
Award-Winning Books

2024 Nautilus Book Award

Wrote a First Draft in 8 Weeks!

Lisa is astonishingly good at what she does. She gives it her all. I participated in Lisa’s “Bring Your Book to Life” program.

The intention was to create a first draft of a book in 8 weeks. I did it! The commitment required and the structure of the class made it possible for me.

The private coaching sessions with Lisa were invaluable. She is an extremely creative intuitive outside the box thinker. I had two private calls with her. In both her refraining of my thinking made a profound difference. In the first she helped me see with fresh eyes ,which allowed me to understand and reclaim the value of a concept that I I had rejected.

In the second, she pushed me to tolerate the anxiety of claiming a powerful adjective to describe myself, which felt like she was encouraging me to “dare greatly” and to not play small. If you are ready to commit and do the work, (it is a big commitment on multiple levels!) she offers thoughtful support and a structure to help you “bring your book to life.” I am grateful and highly recommend working with her if you are ready.

— Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD, Author of Sacred Psychiatry

Gold Nautilus Book Award

“Signed with the #1 Agent on My List”

“Lisa played a big role in helping me find my way from being a writer to published author. When I felt frustrated and overwhelmed by the book publishing industry, just reading Lisa’s emails and blog posts and attending her webinars, gave me the strength I needed to keep going. Lisa’s positivity and uplifting manner helped me feel inspired. Lisa helped me tap into the well of creativity—to continue on my path.

“At one point I was told to hold off on querying agents and build my social media presence. After a year of struggling with social media—and not much to show for it—I felt disappointed and disillusioned. Lisa read the beginning of my proposal and told me, “This is amazing; don’t give up.” Our conversation prompted me to submit to the agents on my list, despite any social media shortfall. I sent out six queries and, the following day, the #1 agent on my list asked, “Can you talk right now? I love your idea. I want to represent you.”

“Lisa kept me going and inspired me to never give up hope and my vision, my dream. She helped me find my wings when I didn’t know I had wings.  Her presence was always there, encouraging and inspiring me. After Beyond Medicine was published, Lisa encouraged me to apply for the Nautilus Book Award. It was a Monday and the deadline was that Friday. With only days before the deadline, my publisher entered the book and Beyond Medicine won the Gold! That happened because of Lisa. I would never have known without her looking out for me.”

— Patricia Muehsam, MD, Author of Beyond Medicine

Nautilus, Living Now, National Indie Excellence, Readers' Choice Book Awards

MD Nails a Book Deal & 4 Book Awards!

“Not a Real Enemy, the story of my father’s miraculous survival through World War II and the Holocaust, won a prestigious Nautilus Award, Living Now Book Award, National Indie Excellence Award and Readers’ Choice. I could not have done it without Lisa Tener’s help and guidance. Lisa found me the perfect co-writer (Janice Harper) to write my book proposal, which garnered a traditional book deal, and who helped me vividly bring my family’s story to life. Lisa also encouraged me to apply for prestigious book awards, including the Nautilus, which was a home run.

“I have been fortunate to be invited to many book talks, podcasts, and TV interviews, including live in studio interviews in Miami and Tampa Bay, Florida and several Spotify sponsored podcasts!”

— Robert J. Wolf, MD, Author of Not a Real Enemy

Nautilus Book Award, Pen Craft Book Award

Published by Rowman & Littlefield

“I could cry (for joy) at how helpful Lisa Tener’s Quick Start was! I have been trying to get that book written for two years. In under two weeks of using the Quick Start Program, I got further than in all those two years of trying.

“With the Quick Start exercises, I discovered specific features and ideas that can help my readers and empower them to graduate. At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed at the idea of the outlining exercise, but once I actually started with LIsa’s suggestions, it came easily. Quick Start has been worth many hundreds more dollars than the $97 it cost!

“When Rowman & Littlefield published my book, Lisa continued to provide support–offering advice for reaching readers and applying for book awards. I just won my first award–2023 Pen Craft Book Award!”

— Christine M. Stroble, PhD, Author of Helping Teen Moms Graduate

2022 Nautilus Book Award, Mom’s Choice Award

“Awestruck by the Publisher’s Offer”

“Lisa Tener is an amazing coach and so much more. One day I was googling online for ideas on how to write a nonfiction book, when I stumbled upon her web page. I continued on with my internet search digging deeper, but kept circling back to her website.  Something inside nudged me to reach out and give her a call. I was so nervous, because all I really had was a vague idea for a book. Nothing solid.

“That first phone call to Lisa, I probably sounded like a nervous chipmunk, struggling to get my idea out. Lisa immediately jumped right in, put me at ease, and started thoughtfully guiding me. I knew I’d found my critical support.

“Lisa has been with me every step of the way, from providing spot on writing advice, driving strategic connections, to cheering me on when I feel overwhelmed and thinking things won’t work out. Her Bring Your Book to Life® Program provided valuable content and amazing connections.

“Through Lisa’s  course and coaching, she helped me develop a vague idea into a solid book proposal, complete with book outline and sample chapters, along with an outstanding platform. With all the pieces in place, Lisa connected me with a wonderful and savvy New York literary agent. Just this week my agent called and asked if I was sitting down. Then she gave me the news.

“She’d received the first offer from a top publishing House with an excellent advance. I was, and continue to be, awestruck by the offer. In that same week, I heard from a second top publishing house also expressing sincere interest. Now I’ve signed a contract with my dream publisher.

“All of it has been an amazing journey.  None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t met Lisa: she has truly been an inspiration and thank goodness I made that initial call.

— Rhonda Spencer-Hwang, PhD, Author of Raising Resilient Kids

2021 Living Now Book Award, 2021 Stevie Award

Two Awards & “Instrumental in My Work Supporting Healthcare Workers”

“I signed up for Bring Your book to Life® Thanksgiving weekend. By February, Lisa’s materials and consultation had helped me develop a structure to set Deeper into Mindfulness apart from other mindfulness books on the market.

“The course materials, structure, accountability partner, Lisa’s creative muse exercise, Lisa’s supportive input, the weekly planner and the weekly group calls all helped me stay on track, make my book a priority and deliver a first draft by the end of the course.

“I continued to work with Lisa as my editor and enjoyed how she helped my writing stay concise, understandable, compassionate and engaging. Lisa also introduced me to a great designer and marketing expert.

“A little over a year later, my book was published. After launch, Lisa encouraged me to apply for several book awards.

Deeper into Mindfulness won a Living Now Book Award in Relaxation/Mindfulness. During COVID, Deeper into Mindfulness helped me train and support healthcare workers as well as my students and patients. My work with this book was instrumental in my winning a Bronze Stevie Award for Most Valuable Service/COVID Response.

“Lisa was always encouraging and inspired breakthroughs whenever I got a little stuck. I highly recommend Bring Your Book to Life® and Lisa’s coaching and editing services.”

— Lisa Langer, PhD, Author of Deeper Into Mindfulness

2021 IPPY Book Award in Science

“The Best Thing I Did”

“Taking Lisa Tener’s Fast Track Your Book Proposal program was the best thing I did to give my book momentum. I had written an entire rough draft, but was floundering with where to go with it, and what to do next. The process of writing a proposal is so different than writing my own material, I was lost and stymied.

“Lisa prodded me in simple steps to fight back to writing each day, and then tackling the proposal. For the proposal, paying for the gold program was the best investment I made in years. She broke down each section in sequence, which stimulated my own research and refinement of the draft proposal. Having her go over the drafts of each section, I think, made it successful.

“With Lisa’s help, I wrote a great proposal, signed with a top literary agent and signed a book contract with Ben Bella Books. And best of all, I am back writing what I love, rather than a proposal.”

— Jon Lieff, MD, Author of The Secret Language of Cells

2019 Nautilus Award - Silver, Personal Growth

“A Valuable Partnership”

“Lisa helped me clarify and fine tune both the vision and mission of my book, and think through my editorial decisions.
“Her openness and creativity, practicality and intelligence, directness and honesty were crucial in forming our editorial partnership.
“After Trust Your Intuition was published, Lisa suggested I apply for the Nautilus Book Award–and Trust Your Intuition won the Silver Nautilus Award in the competitive Personal Growth category!
“I recommend Lisa to authors seeking a valuable partnership in bringing your book to life.”

— Jill Sylvester, Author of  Trust Your Intuition 

Silver Nautilus Award in Psychology 2019

Multiple Offers & Nautilus Award Winner

“Lisa Tener was an invaluable resource throughout the book-publishing process. She helped me make sense of the publishing world, build a platform that would get the attention of publishers, and develop an engaging book proposal that popped. Lisa also introduced me to my publisher.
“I ended up getting multiple offers and was thrilled to sign a book contract with New Harbinger—the publisher I had always hoped for when I set out to write the book.
“After the book was published Lisa has continued to be a supportive presence and wise guide. In fact, she was the one who encouraged me to apply for the Nautilus Book Award, which I actually won! Thank you Lisa!”

— Scott Symington, Ph.D., Author of Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings: A Two-Step Mindfulness Approach for Moving Beyond Fear and Worry

Winner of 6 Prestigious Awards!

Book Deal with Hachette

“My prayers were answered when one of my colleagues recommended Lisa Tener. Lisa immediately calmed me down, listened keenly and encouraged me to get the help to finish my book.

“During the 3 years of working on my book, I had many questions. Lisa was always there to help and advise me. In addition, I consulted her blog many times. I could not imagine completing a project of such broad scope without Lisa’s invaluable guidance.

“I worked with Lisa’s colleague, John Hanc, who became my co-author. John brought the best out of me and together we brought my story to life. We signed a contract with Hachette Book Group, which published “Your Heart, My Hands” in April 2019.

“Lisa also encouraged me to apply for several book and achievement awards, all of which I won, including the American Business Awards (Stevie Award) for Lifetime Achievement and the Gold Nautilus Award.

“It is with great pleasure that I recommend Lisa as book coach and adviser for any author. I am glad to say she was for me. On top of it, she is wonderful, kind person with a great sense of humor.”

