing a book proposal? We can go over each section in detail, filling out my book proposal worksheets together, brainstorming strategies. I’ll provide my best tips for each section and you can go back home with all the information ready to be turned into a sizzling book proposal. We can even draft a few sections together.
* Polish Your Book Proposal: Are you ready to take a rough draft and transform it quickly into a polished one? Do you feel you need more guidance and support to make that happen? We can do it together, and even brainstorm appropriate agents or publishers before you leave.
* Develop Your Platform-Building Strategy: Because it’s become essential for authors to develop their “platform”—or following—in today’s market, we often spend part of our VIP-time on ways to build your platform. I like to especially focus on strategies that will bring in income at the same time as building a fan base. This is highly customized to your skills, interests, audience and book, as well as what will be enjoyable for you to implement.
* Write or Edit a Few Chapters Together: Many of my clients are not writers by trade. They are doctors, therapists, healers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches, homemakers and others who may need some in depth mentoring on how to write compelling prose. I love helping people become good writers. We can use all or part of a VIP day to fine tune one or more chapters of your book—so you can leave with an understanding of how to write a chapter that resonates for your readers, makes the writing come alive for them, and has them coming back for more. You may just leave saying, “I found my voice as a writer.”

* Create Your Breakthrough: The Ocean State offers the perfect setting to soak up nature and break through any obstacles, facilitated by your “book shaman.” Whether it’s an issue of gaining confidence, overcoming fear, stepping into your power, or solving a problem, I am here to help you.
* Develop Your Business Plan: You may have heard me say that behind every book should be a business plan. For a book to be successful, to reach your goals, your book should pull in the resources that support it—and more! Perhaps you want your book to attract high profile, well-paid speaking gigs or bring your ideal clients to your doorstep. Maybe your book helps sell other products and programs you offer. And maybe you need to make some changes to your business to make this plan work most effectively. We’ll figure it out and get it down on paper. You can leave with a clear plan of action.
After Your VIP Day: The Momentum Continues
Your VIP Day doesn’t end that day. You’ll leave with a plan for follow-up and completion. Your VIP Day comes with two additional consultations afterwards to support you to stay on track and complete your next steps.
Amazon Bestselling Author Lissa Wheeler Shares Her Experience

My VIP Day with Lisa Tener addressed my biggest challenges, created breakthroughs with several issues that had been blocking my path and helped me get a huge chunk of work done in one day.
As a complete novice in writing. Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program game me confidence that I could write a book.
As my next step, I brought my first draft to my VIP Day, where Lisa helped me understand the big picture, the changes needed to make my book easy—and a pleasure—for the reader.
In our VIP Day, Lisa also introduced me to the marketing process and educated me to build my website and reach potential readers.
I left with a much clearer idea of editing and how to make the information accessible, effortless to read.
I love how Lisa paced the day. We started with editing. After, we took a walk— which was such a pleasure—and explored my personal issues with writing—where I lacked confidence, fear of being seen and fear of success.
Our conversation helped me feel less intimidated and made the next steps feel do-able.
After a delicious lunch we looked at the marketing aspects. Lisa educated me about my website, as well as social media, which always intimidated me. She showed me how it can be a useful and friendly tool.
Lisa helped me honor my own pacing.

It was a lot of fun. I left with a clear plan of my next steps and dates and a feeling that “this is going to happen for me.”
And it did! My book, Engaging Resilience, became an Amazon Bestseller and is now making a difference in people’s lives.
Publishing my book has brought in new clients from unexpected sources, which is fun. My dream is to educate the larger bodywork community about the trauma work described in my book. Becoming a published author has started to open those doors as I connect with people in my field who can help me make that happen.
I highly recommend a VIP Day with Lisa Tener to any author who wants to make a big leap in progress, as well as get over any humps that are holding them back.
– Lissa Wheeler, author of Engaging Resilience
Here’s What Teri Cavanagh Says About Her Recent VIP Day
We accomplished so much on my special VIP day. I overcame challenges and concerns about finding the right title. Our brainstorming session was so much fun exploring creative avenues. we landed on exactly the right title and subtitle to capture the promise and intention of why I wanted to write this book.The “meet my muse”exercise, brought new and exciting insight for how we might develop each chapter, allowing for more spontaneity for my stories.Lisa’s keen editing has definitely brought my sample chapters to life for my readers, as well as tightened up my writing for greater impact.My next round of writing will definitely yield better results: how to bring it to life for my readers, how to tighten the writing and much more.
I can’t say enough about my day:the return on my investment in myself, the value I received from my expert coach, Lisa. The special extras of a brainstorming walk in nature, a wholesome lunch and sitting on her lovely deck while working together made my day a WOW!!
“Do I have to do my VIP Day in person?”
No. While it’s awesome to do it in person, we can use skype.
“What does a VIP Day cost?”
A VIP Day costs $5,000.
Have more questions? Ask as a comment or email me here.
Ready to Explore Your VIP Day?
I’d love to guide you to reach new heights with your writing, overcome blocks, gain clarity on your book concept and structure, refine your book proposal to position it for success, or whatever it is that will help you reach your goals and manifest your dreams as a published author.
You can sign up here or contact me to explore.