Dr. Patricia Muesham
Beyond medicine book cover

“Signed with the #1 Agent on My List”

“Lisa played a big role in helping me find my way from being a writer to published author. When I felt frustrated and overwhelmed by the book publishing industry, just reading Lisa’s emails and blog posts and attending her webinars, gave me the strength I needed to keep going. Lisa’s positivity and uplifting manner helped me feel inspired. Lisa helped me tap into the well of creativity—to continue on my path.

“At one point I was told to hold off on querying agents and build my social media presence. After a year of struggling with social media—and not much to show for it—I felt disappointed and disillusioned. Lisa read the beginning of my proposal and told me, “This is amazing; don’t give up.” Our conversation prompted me to submit to the agents on my list, despite any social media shortfall. I sent out six queries and, the following day, the #1 agent on my list asked, “Can you talk right now? I love your idea. I want to represent you.”

“Lisa kept me going and inspired me to never give up hope and my vision, my dream. She helped me find my wings when I didn’t know I had wings.  Her presence was always there, encouraging and inspiring me. After Beyond Medicine was published, Lisa encouraged me to apply for the Nautilus Book Award. It was a Monday and the deadline was that Friday. With only days before the deadline, my publisher entered the book and Beyond Medicine won the Gold! That happened because of Lisa. I would never have known without her looking out for me.”

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