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“Awestruck by the Publisher’s Offer”

“Lisa Tener is an amazing coach and so much more. One day I was googling online for ideas on how to write a nonfiction book, when I stumbled upon her web page. I continued on with my internet search digging deeper, but kept circling back to her website.  Something inside nudged me to reach out and give her a call. I was so nervous, because all I really had was a vague idea for a book. Nothing solid.

“That first phone call to Lisa, I probably sounded like a nervous chipmunk, struggling to get my idea out. Lisa immediately jumped right in, put me at ease, and started thoughtfully guiding me. I knew I’d found my critical support.

“Lisa has been with me every step of the way, from providing spot on writing advice, driving strategic connections, to cheering me on when I feel overwhelmed and thinking things won’t work out. Her Bring Your Book to Life® Program provided valuable content and amazing connections.

“Through Lisa’s  course and coaching, she helped me develop a vague idea into a solid book proposal, complete with book outline and sample chapters, along with an outstanding platform. With all the pieces in place, Lisa connected me with a wonderful and savvy New York literary agent. Just this week my agent called and asked if I was sitting down. Then she gave me the news.

“She’d received the first offer from a top publishing House with an excellent advance. I was, and continue to be, awestruck by the offer. In that same week, I heard from a second top publishing house also expressing sincere interest. Now I’ve signed a contract with my dream publisher.

“All of it has been an amazing journey.  None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t met Lisa: she has truly been an inspiration and thank goodness I made that initial call.

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