Janet Snoyer Author
medical school book cover

“My hits on LinkedIn and my website are up by a factor of 40 since I published.”

I enrolled in Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life® program to make my commitment to my book serious and to make an investment in its realization.

Following the guidelines in the class, the written material and Lisa’s blog, I began envisioning the book and designing its sections. I made a comprehensive outline and scope. I drafted a book proposal to myself, as if I were the agent and the book publisher.

I got a lot out of the live class as I listened to other people discuss their obstacles, workarounds and progress. I found this inspiring and informative. The course helped me form and stick to a satisfying and energizing routine–and to reframe a solo-writer-hunkered-down feeling into one of greater expansiveness as Lisa led me to commune with my inner muse (a robust concept that I continue to revisit regularly and which gave me a deeper and lasting, driving sense of being called to produce this book).

Bring Your Book to Life® transported me out of the joy I derive from writing just for itself, to the deeply rewarding work of actually preparing a gift for a readership that needs and wants to learn just what I have to share with them. Finally, the ideas and tools around accountability are what brought my book to life. Using Lisa’s framework for accountability, I found an ideal accountability partner who became such an asset that in our final stages, I invited her to share authorship with me: Elyse Perruchon.

Lisa made me feel safe and confident in self-publishing as a viable alternative to a more conventional route and I am very glad I did it that way. No more delayed gratification! We got the book on Amazon a week after we finished and, miraculously, 90 copies sold in the first month!

What surprised me the most is how the book helped my business. My hits on LinkedIn and my website are up by a factor of 40 since I published.

I was invited to speak to a private group of advisors and my talk was featured on a large national list serve, because of the book.

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