— Arun Singh, MD, Author of Your Heart, My Hands

Nautilus Award 2018! Erma Bombeck Humor Writer of the Month by E. B. Writing Workshop, University of Dayton

Two offers and a book deal with Prospect Park Books

My book, a travel narrative about living in Vietnam among the poor, was hard to write. But writing a compelling proposal was even harder—or at least it was until I found Lisa Tener to help me with it. She guided me each step of the way. Lisa had so many great ideas, I could hardly write them down fast enough. I came away with an amazing proposal that was so effective, that I had the rare and wondrous experience of having to choose between two publishing houses with offers.

I was thrilled when Kirkus Review called my book, “A lighthearted memoir of new friends, delicious food, and culture shock.” And Library Journal Review said, “Esterhammer creates laugh-out-loud moments of at times daunting or utterly embarrassing experiences.”

After my book came out, Lisa encouraged me to apply for the Nautilus Book Awards in the Multicultural and Indigenous Category. I did and I won the Silver Award!

— Karin Esterhammer, Author of So Happiness to Meet You: Foolishly, Blissfully Stranded in Vietnam

Mind, Body Spirit Awards Finalist, National Indie Excellence Awards Winner, Reader’s Favorite Bronze Winner

5 book awards from 3 different organizations

“When I sought advice from authors about writing my book, Hidden Treasure: How to Break Free of Five Patterns that Hide Your True Self, they uniformly suggested I employ a good writing coach. Most suggested local people but my friend Micaela Karlsen told me how much she loved Lisa Tener, who had coached her with writing her book, A Plant-Based Life.

“Lisa helped change my academic writing style to a more personal and engaging one. I was amazed how Lisa came up with such engaging and creative chapter titles and subtitles for Hidden Treasure. She told me when a concept wasn’t clear, so I could better explain it. Book reviewers uniformly comment on how clear and accessible my writing is, and a large credit for this goes to Lisa.

“Lisa helped me with so many aspects of my book’s process. She’s a gift that keeps on giving! Lisa took me through the whole process of writing and editing, helped me choose a publisher, looked over my contract with a publicist, offered insightful comments on my website, and arranged interviews for me with people she knew. I have felt her support through each step.

“I’m convinced that Lisa’s coaching has been a major factor in Hidden Treasure’s success. It is being used in several prominent training programs/institutions, including the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and it has won 5 book awards from 3 different organizations.

“When I decided to write my second book, I immediately asked Lisa to help me with editing and feedback. She’s great at seeing the overall picture and making suggestions accordingly. She rightly challenged my title and brilliantly proposed I add shaded boxes with stories, tales, and poems from the spiritual traditions to break up and add lightness and insight to the text. I also followed her guidelines for creating a successful book proposal, which landed me a book contract with Wisdom Editions, an imprint of Calumet Editions.

“I recommend Lisa wholeheartedly.”

— Alice McDowell, Author of "Hidden Treasure: How to Break Free of Five Patterns that Hide Your True Self" and "Dance of Light: Christian, Sufi, and Zen Wisdom for Today’s Spiritual Seeker"

Finalist of 2017 New Generation Indie Book Awards and 2017 International Book Awards

Two Major Book Awards

“I love working with Lisa Tener. She is a superb book coach and editor. Lisa was a major player in helping me start (and complete!) my book, Success Without Stress: Simple Steps to Finding Calm for Women Business Owners.

“Thanks to Lisa, my book has won two books awards in the category of Women’s Issues: Finalist in both the 2017 New Generation Indie Book Awards and 2017 International Book Awards.

“As a first time author, I needed huge amounts of basic info, a smart plan of action, skillful editing and plenty of encouragement. Lisa provided it all. She also improved my writing skills 100%. My sentences are now clearer, concise and more impactful. As I continue to write, I hear Lisa’s voice in my head suggesting ways to make my ideas and sentences stronger.

“In addition to Lisa’s fabulous creative ideas and marketing skills, she’s fun to work with. She made the process inspiring so I kept on writing. Lisa was also instrumental in helping me promote my book—writing an article in her newsletter, adding photos on Facebook and posting congratulation updates on LinkedIn. A total bonus.

“Lisa’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Once I started working with Lisa, I felt a huge sense of relief. I danced around the living room to Here Comes the Sun.”

— Teri Scheinzeit, Author of Success Without Stress

Winner of Gold Stevie Award for Best Ebook 2017 and Bronze for Best Business Book, American Business Awards

Quick, Responsive and a Delight to Work With!

“Lisa Tener coached me to become a better writer, edited my manuscript, and guided me through the (self)-publishing process. I am thrilled to say that Lisa delivered on all fronts and my business book Feedback First! Boosting Performance through CLEAR + CALM Communication is about to go to print!

“What I appreciated most about working with Lisa is her ability to give meaningful and motivating feedback, keep me focused, and deliver editorial advice and then some. She is quick, responsive and a delight to work with.”

— Huibert Evekink, Author of Feedback First! Boosting Performance through CLEAR + CALM Communication

Finalist in The Southhampton Review, Frank McCourt Prize in 2016 and Honorable Mention in Stillhouse Press Contest

Book Deal with Stillhouse Press

“If you’re like me you get so close to your writing that you can lose perspective. That’s when I was very lucky to have met and worked with book coach, Lisa Tener. She was helpful at several levels of preparation for my book proposal and book, American Snake Pit, a memoir about my work in deinstitutionalizing, Willowbrook, the worst asylum in American history. Her skill in organizing, shaping, editing, and honing the text improved the quality and readability. This was confirmed when the manuscript won honorable mention in Stillhouse Press contest, and became a finalist in The Southhampton Review, Frank McCourt Prize in 2016.

“I know that without Lisa’s help these honors would not have happened. “They were followed by a book contract with Stillhouse Press, with a launch at the AWP conference in Tampa. The screenplay for American Snake Pit has received a dozen honors at national and international film festivals.

“Lisa knows what she is doing and how to motivate her clients. I highly recommend talking with her about your book idea, proposal, or manuscript. Her clarity, sensitivity, and professionalism shine at every level. Let her take a look. Your book’s chances are better with Lisa on your team.”

— Dan Tomasulo, Author of American Snake Pit

Business Book of the Year 2015; Business Ebook of the Year 2015, American Business Awards and International Business Awards

“Do you want to publish a best seller? You need Lisa!”

“I went to the 2014 San Francisco Writers Conference looking for a coach to rescue my real estate book. I was troubled by voice, the right balance of light and dark, humor and helpfulness. Within minutes of meeting Lisa, I knew I had found The Guru.

“I interviewed six other book coaches at the conference, spent fifteen minutes with each, and Lisa gave me more insight than all the others combined. She got into my head, totally grasping what I wanted to accomplish, and within five minutes came up with brilliant suggestions that I hadn’t even considered (for free – she didn’t even sign me before starting to share!)

“I knew that in hiring Lisa my book would have the eyes of a master on it—one who has proven results with the Big Six publishers. I am going indie, so I knew I needed her expertise even more. We have just finished editing, and I am beyond thrilled with the results.

“Your book only gets one chance to become a top seller. Don’t risk it. Let Lisa make it the best it can be.”

— Cathy Turney, Author of Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success

New Book Deals and Published Books

thriving as a therapist book cover

Brought Forth My Most Creative Writing

“I met Lisa at the Harvard Writing and Publishing conference for healthcare professionals. I wanted to write a book, but had no idea where to begin! Lisa stressed the importance of building a platform. So, I got to work blogging, building my email list and developing a Facebook Group for “Thriving Therapists,” which grew to 20,000  members in just a few years and received the Meta Community Accelerator Award, funding writing and publishing the book for my community.
“I knew I needed accountability, support and guidance, and enrolled in Lisa Tener’s ‘Get Your Writing Done’ weekly program. I set the outline and built a schedule for writing two chapters a week until it was complete. Knowing I had my weekly writing program set with Lisa and the other group members kept me committed, focused and on track to complete my book on time.
“My book hit #1 bestseller in 9 out of 10 categories on Amazon!
“Lisa’s program works. The way she blends mind, body and soul into her weekly sessions expedited my project. Lisa’s sessions helped me bring forth my most creative and descriptive writing.  I wouldn’t attempt to write another book without Lisa’s support!”

— Megan Gunnell, Author of Thriving as a Therapist

Healing Emotional eating Book

Published by New Harbinger and Making a Bigger Impact

“Working with Lisa was amazing! I took several in-person and online courses with Lisa on writing and book proposal development, and I purchased her Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks program. I learned so much about the nuts and bolts of proposal writing from Lisa and it made all the difference. I also learned about the importance of developing my platform. Writing the proposal would have been a much more difficult process without Lisa’s help. When I was done, Lisa reviewed my proposal and offered insightful feedback that significantly improved the content. My first choice publisher, New Harbinger, loved my proposal and offered me a book deal and now I’m a published author, getting my ideas into the world and making a bigger impact on people healing from trauma.”

— Diane Petrella, MSW, Author of Healing Emotional Eating for Trauma Survivors

Justice at Trial by James Brosnahan book cover

“Top Drawer Agent and Book Deal”

After writing my memoir about my years as a trial lawyer, trying many groundbreaking cases, and then writing a book proposal, I was advised to hire a book proposal coach or editor to make the proposal as compelling as possible. Lucky for me I found Lisa Tener.

In addition to guiding me to create a successful book proposal, Lisa taught me how to keep the flow going in a 400+ page book, how to build suspense, how to reduce the length of sentences when appropriate, and when to add length to sentences for impact. She did all that while respecting my voice and enthusiasm for my book.

Lisa taught me what agents and publishers are looking for and the mechanics of their agreeing to take on a book. Because of Lisa’s work–and her reaching out to my top choice agent–I got a top drawer agent and a book deal with Rowman & Littlefield and my memoir will be published in 2023. I highly recommend Lisa as an editor and book coach and I plan to work with her on my next book, which I have already started writing.

