Megan Gunnell author
thriving as a therapist book cover

Brought Forth My Most Creative Writing

“I met Lisa at the Harvard Writing and Publishing conference for healthcare professionals. I wanted to write a book, but had no idea where to begin! Lisa stressed the importance of building a platform. So, I got to work blogging, building my email list and developing a Facebook Group for “Thriving Therapists,” which grew to 20,000  members in just a few years and received the Meta Community Accelerator Award, funding writing and publishing the book for my community.
“I knew I needed accountability, support and guidance, and enrolled in Lisa Tener’s ‘Get Your Writing Done’ weekly program. I set the outline and built a schedule for writing two chapters a week until it was complete. Knowing I had my weekly writing program set with Lisa and the other group members kept me committed, focused and on track to complete my book on time.
“My book hit #1 bestseller in 9 out of 10 categories on Amazon!
“Lisa’s program works. The way she blends mind, body and soul into her weekly sessions expedited my project. Lisa’s sessions helped me bring forth my most creative and descriptive writing.  I wouldn’t attempt to write another book without Lisa’s support!”
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