author james zender
james zender book cover

Multiple Offers from Publishers!

From the moment I met Lisa Tener at Harvard Medical School’s CME publishing course, she exuded friendliness, competence, and approachability.  For the past fifteen years I had specialized in auto accident psychological trauma treatment and I decided a book on that topic was much needed.

Lisa helped me develop a first-rate book proposal, and worked with me to develop my platform, which helped me attract a top NYC literary agent.  Lisa helped me overcome self-doubt and many dark nights of the soul anxieties as I moved ahead through the uncharted territory of publishing.  I now blog for Psychology Today, have given numerous talks at the Michigan Brain Injury Association and physical therapy recovery programs, and have been invited to keynote and speak at numerous conferences and courses.

The big news, however, is that I received multiple offers from publishers, and signed a book deal with Rowman and Littlefield.

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