— James Brosnahan, Senior of Counsel, Author of Justice at Trial: Courtroom Battles and Groundbreaking Cases

Parenting Beyond Power Book Cover

Publisher Praises Book Proposal / Marketing Plan & Offers Contract!

“I hired LIsa Tener for feedback on my book proposal, and, in particular, guidance and brainstorming to improve my marketing plan. Lisa’s guidance was just what I needed. I signed a book contract with Sasquatch shortly after incorporating Lisa feedback. The acquisitions editor specifically called out the robustness of my marketing plan.”

— Jen Lumanlan, Author of Parenting Beyond Power

boundaries for women physicians

“An Invaluable Mentor, Resource and Connector Throughout”

I’m seriously blown away by how much working with Lisa has helped me in my book writing and publishing process. My consultation with Lisa brought me clarity on the direction to take in publishing my book. Lisa also introduced me to numerous experts in the literary and marketing industry that have propelled my book, business and visibility forward. Because of Lisa, I connected with experts who have helped me publish two Amazon bestsellers! Lisa also introduced me to my awards consultant, Melissa Sones, who entered me for the American Business Awards where I won two GOLD Stevie Awards for Woman of the Year and Maverick of the Year! Of course, my book helped make the case for these  Lisa has been an invaluable resource, mentor and connector throughout this entire process. I am so grateful to have found Lisa when I did. She is the best there is. I refer everyone who wants to gain clarity with their book writing and publishing process to Lisa!

— Tammie Chang, MD, Author of Boundaries For Women Physicians: Love Your Life And Career In Medicine

book cover

One Coaching Call “Made All the Difference” – Published by Routledge!

I reached out to Lisa for coaching after getting many rejections from publishers. In just one consultation, Lisa encouraged me and gave me actionable steps that made all the difference. This included specific advice on creating an author website (and what is needed), suggestions for developing my platform, including writing articles for Kevin MD and other venues, and responding to reporter queries. With Lisa’s advice, instead of giving up, I pressed on, developed a stronger platform and received an offer from Routledge which published my book in October, 2021.

— Christine Ko, MD, Author of How to Improve Doctor-Patient Connection: Using Psychology to Optimize Healthcare Interactions

Inspiration to Author was the Catalyst!

Lisa’s program, Inspiration to Author, was the catalyst to learn how to write compelling content to both entertain and inform my readers! I am so thankful to have stumbled upon her Inspiration to Author program at the start of my journey to birth book twins! The Chubby Church Books 1 and 2 support men and women of faith all over the world to take back their health! Thanks to my books, I teach The Chubby Church content in online courses and work as a health coach, enabling me to see the transformation possible with my clients every day. Thanks so much Lisa!

— Jendayi Harris, Author of The Chubby Church, Books 1 and 2

medical school book cover

“My hits on LinkedIn and my website are up by a factor of 40 since I published.”

I enrolled in Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life® program to make my commitment to my book serious and to make an investment in its realization.

Following the guidelines in the class, the written material and Lisa’s blog, I began envisioning the book and designing its sections. I made a comprehensive outline and scope. I drafted a book proposal to myself, as if I were the agent and the book publisher.

I got a lot out of the live class as I listened to other people discuss their obstacles, workarounds and progress. I found this inspiring and informative. The course helped me form and stick to a satisfying and energizing routine–and to reframe a solo-writer-hunkered-down feeling into one of greater expansiveness as Lisa led me to commune with my inner muse (a robust concept that I continue to revisit regularly and which gave me a deeper and lasting, driving sense of being called to produce this book).

Bring Your Book to Life® transported me out of the joy I derive from writing just for itself, to the deeply rewarding work of actually preparing a gift for a readership that needs and wants to learn just what I have to share with them. Finally, the ideas and tools around accountability are what brought my book to life. Using Lisa’s framework for accountability, I found an ideal accountability partner who became such an asset that in our final stages, I invited her to share authorship with me: Elyse Perruchon.

Lisa made me feel safe and confident in self-publishing as a viable alternative to a more conventional route and I am very glad I did it that way. No more delayed gratification! We got the book on Amazon a week after we finished and, miraculously, 90 copies sold in the first month!

What surprised me the most is how the book helped my business. My hits on LinkedIn and my website are up by a factor of 40 since I published.

I was invited to speak to a private group of advisors and my talk was featured on a large national list serve, because of the book.

— Janet Snoyer, Author of The Family Guide to Medical School Admissions

book cover the good around us

Hearing From Total Strangers Across the Country!

“I signed up for Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program to get my book across to the finish line—a published book I could be proud of. I needed someone experienced, non-judgmental, who would listen and demonstrate understanding.  Lisa exceeded all of these.

“Lisa quickly put me at ease by demystifying the process and dismantling all my fears that had previously muddied my confidence. Lisa helped me see what’s possible and write from a place of joy.

“Lisa Tener’s ability to engage multiple authors in safe, robust, engaging conversation belied the diversity of our topics and enriched our varied backgrounds.  Lisa Tener’s unique gifts will strengthen your writing, warm you up to bigger possibilities and can help you finally realize your book dream come true!

“Now that my first book is published, I am hearing from total strangers across the country sharing when and how they use my book to make life decisions that lead from a place of joy. My book helped me get in front of influencers and visionaries, landing featured presentations for Syncopated Ladies and the Salon on the Spiritually Created Life. This is all tremendously gratifying.”

— Gael Sylvia Pullen, Author of The Good Around Us


A New Approach to Getting My Words on the Page

I originally contacted Lisa because I wanted support to commit to my writing. I had a book idea floating around and knew I’d need some additional accountability.

In Lisa Tener’s Get Your Writing Done Program, I experienced a new way to approach getting my words on the page. Rather than the grind-it-out mentality I’d had with previous writing projects, Lisa invited rigor alongside space to take breaks, check in and move my body.

This felt soo good to me and continues to be how I work. As a result of this more generative approach I wrote a blog post that ended up going viral and that planted the seed for the longer project I’d been dreaming of.  In helping authors get published, Lisa offers transparency and guidance around what this process may look like.

When a publisher contacted me about a book contract, I was inspired to email Lisa and ask for help. I emailed Lisa with questions and she found me the resource I needed–an excellent IP attorney to negotiate my contract.

— Kelsey Blackwell, Somatic Coach, writer and author of the viral article, "Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People.", Author of Decolonizing The Body: Somatic Practices for BIPOC Women to Release Internalized Oppression and Reclaim Authentic Confidence, Dignity and Worth (New Harbinger Publications)

book cover Teach Smarter

Published by Wiley

I joined Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program because I had a book contract with Wiley and I was looking for a mentor to guide me through the professional book writing and publishing process–and ensure I had the support and accountability to write and complete the book in time!

I’m so glad I found Lisa; she was like my own personal publishing fairy godmother. Lisa is a kind and gentle mentor who expertly guided me through the world of traditional publishing.
With her guidance and support, I was prepared well in advance for everything that came my way throughout the entire process.
Lisa helped me with everything from brainstorming title ideas, crafting a compelling introduction, to making my personal stories come to life – and more.  And when my publisher asked for endorsements, I had a solid plan for gathering them and had already identified exactly who to ask thanks to Lisa.
Lisa is always available to her students and her feedback is invaluable! With her help, I was able to complete my book in time to meet my publisher’s deadline.
Look for Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers at your favorite bookseller on June 2, 2021!

— Vanessa Levin, Author of Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers


“A Boon to My Creativity”

Lisa’s unique pre-writing practices are a boon to my creativity! I found myself focused on my book in a way that I haven’t been for the past several months. It even inspired a new title! – Molly Colvin, PhD

— Molly Colvin, PhD, Author of TBD

End the mealtime meltdown

Top Boutique Literary Agency & Book Deal with New Harbinger

“A top literary agent officially offered me representation based on the proposal Lisa guided me on and edited.

“The first words out of the agent’s mouth were: ‘This proposal is terrific. May I ask if you worked with someone to craft it?’

“I was delighted to hear her describe the proposal as polished and strong. When I think back to what my proposal looked like before Lisa’s Fast Track Your Book Proposal Course and professional coaching, it’s crystal clear that I would never have been able to attract this agent without Lisa’s coaching and wise guidance.

“Lisa has an exceptional ability to bring out the creative side in her clients. Her personalized guided visualization unlocked a flow of ideas and energy crucial to moving forward.

“And my latest update: Today I signed a book contract with New Harbinger.”

— Stephanie Meyers, Author of End the Mealtime Meltdown

How to Stop Losing Your

Book Sold at Auction to Workman Publishing!

“I met Lisa at Harvard Medical School’s publishing course and hired her to help me with a book proposal that I had been stuck on for years. Lisa helped me get clear on my bigger career goals and path, which opened up my thinking about the book I truly wanted to write.
“Lisa then provided valuable edits and feedback on the proposal, which ultimately sold at auction to Workman Publishing for my biggest advance yet! Lisa truly knows publishing, and I highly recommend her to anyone looking to take the next step in their writing career.”

— Carla Naumburg, PhD, Author of Parenting in the Present Moment: How to Stay Focused on What Really Matters (Parallax, 2014), Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness with Your Children for Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family (New Harbinger, 2015), and How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids (Workman, Forthcoming).

become your child's sleep coach

Landed Big 5 Publisher

Lisa Tener is a joy!

She’s experienced and insightful and is facile with every aspect of book coaching and publishing.  She reviewed my book proposal and made so many valuable and practical suggestions, encouraged me to wait to submit my proposal until I’d done more work on my platform (and helped me expand and improve it), knew just what my “dream agent” would be looking for, and encouraged me to submit my proposal at the time of year when it would receive the best consideration. 

I’m still pinching myself: I received multiple offers, signed with one of the Big 5 publishers in New York, and worked with an editor at the publishing house who was a perfect fit for my book. Now Become Your Child’s Sleep Coach is “available wherever books are sold” (never thought I’d get to say that!) and is helping both children and parents around the world get great sleep.

