reset your child's brain book cover

Published by New World Library; Today Show Guest: “I felt lost until I found Lisa.”

“I felt lost until I found Lisa Tener. Lisa helped me get essential clarity by focusing in on both what I felt most passionate about and what would make the book most meaningful and appealing to publishers and readers.

“I signed up for her Bring Your Book to Life® Program for the structure to complete my book—and I did complete the entire manuscript in eight weeks. 

“Under Lisa’s guidance, I also worked on my book proposal and platform. She guided me to pitch to Psychology Today where I now blog, and advised me about media opportunities. I’ve now appeared on the Today Show and Good Morning America—twice each!

“Lisa’s expert assistance with my book proposal and platform, her guidance with agents, and her advice to attend Harvard Medical School’s publishing course where Lisa served on the faculty, all helped me secure a top agent—and my book was published by New World Library!

“Lisa continues to send me links to articles or blog posts to comment on. In one case, this led to wide-ranging publicity including interviews, a scholarly journal reference, and speaking invitations. In fact, over a year later that one article continues to rack up about 5-10,000 new views each week. Lisa has lots of good ideas and she also seems to have an intuitive knack of knowing when and where to put your efforts!”

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