Secret Language of Cells book

“The Best Thing I Did”

“Taking Lisa Tener’s Fast Track Your Book Proposal program was the best thing I did to give my book momentum. I had written an entire rough draft, but was floundering with where to go with it, and what to do next. The process of writing a proposal is so different than writing my own material, I was lost and stymied.

“Lisa prodded me in simple steps to fight back to writing each day, and then tackling the proposal. For the proposal, paying for the gold program was the best investment I made in years. She broke down each section in sequence, which stimulated my own research and refinement of the draft proposal. Having her go over the drafts of each section, I think, made it successful.

“With Lisa’s help, I wrote a great proposal, signed with a top literary agent and signed a book contract with Ben Bella Books. And best of all, I am back writing what I love, rather than a proposal.”

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