— Dr. Lynelle Schneeberg, PsyD, Author of Become Your Child's Sleep Coach

Hindsight 2020 Beth Monaghan

“The only person I’d entrust my corporate culture story to”

Stuart is an exceptionally talented writer, which is table stakes when you’re asking someone to write your story. When it comes to company culture, he also brings an intuitive and empathetic eye that brings to light the values of the organization and the people within it. He is the only person I’d entrust my corporate culture story to.

— Beth Monaghan, CEO, InkHouse Public Relations, Author of Hindsight 2020

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“The Most Important Person I Would Hire on My Journey to Becoming an Author”

“When I first met Lisa at the Harvard Writing Workshop for Healthcare Professionals, I was energized by her passion and excitement for coaching authors to share their fresh ideas with the world. I joined her Bring Your Book to Life® Program because I knew I needed her expertise and insights to develop my voice and write a compelling proposal.

“What I didn’t know then was that she would be the most important person I would hire on my journey to becoming an author. From brainstorming titles and developing my platform to connecting me with experts and sharing insights on publishers and agents, Lisa has been my touchstone every step of way.

“I remember reading Lisa’s impressive testimonials a few years ago and wondering if I would ever have the success that so many authors have experienced in working with her.

“I am thrilled that with her guidance, I am blogging for Psychology Today, working with a top NYC literary agent, and received multiple offers for my book High-Octane Brain: 5 Science-Backed Tips to Sharpen Your Memory and Dramatically Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s.

“I can’t wait for the next steps of my journey as an author, and for all of the unique insights, support, and guidance that I know Lisa will continue to provide!”

— Michelle Braun, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, Author of High Octane Brain

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Multiple Offers from Publishers!

From the moment I met Lisa Tener at Harvard Medical School’s CME publishing course, she exuded friendliness, competence, and approachability.  For the past fifteen years I had specialized in auto accident psychological trauma treatment and I decided a book on that topic was much needed.

Lisa helped me develop a first-rate book proposal, and worked with me to develop my platform, which helped me attract a top NYC literary agent.  Lisa helped me overcome self-doubt and many dark nights of the soul anxieties as I moved ahead through the uncharted territory of publishing.  I now blog for Psychology Today, have given numerous talks at the Michigan Brain Injury Association and physical therapy recovery programs, and have been invited to keynote and speak at numerous conferences and courses.

The big news, however, is that I received multiple offers from publishers, and signed a book deal with Rowman and Littlefield.

— James Zender, Ph.D., Author of Recovering from Your Car Accident

Stephen Snyder's author platform

6-Figure Book Deal! Featured in NYT, Today.com

“Lisa Tener helped me take my first steps as a writer. From the start, Lisa encouraged me to build my “author platform,” resulting in the strong foundation to support a 6-figure book deal (including features, articles and quotes in the Atlantic, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Cosmo, Glamour, Allure, TeenVogue, Elle, and an appearance on TODAY).

“Lisa guided me through my first Harvard Writers’ Conference, and made sure my proposal was the best it could be. Thanks to Lisa, I had my choice of literary agents—and eventually signed a six figure book deal with St. Martin’s Press.

“Within ten days of the book launch, Love Worth Making was in the New York Times, Today,com, AARP, and Readers Digest. I was given the opportunity to pitch the book on Salon.com, to tape a segment for Megyn Kelly TODAY, and to appear in a documentary co-produced by VICE and Vogue. In addition, two major online media outlets approached me about excerpting portions of the book. Plus as many radio and podcast spots as I could handle.

“Lisa stood by me once Love Worth Making was published, and shared my book with her community many times.

“I give Lisa Tener my highest recommendation.”

– Stephen Snyder, MD, www.sexualityresource.com

— Stephen Snyder, MD, Author of Love Worth Making

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Signed with AMACOM!

“Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life Program® empowered me to crystallize my vision for my book, write an effective book proposal, and even write a draft of over half my manuscript! I signed with a top agent in my field, Linda Konner, thanks to Lisa’s introduction and grooming of my proposal, as well as her advice on building my platform and growing my mailing list. 

“I signed a book deal with AMACOM and my published book was named a top cookbook by Vegetarian Times.

“My business partner and I just participated in a venture capital contest, Tufts New Ventures $100K. I brought a copy of my book to the semi finals pitch and gave it to the judges – it seemed to enhance my credibility. And then we made it to the finals.

“Lisa’s approach is professional and effective without being pushy–and her intuition about the right next step has proven true many times. Her presence is supportive, but she also challenges me to live and dream bigger than I could on my own.”

— Micaela Karlsen, Author of A Plant-Based Life

book rebuild your immune system

“The Catalyst for Writing My Book”

I’m so glad I took Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program. It was the catalyst for writing my book and provided the structure, deadlines and encouragement I needed to complete my first draft. Now, I’m a published author.

— Linda Gerdes-Mercer, Author of Rebuild Your Immune System in 10 Minutes a Day

First Draft in Just 7 Days! Now, Published.

“When I scheduled a ‘Book Concept and Strategy Consultation’ with Lisa Tener, I thought I would get some great advice on my concept for a parenting book. I walked away with a clear vision for Parenting in the Real World, tremendous inspiration and the confidence to follow my dream of becoming an author.
“When I sat down to write my manuscript, it was done in just seven days!
“I sought out Lisa’s expertise again and was fortune to work with her as on the editing process. She exceeded all of my expectations and her down to earth style helped me relax and trust in the process. I felt supported, respected and knew that Lisa valued my work as much as I did.
“Lisa went out of her way to ensure that my ‘voice’ came through and has continued to support me even after the project wrapped up.
“My book is now published, was available weeks ahead of schedule, and has all 5 Star Reviews on Amazon. Lisa Tener was an integral part of this journey and I can’t wait to work with her on my next book!”

— Stephanie O'Leary, Psy.D., Author of Parenting in the Real World

Published; Approached for a Second Book!

When people ask me about publishing, I say, “There’s only one way this could have happened for me: the support and guidance of working with Lisa Tener.”

Lisa shared so much wisdom, knowledge and a logical systematic approach for getting my book from the dream state to a reality!

Lisa’s fervent belief that I would get my book published inspired me to keep moving ahead with the work required and her guidance and feedback on the book proposal helped me write an engaging book proposal that resulted in a publishing contract and a published book.

Lisa’s advice then helped me inn writing and pitching a second book, Inspiring Professional Growth: Empowering Strategies to Lead, Motivate and Engage Early Childhood Teachers, now published by Gryphon House.

— Susan MacDonald, Author of Inspiring Early Childhood Leadership

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“Lisa is A Wise Woman in the World of Books.”

Lisa helped forge a remarkable collaboration between a prominent physician and a holistic health care expert. Particularly helpful was Lisa’s guidance on how to merge our quite different voices.

Lisa Tener’s coaching is invaluable, both in creating the book itself and in launching the fledgling out of the nest into successful publishing. First she coaxes the book out of you, holding the vision of your overarching message so you don’t lose sight of it through the writing process. She creates a bridge between what you want to share and what readers are looking for in your field, therefore making a successful and saleable book.

And when you get stuck in the process, as we all do, Lisa acts like a combination of a cheerleader and a coach, helping us get past that stuck place.

Lisa is equally valuable for the other half of the equation – getting the book published, because she really knows the ropes. Her advice is essential especially now when the publishing world is changing so quickly. Finally, she can connect you with a team of publicity experts and others to polish, publish and promote your book.

Lisa is a joy to work with: endlessly encouraging, smart and experienced, wonderfully articulate in her suggestions, generously available to her clients – a true wise woman for the publishing world.

— Gus Ferrer, MD and Burke Lennihan, RN , Author of Cough Cures (co-author)


Signed with NYC Agent; Blogging for Huff Post

Lisa has a warm, engaging style and a wealth of knowledge around writing, publishing and platform building. The support from fellow class members in Bring Your Book to Life(R) was wonderful. I am now blessed to be working with an experienced and insightful agent in New York who is pitching my memoir chronicling a decade in hospice care. Lisa has continued to offer vital support around networking and platform-buiilding. I am launching series of experiential workshops, available nationwide, on Facing Death with Grace. The first in a series of blogs based on themes from my book was recently featured in The Huffington Post.

— Susan James, LICSW, Author of (Book Title Under Wraps)


Completed 2st Draft of Book plus Two Ebooks in 8 Weeks

Lisa Tener’s “Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks” guide offered a clear and streamlined process to start my book and stay on track. And Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program created such a supportive environment to share ideas among classmates and fellow authors.

Her program made it easy for complete the rough draft for all the chapters of my upcoming book, The Author’s Checklist Guide to Working with a Ghostwriter, by the end of eight weeks.  I was also able to write two additional downloadable pieces for my website during that time frame—and get Lisa’s spot-on feedback. Lisa is very encouraging and accessible and she definitely knows the ins and outs of the book writing, publishing, and marketing process!

— Christina Chan, Author of The Author’s Checklist Guide to Working with a Ghostwriter

Signed contract with Jessica Kingsley Publishers!

“Lisa has really been there for me every step of the way. As a “new” writer, I was intimidated by the task of writing a book but knew I wanted to move forward on it. Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program gave me the tools and community that I needed to finish my proposal.

“I signed a contract with Jessica Kingsley Publishers and my book came out in March! Thanks, Lisa!  Couldn’t have done it without you!”

— Katie Naftzger, Author of Embracing the Teen Years: A Guide For Adoptive Parents

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Found us the Perfect Writer

When we visited Lisa’s website, we had no idea about what we needed to get our book written. Lisa gave us direction and found us the perfect writer. Kelly captured our voices and vision and ran with it—down to the finest detail. She conveyed how deeply we care about helping people put together retirement strategies that bring peace of mind. The book is exceptional and the relationship Kelly established leaves us wanting to write another book just so we can work together again!

