Dr. CRaig Malkin
HarperWave approached Dr. Malkin after seeing his blog posts on Narcissism on Psychology Today and the Huffington Post

6-Figure Deal with HarperCollins

Lisa has enough wisdom and experience in her to help launch a thousand books. Take the opportunity to learn from her now.

When I first met Lisa I was lost–I mean, completely lost. I had plenty of ideas–enough, in fact, to excite several agents after I pitched them–but when it came to crafting a book proposal, I really had no clue where to begin. Not that I didn’t try.

I made the rounds myself, shopped to agents who’d initially been excited to speak to me, and managed to turn them off with a sloppy book proposal almost as quickly as I’d gotten their attention. I went from “please see me,” after a conference to “your book just isn’t for me,” all in a matter of months. Ouch.

So I threw down a cup of coffee, plopped myself into my coziest armchair, and called Lisa Tener. From the start, she was brimming with ideas to turn my situation around. Over the course of a month, she helped me whip my proposal into shape, launch a platform (she even got me my first radio interview!) and sharpen my ideas enough to get the attention of several top agents.

And all this, you’ll be glad to know, has a very happy ending: eventually I landed a six-figure book deal with HarperCollins.

Throughout it all, Lisa was my coach, my mentor, my teacher, my friend, and my cheerleader. And she still is.

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