author patricia myers
embracing the teardrops

Wrote My First Draft in 12 Weeks

Lisa is the guardian angel who helped me become a published author: at the end of every speaking engagement, I mention the wonderful writing coach I found on the internet at 3 in the morning. When I followed up by phone the next day she was just as caring and sincere as the words that hug her website.

Lisa’s 8 week program helped me write the first draft of my book in 12 weeks. (Nothing to do with Lisa teaching—merely my hectic work schedule as a funeral director). Before taking Lisa’s course, each time I wrote a few pages I always got stuck and lost interest. I also had doubts that I had anything new to say. Lisa teaches you how to overcome those roadblocks.

At my book signing I had well over 300 people in attendance. My book has opened the door to speaking engagements, including keynotes—from small groups to several hundred at a time.

Just last week a 99-year-old woman walked into my office wanting to plan her funeral ahead of time. She held an autographed copy of Embracing the Teardrops with hand written notes stuck between the pages and excitingly shared with me that my book was an easy read, entertaining and a great help to her.

Lisa is definitely the go to person when it comes to drafting your first book.

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