— David & Nancy Ellis, Author of America’s Retirement Reality Check

a great book

National TV & Out-Front Placement in Barnes & Noble

“When I hired Lisa I was SO nervous… I didn’t really know what I was doing, but felt in my heart I really wanted to write a book.  Through one coaching call, she honed my book idea, gave me feedback on my title, and gave me the strategy for how to market my message.  I self-published within the year, and then it got picked up by a publisher!
“Now I’m being booked for National Television Interviews and out-front placement in Barnes & Noble. Lisa’s advice was nothing but catalytic she made my dream come true.”

— Eileen Wilder, Author of The Brave Body Method


Professional Book Proposals that Get Results

President of Jeanne Fredericks Literary Agency

“I remember ranking a book proposal that had been guided by Lisa Tener as the best of a recent Harvard Medical School CME Course so I was thrilled when she referred one of her book-writing students to me. 

“As anticipated, the proposal was clear, convincing, well organized and ready to sell. 

“For qualified authors who have a marketable book in the works, I recommend that they consider drawing on Lisa’s expertise and classes to help them polish their sample chapters and construct a winning proposal. She has the experience and talent that can make the difference between having a good submission packet and one that is professional and gets results.”

— Jeanne Fredericks

“Found Me a Fantastic Editor”

Lisa Tener is more than a book coach. She is a book coach for life. After encouraging me on my book concept, she found a fantastic editor, a marketing person who is an Amazon guru and a speaking engagement. And… she is still there – four years later – supporting, advising and helping me to sell my book, My Family Record Book.

— Harris Hershey Rosen, Author of My Family Record Book

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Lisa Found Me the Perfect Book Coach and Editor

“I had no confidence I could actually write a book, especially due to low marks in English at university. I thought I would need a ghostwriter. However, after finding Lisa Tener on Google, Lisa found me the perfect book coach and editor in Stuart, who also does ghostwriting. In my case, though, it turned out it was not a ghostwriter that I needed. The words were in me. I needed someone to listen, coach and massage my words–and Stuart provided exactly that.

“The experience was quite simply amazing. My book went on sale in December and I sold 8,000 copies before Christmas! And that’s just the beginning. Thanks, Lisa for connecting me with Stuart and providing your ongoing support over the past year and a half.”

— Chris Spurvey, Author of It's Time to Sell

Signed Book Deal with CRP: “Lisa helped me connect to the soul of my writing.”

“Working with Lisa Tener has helped me connect to the soul and mission of my writing. Lisa’s practical tools make the writing process feel doable even for someone like me with a busy full-time psychotherapy practice.

“Her accessibility at every step of the process helped me fine-tune my book concept and write a successful book proposal. My book, Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5-Step Boundary Solution© for Partners of Sex Addicts, will be published in Spring 2016 by Central Recovery Press!”

— Vicki Tidwell Palmer, Author of Moving Beyond Betrayal

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“Perfectly Matched” w/ Editor; “Led to Dozens of High Profile Speaking Engagements”

I knew I had a memoir in me but I did not know how to bring it to a place where I could share it. Lisa was kind, understanding, and encouraging—and her feedback and editing strengthened my memoir. Later, she suggested a colleague to further refine the next draft  and referred me to Stuart whose style perfectly matched my needs for editing, self-publishing and developing a website to go with the book. His straightforward yet humorous manner pushed me to publish A Stroke of Luck along with an award winning website. The book and website have led to dozens of high profile speaking engagements and other opportunities for me and for my daughters.

— Juli Dixon, Author of A Stroke of Luck

book proposal for self-help

Published by Johns Hopkins; Quoted in Washington Post

“Lisa Tener helped me focus as a writer and guided me through writing a book proposal and finding an agent. She knows the publishing industry and is gifted in offering guidance and support. This is a tough industry. She did not sugar coat it, but helped me to focus on making my book marketable and true to my goals.

“The result? My book—Calming Your Anxious Child—was published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Now, the Washington Post regularly calls upon me as an expert in how to talk to kids about anxiety-provoking subjects in ways that help everyone stay calm.

“Lisa deserves a lot of credit for helping me go from book idea to publishing. Thank you Lisa!”


— Kathleen Trainor, PsyD, Author of Calming Your Anxious Child


“Consistently Rated Among the Top Instructors”

“Lisa Tener has been a writing instructor at the Harvard Medical School CME publishing course for more than a decade. She is consistently rated among the top instructors, and her excellent advice and spot on editing has helped many physicians publish important books.”

— Julie Silver, MD, Author of numerous books and Director of Harvard Medical School CME publishing course

Became a Huffington Post Blogger

“In addition to her spot-on insights and feedback, I’m thankful for the valuable resources Lisa has referred, especially a connection that enabled me to blog on the Huffington Post and an excellent editor for my blog. Lisa’s specific and actionable suggestions regarding my newsletter and blog posts resulted in immediate and positive engagements. I highly recommend Lisa Tener – a one stop shop of abundant ideas to get your message out to the right people.”

— Lorraine Giordano


“Bring Your Book to Life® Gave me the Structure to Produce My First Draft”

“I had been contemplating writing a book for many years. My schedule opened up recently and I knew I needed help. Three of four books were in me and I had no idea where to place my creative energy. My first one hour consultation with Lisa turned into a truly creative journey with surprises each step of the way. “Meeting my Muse” the book surfaced a very different book than the three I had originally imagined. The Bring your Book to Life® program gave me the structure to produce the first draft of this book. And Lisa’s steady coaching, insight, and encouragement to ‘keep on writing’ haves created the habits to bring this book to completion.
“Lisa Tener is a true gift to the world of both budding and accomplished authors. I have already highly recommended her to friends of mine that are both.”

— Peri Chickering, Author of Higher Ground: Leading with a View of the Whole


Lisa Found Me the Perfect Editor/Coach

Lisa Tener found me the perfect editor/coach in Kelly who did a superb job helping me turn three weak, overly worded, and hard to follow chapters  into concise, to the point, engaging ones. After Kelly’s excellent editing, I submitted the 3 chapters she’d helped me with. Two weeks later I signed a contract with For the Genius Press. Kelly is now coaching me through  the remaining chapters. I value her help and guidance and am confident she’ll help me to make my book a huge success. She is excellent and knowledgeable and easy to work with. I highly recommend her.

— Claire Fox, Author of Hearing the Deaf

“Captured My Voice and Brought My Crazy Escapades to Life”

When I decided to write a book about my years of fundraising, my world record attempts and the quirky ways I raise money for charity, I didn’t know how to put all the ideas in my head unto the written page. It seemed impossible!
But that was before I contacted Lisa, who cleared all doubts and guided me.
Lisa connected me to an excellent writer, Kelly, who captured my voice and brought my crazy escapades to life. Kelly–just a skype call away–always made me feel relaxed, like I had known her for years.
Both Lisa and Kelly led me to additional resources to bring my book to life and now A World of Good is about to be published.
I couldn’t have done it without Lisa and Kelly.

— Willie Nugent, Author of A World of Good

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Published by Fair Winds Press: “Lisa was the one person who believed in me.”

“Lisa Tener is outstanding! She’s the reason my co-author and I are getting published this fall. I was fortunate to meet Lisa at the Harvard Book Publishing course in Boston many years ago and we stayed in touch.

“As a clinician, navigating the book publishing world is like entering a foreign land without a map or guide. Lisa helped us understand the publishing world and guided us through the overwhelming book proposal process. She helped clarify our vision and create a timeline so we could write a proposal that captured our purpose in an effective manner.

“What’s more, Lisa Tener personally reached out to me when I felt the book wasn’t my calling or the timing wasn’t right. Lisa is the one person who believed in me and pushed me to realize that it would happen and that it needed to happen.

“As a result, our cookbook for athletes and fit people, Real Fit Kitchen, will be published in October 2015 by Fair Winds Press. Thanks Lisa!”

— Tara Mardigan, Author of Real Fit Kitchen

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Signed Book Deal with GIA: “Lisa Nurtured My Confidence As She Helped Me Shape, Edit and Hone…”

“Lisa Tener helped me bring my book to life. Lisa’s belief in my work inspired me and strengthened my resolve to complete a book I had in mind for several years. Once I started working with Lisa, my efforts became more focused. Lisa helped me understand and refine my book proposal and I signed a contract with GIA Publications with the help of an excellent attorney Lisa recommended.  In the final stages, while encouraging me to evoke my own voice, Lisa nurtured my confidence as she helped me shape, edit, and hone the manuscript. Her guidance is invaluable.”


— Dr. Patricia Hoy, Author of Arts Awareness

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Lisa Found the Perfect Editor

I contacted Lisa Tener wondering whether I needed a ghostwriter or editor. To my relief, Lisa said, “editor” and she knew exactly where to send me.
Kelly “got” my book and my voice quickly. She asked the right questions and was also a great teacher. I learned so much from her and became a better writer. Now, I’m getting wonderful feedback from readers.

— Attracta Burke, Author of The Formula: How to Be Your Very Best Self


Featured in New York Times Book Review!

My book is featured on page 11 of today’s New York Times Book Review. Maybe never would have happened if I hadn’t attended the Harvard Writers course and met you, Lisa!

— Diane Radford, Author of Bless Your Little Cotton Socks

“I received two offers and signed a book deal with New Harbinger.”

“Lisa believed in my book, and me as a writer, before I did.  With her wealth of experience, she was the perfect coach to have my back as I wrote chapters, put together a book proposal, developed my platform and figured out the best publishers for my book. She contacted acquisition editors, facilitating the process smoothly and successfully, advising me along the way. I received two offers and signed a book deal with New Harbinger. Thank you, Lisa, from the bottom of my heart.” 

— Carol A. Lambert, MSW, Author of Women with Controlling Partners: Take Back Your Life from a Manipulative or Abusive Partner

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Book Deal with New World Library: “Skillful Coaching”, Featured on Oprah.com

“Finding Lisa Tener was the gift that kept on giving. Lisa patiently supported me in structuring my book, building my platform, understanding my market and crafting a solid book proposal. She skillfully pitched it to a few agents. Within a few months, I not only had a fabulous agent but also a great book deal with New World Library. If you are serious about publishing a book, Lisa Tener’s skillful coaching will make your dream a reality.”

