Stephanie Myers, book proposal client
End the mealtime meltdown

Top Boutique Literary Agency & Book Deal with New Harbinger

“A top literary agent officially offered me representation based on the proposal Lisa guided me on and edited.

“The first words out of the agent’s mouth were: ‘This proposal is terrific. May I ask if you worked with someone to craft it?’

“I was delighted to hear her describe the proposal as polished and strong. When I think back to what my proposal looked like before Lisa’s Fast Track Your Book Proposal Course and professional coaching, it’s crystal clear that I would never have been able to attract this agent without Lisa’s coaching and wise guidance.

“Lisa has an exceptional ability to bring out the creative side in her clients. Her personalized guided visualization unlocked a flow of ideas and energy crucial to moving forward.

“And my latest update: Today I signed a book contract with New Harbinger.”

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