— Cara Bradley, Author of On The Verge

6-Figure Contract with Scribner; Featured in Atlantic Monthly, Shape, Parade

“Meeting Lisa Tener at Harvard Medical School’s publishing course changed my life. I was struck by Lisa’s ability to bring out our creativity and at the same time how well she understood the business end of book writing and publishing. She was the book writing coach for me.

“When I met Lisa I had an amorphous idea. Lisa helped me clarify my book idea into something much more marketable than my initial concept by suggesting the perfect niche audience for my book and a spot-on title–The Creativity CureLisa also guided me and my co-author step-by-step to write a top-notch book proposal–one that several agents and publishers were excited about.

“She helped us choose the right agent–who ultimately landed us a 6-figure book deal with Charles Scribner’s Sons. The clarity and advice Lisa provided contributed greatly to that outcome. Lisa’s astute pick ups and sharp thinking made all the difference.”

— Carrie Barron, MD, Author of The Creativity Cure

Published with Random House; Featured in NY Times Magazine; on Fresh Air

“Lisa helped me fine-tune my book proposal and cultivate my style and voice as a writer. She knows what agents and publishers are looking for. She understands what readers desire and has a strong, instinctive sense for balancing syntax and style.

“Through it all, Lisa has been insightful and gracious — a pleasure to work with and a tremendous asset.”

— Vint Virga, DVM, DACVB, Author of The Soul of All Living Creatures

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Published by New World Library; Today Show Guest: “I felt lost until I found Lisa.”

“I felt lost until I found Lisa Tener. Lisa helped me get essential clarity by focusing in on both what I felt most passionate about and what would make the book most meaningful and appealing to publishers and readers.

“I signed up for her Bring Your Book to Life® Program for the structure to complete my book—and I did complete the entire manuscript in eight weeks. 

“Under Lisa’s guidance, I also worked on my book proposal and platform. She guided me to pitch to Psychology Today where I now blog, and advised me about media opportunities. I’ve now appeared on the Today Show and Good Morning America—twice each!

“Lisa’s expert assistance with my book proposal and platform, her guidance with agents, and her advice to attend Harvard Medical School’s publishing course where Lisa served on the faculty, all helped me secure a top agent—and my book was published by New World Library!

“Lisa continues to send me links to articles or blog posts to comment on. In one case, this led to wide-ranging publicity including interviews, a scholarly journal reference, and speaking invitations. In fact, over a year later that one article continues to rack up about 5-10,000 new views each week. Lisa has lots of good ideas and she also seems to have an intuitive knack of knowing when and where to put your efforts!”

— Victoria Dunckley, MD, Author of Reset Your Child's Brain

Won Prestigious Nautilus: Publishing Deal with New Harbinger

“Lisa Tener is a miracle worker.  Her Bring Your Book to Life Program® changed my life in the best way possible.  Imagine, I brought her 400 pages of raw material, mostly typed-in journal entries… and over 10 weeks she showed me how to turn it into a 300 page, readable memoir.  If you follow her instructions and encouragement, and make time for it in your life (Week 3: What are you going to give up to finish your book? Best question ever!), you may just find your dream coming alive on the page.  

“Here’s what happened to me, that never could have happened without Lisa Tener and her amazing program and mentorship: my self-published book got picked up by a wonderful publisher, and won a nationally recognized award.  If you are struggling to give birth to the book you know you have inside, I highly recommend Lisa.”

— Kimber Simpkins, Author of Full

Book Deal with ABC-CLIO: “Developed My New Voice”

“At the writing program sponsored by Harvard Medical School I met book coach extraordinaire, Lisa Tener, a teacher in the course. Lisa encouraged me to participate in her eight week teaching course in a beautiful setting on the Rhode Island coast. With guidance from Lisa and her other students I developed my new voice as a medical writer, telling stories about my fascinating experiences working with PTSD patients, and helping them recover, using a dream revision technique.

“Lisa also supported me to build my platform and prepare my book proposal for DREAM THERAPY FOR PTSD: The Proven System for Ending Your Nightmares and Recovering from Trauma. Lisa introduced me to several key people–my publisher, my literary agent, my web designer and a radio talk show host.

“This is an exciting time in my life. Thanks so much, Lisa, for helping make it all possible.”


— Bruce Dow, MD, Author of Dream Therapy for PTSD: The Proven System for Ending Your Nightmares and Recovering from Trauma

“I Wrote My First Book in Four Months”

“With Lisa Tener’s help, I wrote my first book in four months—that just never would have happened without her expert coaching. In addition to helping me write regularly, she provided the kind of feedback that turned a good idea into a great book.”


— Stephanie Oden, Author of Ready, Set, Engage

Featured by the New York Times

“Lisa Tener has the extraordinary ability to meld creativity, business acumen and literary insight for her students’/clients’ books. She has coached me and my memoir 3,000 Pulses Later into a reality that has far exceeded my own expectations.

“After appearing in the NY Times and Psychologytoday.com (in addition to several other media outlets) Lisa’s ongoing support is now bringing my book to the world internationally–it’s about to be translated and published in Japan! The book is in its 4th printing and has sold over 5,500 copies!”

— Martha Rhodes, Author of 3,000 Pulses Later

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Book Deal with ABC-CLIO

“The structure of Lisa’s class and her constant encouragement gave me the push I needed to start writing and keep at it. The interaction in class is content rich and positive, and the course materials are both excellent and helpful. Lisa has had my back through the entire process, and her introduction to a publisher led to a book deal.”

— Michael Travis, Author of Master the art of Recruiting

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“Turned My Inspiration into a Successful Book Proposal”

“I credit Lisa Tener with helping me become a published author! After meeting Lisa at the Harvard Medical School writing and publishing Workshop, she guided me to clarify my audience, write accessibly for that audience and turn my inspiration into a successful book proposal. Her award winning Bring Your Book to Life Program® was only the beginning of Lisa’s enthusiastic support and practical advice for getting the long and hard work of my professional intuition into print.

“Lisa guided me through the process of finding the right publishing house, as well as connecting me with an agent. With Lisa’s support, my book, Understanding OCD: Skills to Control the Conscience and Outsmart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, was just published!”

— Leslie J. Shapiro, LICSW , Author of Understanding OCD: Skills to Control the Conscience and Outsmart Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Wrote 1st Draft in 60 Days; Published by Beyond Words

If you are ready to write the book you’ve been dreaming of writing, look no further than Lisa Tener. Lisa gives you the tools, know-how, instruction and seasoned advice you need to know to write your book. Prepare yourself for success! I joined Lisa’s 8 week book-writing class and completed my first draft by Week 8.

After working with Lisa on my book proposal, I am now a published author with a major publishing house. She made sure my proposal was flawless and she helped me find the perfect agent in Jeanne Fredericks. I could never have anticipated publishing my first book under such impressive terms and conditions.

If you’re serious, hire an expert and that expert is Lisa.

— Kathy Lemay, Author of The Generosity Plan

6-Figure Deal with HarperCollins

Lisa has enough wisdom and experience in her to help launch a thousand books. Take the opportunity to learn from her now.

When I first met Lisa I was lost–I mean, completely lost. I had plenty of ideas–enough, in fact, to excite several agents after I pitched them–but when it came to crafting a book proposal, I really had no clue where to begin. Not that I didn’t try.

I made the rounds myself, shopped to agents who’d initially been excited to speak to me, and managed to turn them off with a sloppy book proposal almost as quickly as I’d gotten their attention. I went from “please see me,” after a conference to “your book just isn’t for me,” all in a matter of months. Ouch.

So I threw down a cup of coffee, plopped myself into my coziest armchair, and called Lisa Tener. From the start, she was brimming with ideas to turn my situation around. Over the course of a month, she helped me whip my proposal into shape, launch a platform (she even got me my first radio interview!) and sharpen my ideas enough to get the attention of several top agents.

And all this, you’ll be glad to know, has a very happy ending: eventually I landed a six-figure book deal with HarperCollins.

Throughout it all, Lisa was my coach, my mentor, my teacher, my friend, and my cheerleader. And she still is.

— Craig Malkin, PhD, Author of Rethinking Narcissism

“The [3rd] Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me!”

Bring Your Book to Life® is a life-changing phenomenon! Next to 35 years of marriage, birth of my children, and a successful teaching career, the Bring Your Book to Life  Program is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. It is through Lisa’s gentle guidance, continuous support, and leadership that my book has been brought to life. Thank you Lisa!

— Marla O’Brien , Author of Wine Within Your Comfort Zone

Published by Yale University Press; Excellent Review in Publisher’s Weekly

Lisa gave me constructive guidance on my book and proposal in such a way that I never felt criticized but always uplifted. When I signed with a publisher, only to have my book orphaned (the editor left), Lisa encouraged me not to give up, and her advice to attend the Harvard book writing seminar helped me get the attention of the senior editor at Yale University Press, who have now published the book and are promoting it heavily. My first review just appeared in Publisher’s Weekly and it’s a winner. Lisa is a terrific coach, and part of the credit for this book belongs to her.

— Eric Pfeiffer, MD, Author of Winning Strategies for Successful Aging

book cover dreas dream

Jane Seymour Wrote the Foreword; Featured on National TV

Years ago, I started writing a book with my daughter. She had survived childhood cancer and overcame certain learning disabilities, and she wanted to share her journey – our journey – as mother and daughter. But after we started, my daughter was killed by a drunk driver. I needed to finish the book on my own.

I needed a structure. I needed guidance. I needed Lisa. So, I joined Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life, and I got everything I needed… and a lot more. Much more than I expected.

Not only did I get structure and guidance, but I received Lisa’s support and the support of my fellow students for many months after I finished the course. We became a community of authors, ready to support each other and give each other ideas.

The best part about this program is that you stay inspired and eager to keep going. You’re inspired to make your book the best that it can be. And Lisa gives you the tools and guidance you need to write a book you can be proud of.

But writing and publishing my book was just the beginning for me. I was able to get actress Jane Seymour to write the foreword for my book and Marie Osmond shared it on national TV! The book boosted my speaking  engagements. Plus, I’ve been interviewed on national TV and radio.

None of this would have been possible without Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life Program.

— Susan Rizzo Vincent, Author of Dreas' Dream

book proposal for the favorite child

Signs with Prometheus; Appears on CBS Early Show

I hired Lisa Tener to help me with my book proposal and sample chapters. She provided clarity on what makes a book stand out and get published, as well as insight and wisdom into the entire process. I landed a terrific agent with her help and The Favorite Child was published by Prometheus Books.

The international response to The Favorite Child has been thrilling–from an appearance on the CBS Early Show to a top morning show in Sydney Australia to great press all over South America and 273 comments on my first post on the Huffington Post. People around the world are captivated in the concepts in The Favorite Child. Thank you, Lisa for your wise and enjoyable guidance throughout the process.

— Dr. Ellen Weber Libby, Author of The Favorite Child (Prometheus Books)

Wrote My First Draft in 12 Weeks

Lisa is the guardian angel who helped me become a published author: at the end of every speaking engagement, I mention the wonderful writing coach I found on the internet at 3 in the morning. When I followed up by phone the next day she was just as caring and sincere as the words that hug her website.

Lisa’s 8 week program helped me write the first draft of my book in 12 weeks. (Nothing to do with Lisa teaching—merely my hectic work schedule as a funeral director). Before taking Lisa’s course, each time I wrote a few pages I always got stuck and lost interest. I also had doubts that I had anything new to say. Lisa teaches you how to overcome those roadblocks.

At my book signing I had well over 300 people in attendance. My book has opened the door to speaking engagements, including keynotes—from small groups to several hundred at a time.

Just last week a 99-year-old woman walked into my office wanting to plan her funeral ahead of time. She held an autographed copy of Embracing the Teardrops with hand written notes stuck between the pages and excitingly shared with me that my book was an easy read, entertaining and a great help to her.

Lisa is definitely the go to person when it comes to drafting your first book.

— Patricia Myers, Author of Embracing The Teardrops: A Simple, Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a Funeral That Is Dignified, Memorable, and Affordable

After Lisa’s Editorial Suggestions, My Subscriber List Grew 50%

Instead of imposing a cookie cutter method, Lisa makes room for the other, for the unexpected, for creativity. Lisa  has provided invaluable guidance in my quest to develop platforms and identify my target audience. I didn’t even understand the meaning of a platform, but as Lisa listened to me, she sensed an interest and gift for video. The use of videos has helped me reach more people, and it resulted in my first book.

With Lisa’s encouragement I became a Huffington Post blogger. Lisa’s recent editorial suggestions for a Huffington Post piece yielded a significant increase in reader engagement. My subscriber list grew by more than 50%! If you want a simplistic plan boasting outlandish promises, don’t contact Lisa. But if you want someone who will listen to you and help bring out your best, Lisa is the mentor for you!

— Patrick Vaughn, Author of Unlikely Glimpses of Grace

“Lisa is an Outstanding Book Writing Coach.”

“Lisa Tener helped me immensely in completing my book Wellness For Super-Seniors by personally editing every page, advising me on the restructuring of certain sections and rewriting other chapters that needed such professional evaluation.

“She is an outstanding book writing coach; I just wish I had used her much earlier in the process. It would have saved me months of hard work.”

— Juan O'Callahan, Author of Wellness for SuperSeniors

“My business has grown by 45%-60%”

Since Lisa began coaching me, I have learned how to value my time and talents in a whole new way. As a result, my business has grown by 45%-60% in each of the past three years. But even more valuable has been the type of client relationships I have been able to enjoy: respectful, functional, and wildly inspiring

— Stuart Horwitz, Author of Blueprint Your Bestseller


“Lisa is a brilliant mentor and coach.”

Lisa is a brilliant mentor and coach. Because of her industry expertise, creative solutions, and business savvy, I’m not only doing the work I love with incredible clients and fascinating projects, but I’m also—this year, my second year in business—two to three years ahead of my business forecast.   

— Kelly Malone, Author of of award winning books as a Ghostwriter and Editor

“Lisa is a life-changer.”

Lisa Tener is a master book coach, but that is not all. She is a life-changer. She has changed the lives of all the people she has helped realize their dreams of writing and very frequently publishing books. To help many people have their book dreams come true is no small thing.

But Lisa has done even more for me. She has been the essential factor in my being able to realize my dreams of quitting my administrative job and devoting all my time to writing and coaching. From the first moment we spoke, Lisa Tener has been a both a rigorous and generous mentor. Without her referrals I would never have been able to grow my business to the point that my own entrepreneurial dreams have come true. And her example of professional, ethical, enthusiastic, practical, and spiritual coaching has led me to aspire to set a similarly high bar for  my business as a reflection of hers. I consider Lisa an angel as well as a real world mentor.

— Ginger Morgan, Author of The Algebra of Snow


“A true find!”

We highly recommend Lisa Tener as a teacher and workshop presenter. She has been presenting at our center for years and every evaluation is positive.  I have been fortunate enough to participate in one of her programs and her information is clearly presented with great handouts. She has great breadth and depth of knowledge and meets students where they are. A true find!

— Joan Dwyer, creator and director of All That Matters


Completed 2 Books in 1 Course! 

I’ve written books before and knew how hard it can be to do it alone—especially when everyone wants a little piece of your time. I joined Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life Program for the structure that effortlessly supports writing a book in a very short period of time and for the support of a professional in the publishing industry that is essential for effectively reaching a global audience.

Lisa Tener embodies a powerful intention that supports writing your book—not just any book, but a visionary book, a potentially bestselling book. I entered the Bring Your Book to Life Program prepared to write a first draft of one book, but I actually completed two books, one of which will be published this fall (only four months after class ended!)

— Kosi, Author of Organic Awakening

“An excellent choice for any panel, conference, or speaker series”

I have had the opportunity to hear Lisa Tener speak on several occasions, at business conferences, inspirational events, workshops and in her 8 week book writing class.  She is one of the most engaging, dynamic speakers I have ever met.  She imparts on her students a strong sense of the writing process and current state of the publishing industry.  But perhaps more important, Lisa had the ability to engage me in each session, so that I always left with a clear plan of action – an understanding of the next steps I needed to take my dream of writing and publishing my book to the next level.  Her insight into the publishing world is extremely helpful to first time authors.  Lisa Tener would be an excellent choice for any panel, conference, or speaker series.

— Michelle Girasole, M.B.A., Author of The Sassy Ladies' Toolkit for Start-Up Businesses

“I found the magic formula for writing a book…”

I found the magic formula for writing a book: Structure of Book Writing Course + Lisa’s Personal Guidance = Successful Book Completion. I enrolled in Lisa’s book-writing course and completed my final draft of Reinvent Your Life–Write Now. I loved Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life(R) Program so much, I took it again to write my second book!

— Bonnie Leonard, EdD, CLC, Author of Reinvent Your Life--Write Now


An Aha Moment and Published Workbook

In class, I found a way to make the book much more engaging and easy to use–and I had an ‘aha’ moment when my workbook went from straight workbook to a compelling story. Not only will the workbook be much more effective for students, but I realize the potential for a published book as well. I highly recommend this class.

— Dr. Irving Gilson, Author of A Diet to Remember

Psychiatrist Published

As a practicing psychiatrist, I have had a book idea for several years but did not know how to get published. Lisa helped me put together a book proposal and sample chapters. The result is my first published book. Thanks, Lisa.

— Michael Banov, MD, Author of Taking Antidepressants

Published by ABC-CLIO

“In writing The Struggle for Kirkuk I discovered that writing a book is not as difficult and complicated as writing a book proposal.

“Publishers are tough and demanding, and a good book proposal is essential in presenting your book in the best possible light. I was lucky to find Lisa, who provided me with a clear sense of what goes into writing a book proposal. I was profoundly impressed by her expertise, and her unreserved dedication to her client. Working with her was an education and a joy. I recommend her to you without any reservation.”

— Henry Astarjian, Author of The Struggle for Kirkuk

“Lisa Knows What Readers Want”

Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book To Life® class was the catalyst that enabled me to write the book I had been thinking about for months. Her inspiration and energy inspired me to create an outline and start writing the first week of the class. As time went on, her belief in this project helped me visualize holding the book in my hands, and consequently, to complete the first draft by the end of the class. That did not end Lisa’s support, however. She continually shares her brilliant ideas for promoting the book as well as her enthusiasm and connections in support of this work.

Lisa knows what readers want and does a remarkable job of helping writers discover the voice that speaks best to their reading audience. I feel quite fortunate to know such a caring, knowledgeable and capable writing coach. 

— Nora Hall, Author of Survive Your Husband’s Retirement


Working with Lisa was brilliant. Her advice and quick (and very detailed) responses to questions were both constructive and encouraging. 

I especially loved Lisa’s “Meet Your Muse” exercise, which was useful at the beginning of writing my book, and also at times when I felt I’d gone off course. The muse exercise got me back on track and I gained new insights into what to include in my next chapters. I highly recommend Lisa’s coaching and courses to anyone who wants to write a book – successfully.

— Wendy Howard, Author of 7 Business Angels You Need to Meet 

“Lisa Over Delivers”

In her Bring Your Book to Life® Program, Lisa empowered me to see the bigger vision of the power of my higher self behind my book. Lisa provided a uniquely resonant and powerful blend of concrete, specific writing steps, and visionary expansion.

Lisa and my classmates celebrated my smallest and big successes, creating an upward spiral that pulled me along, rather than pushed. Lisa enabled me to understand that I had, where I was, the ability to write this book.

The course provided gentle-but-firm accountability to commit to accomplishment and get it done. The interactions and exercises in the group helped me come up with some of my most creative ideas.

Without Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program, I would never have gotten past the outline. I would have never have understood as much about getting in touch with my higher-self who knows the answers—answers that my conscious self wouldn’t allow me to see. I would not have persevered without this program.

Lisa goes out of her way to over-deliver.

— Monica Strobel, Author of The Compliment Quotient

“I found my voice.”

I kept putting my hopes of writing a book on hold, because I felt I couldn’t do it. Lisa’s soft nudges and inspirational energy make me feel nurtured yet expertly guided. Lisa helped me find my voice and enjoy writing, despite being a novice.

Even with little free time on my part, Lisa has helped me to breathe life into the writing. I achieved more with Lisa in two months than in 5 years of attempting to do this myself.

Lisa helped me with my book proposal and chapters and I signed a contract with a major publisher. We sold 15,000 books in the first month. Thanks, Lisa.

— Maureen Hancock, Author of The Medium Next Door

Wrote 3 Chapters in a Week; Book Deal in 6 Months

I thought about writing a book for 17 years, but I struggled to tell my story. In January 2010, I started Bring Your Book to Life. On the drive home, the ideas came so fast, I had to pull over and take notes. The first set of exercises was so helpful that I outlined the book and wrote three chapters in the first week.

“After I completed most of my first draft, Lisa Tener guided me and fine tuned my book proposal. With her help I got a top agent and signed a book deal. Just a year after I started Lisa’s program, I handed in my final edited chapters to my publisher. Now I’m an award winning published author

— Anne Burnett, Author of A Step Ahead of Autism

Won 4 National Book Awards

Not only did Lisa Tener help make my dream come true, The Sky is Green and The Grass is Blue, was the proud recipient of 4 National Book Awards for Best in Motivation, Inspiration and New Non-Fiction!

The recognition and credibility of writing an award winning book has helped me launch teleseminars, telesummits, speaking and hosting my own radio show, The Best People We Know, which is in Blog Talk Radio’s top 1% and 2% in popularity in self-help. business, women, family and writing. Thank you Lisa Tener for being a jewel in the crown of life.

— Deb Scott, Author of The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue

Less than a year later I held my book in my hands

I published my book, Stuck with Mr. Wrong, a few months ago and already have heard from women that my book has changed their lives. It all started when I called Lisa nine months ago in September, 2009, and told her it was now or never.  I knew I wanted to write a book, but I needed that extra push and guidance to get started. Less than a year later I held my book in my hands.

After her eight-week course, I’d completed eight of the ten chapters.  The weekly sessions helped me find my focus, held me accountable to my own goals, and provided some great strategies, creative ideas, and practical marketing advice. I highly recommend Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life Program.

Update: Stuck with Mr. Wrong won 4 book awards!

— Amy O'Brien, Author of Stuck with Mr. Wrong


“Warm, Upbeat and On the Ball” on TV

As a TV host and producer, I’ve booked Lisa for three different shows and one news segment.  On my most recent series, “What’s the Alternative?”, I chose her as the very first guest for my first show because I knew she’d be fun, authentic, open, articulate, intelligent and a breeze to work with.  And I was absolutely right!  Highly talented and intelligent, Lisa can juggle a variety of concepts, projects, and personalities while remaining warm, upbeat and on the ball.  She’s a delight.

— Portland Helmich, TV host and producer


A Sought After Speaker

Lisa Tener saved the day when one of our panelists on social media and publishing could not make the Ocean State Summer Writing Conference in 2010. Lisa’s presentation stood out–she was well prepared, engaging and imparted some of the best advice we’d heard. Even before we had a topic, the committee asked her to come back as a featured speaker this year.

— Gigi Edwards, Ocean State Summer Writing Conference, University of Rhode Island


Wise and practical advice

Lisa Tener offered refreshingly keen insight as a panelist at the Emerging Women In Business (EWIB) Conference workshop, Focus on Courage, Not Fear.  Her wise and practical advice inspired attendees to break through their fears as they take the next steps towards entrepreneurship.

— Lisa Bergeron, Executive Director, EWIB, President, Leading Women


Lisa Attracted Record Crowds

Lisa Tener is an animated and informative speaker. She has been our keynote speaker twice and both meetings attracted record crowds. She drew people from the surrounding states. They knew, as I do, that a presentation with Lisa Tener would be educational and revealing and would provide a practical outline to successfully write your book.

She easily cuts through the complexities of the publishing world. You could feel the excitement building in the room as attendees envisioned holding their published book in their hands.

— Tara C. Roth, Founding Director, New England Holistic Chamber of Commerce


“An Insightful and Entertaining Guest”–and, Later, Guest Host

“When looking for an engaging guest host for Reading with Robin for a day I’d be out of town, I immediately thought of Lisa Tener, who’s been an insightful and entertaining guest on the show several times. Lisa did a fantastic job–asking savvy questions, drawing in listeners and callers, and living up to the high standards I set for Reading with Robin.”

— Robin Kall

Bestseller in 2 Categories

When I envisioned birthing my first book, A Juicy, Joyful Life, to the world, I knew exactly who its midwife would be—award-winning Book Coach Lisa Tener. As Publisher of Aspire Magazine, I had invited Lisa to serve my audience and speak at all of my live and virtual events since 2006 and I witnessed first-hand her level of expertise and attention to detail.

In 2009, I took Lisa Tener’s Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks program and the materials were instrumental in helping me clarify, organize and develop my book. Within hours of its release A Juicy, Joyful Life hit #1 on multiple best-seller lists and brought 41 visionary women to bestseller status.

Today, my heart-centered boutique publishing company has served over 180 visionary female authors and released six bestselling books written by women and for women, and it all began by taking that first step with Lisa Tener. Stop putting your dream of being an author on hold… Work with Lisa today.

— Linda Joy, Author of A Juicy Joyful Life


An Ideal Radio Guest: I Keep Asking Her Back!

Lisa Tener is an ideal radio guest. She has joined me on my radio programs, Patricia Raskin Positive Living and Positive Business, on Cumulus Broadcasting’s WPRO, more than half a dozen times and I keep asking her back!  Lisa’s expert book coaching advice has launched the book careers of many successful authors and she is an engaging, knowledgeable and entertaining guest. She hones her message for the particular audience and often gets call-in questions, which she fields with aplomb. Her professionalism, creativity and caring all come through the radio airwaves!

— Patricia Raskin


An Energetic Shift–and Published!

Investing in Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program was an energetic shift for me – I am finally taking myself seriously as an author.

Even though I’ve been a freelance writer and editor for years, the experience was worthwhile and rich. I completed a book I’d been working on for 5 years, and got a lot of clarity and excellent input on a second book, which I wrote a very rough draft of during the program. Our 8 classes (over 10 weeks) kept me moving steadily forward; I looked forward to meeting each Friday with Lisa and the talented and insightful writers in our group. We seemed to create a current of momentum together that moved each of us forward powerfully – in our lives and our books.

— Jane Bernstein (co-author), Author of Saving Richard

Published with incredible endorsements

I joined Lisa’s Bring Your Book to Life® Program because I wanted the accountability to write, finish and take my book to market. And I was able to do just that. And more.

My book would not have been brought to life without the help of Lisa Tener’s Bring Your Book to Life Program®. Not only did I finish and publish my book, I was able to get incredible testimonials from well-known and respected leaders in my field… like Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff and Bob Doyle. I wouldn’t have had the confidence to ask for those endorsements without Bring Your Book to Life®.

I became a much better writer as a result of this program. And I continue to improve with every newsletter, blog post, web page or flier I create.

Lisa is tireless in her willingness to teach, direct, provide feedback and useful advice. She has a gracious, generous spirit and I couldn’t be happier with the results I’ve achieved with her loving guidance. Both my business and the publicity for my book continue to grow. 

— Stacy Corrigan, Author of Manifest Your Man

Lands Top Agent

Lisa provided incredible inspiration during the most difficult time of the writing process: shaping the book into something real and bringing the book from concept to life. Lisa’s ideas were out of the park—she suggested the perfect title and told me, “Traci, Get Your Girl Back is a movement.” I just landed an amazing agent, Linda Konner, to help me now share this book with the world.

— Traci Bild, Author of Get Your Girl Back

Lisa was truly gifted with helping me stay on track

For years, I had a secret longing within me to write a book. Yet, when I would sit down to write I would surge ahead and then come to a screeching halt. I did not know how to organize my materials, and my ideas would spring out in 10 different directions simultaneously; and my inner doubts and fears would say things to me like, “The world does not need another spiritual book” and, “By the way, your English sucks.” My life changed when I put my foot down and I asked the universe to bring me a person to help me organize and show me how to write my book. That very afternoon, April 27th, I went to my inbox and I found Lisa Tener’s Bring your Book to Life® Program. I signed up and we started April 29th, a day after my Birthday. I learned what a first, second and third draft meant, I learned that you did not have to do this by yourself, and that you have an editor to help polish your manuscript. I thought you sat down and it came out perfectly the first time. Lisa was truly gifted with helping me stay on track, with structure, and accountability. The biggest game changer for me was, she held me and the other participants already as an Author. This was a powerful transformation for me and it changed the way I viewed myself and my confidence soared. A message that I received while I was writing was “Act as if no one has written about your topic before, and you know what to say.” Lisa, I can’t thank you enough, you have been instrumental in changing my life.

Oceans of gratitude, Bridget

— Bridget Engel, Author of Guidance to Go

Just Returned from Booksignings in Paris & England

I just returned from Paris and England, where I taught workshops based on my book If You Want an Eggroll, Get Out of the Pizzeria.  My book languished in the planning stages for many years until I met Lisa. Lisa developed the action plan and held my hand to bring my book to fruition. She guided me through all the stages—including multiple edits—and made all the difference. The day I clicked on my book selling on Amazon I called Lisa with tears in my eyes. Being a published author opened doors to speak, travel and—most important—meet amazing people that are inspired by my story. Thank you Lisa for being an essential part of this journey.

— Dr. Janet Crain, Author of If You Wand An Eggroll, Get Out of the Pizzeria

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