Every year, I send an e-mail around Thanksgiving Day that starts with thanking you for being part of my community and supporting me in doing work that is so fulfilling—helping people bring their books to life.
Well, of course, I want to thank you once again.
I also wondered about how I can thank you in a way that’s particularly meaningful and helpful to you. I figured one of the best gifts I could give you is to get you writing. So, here are a few writing prompts—choose one that inspires and write!
- List 25 gifts you’re thankful for. Include all the gifts that come from being a writer, like being able to inspire others, help others, make a difference in the community/world, the joy of writing, the joy of sharing, the joy of reading. Now pick one item on your list and write about it in detail. Try to use at least three or four of your senses in your writing.
Just a few weeks ago, we still had blackberries and raspberries ripening in our garden–grateful for the bounty! - Write about a particularly poignant Thanksgiving memory…or a time you felt especially grateful. Employ all your senses to make the moment come alive again on the page.
- Is there something that you feel resentful about? Recently, I felt resentful towards my husband about something that had been getting under my skin. It wasn’t even a big thing, but it had been eating at me. I finally told him how I felt. He shared that this was a weakness of his and he was working on changing it. I suddenly felt so much more compassionate and was able to let go of my perceptions and judgments. I felt grateful that we’d had this communication. Can you write about a resentment you harbor or something that’s been bugging you? Once you get your gripes on the page, is there a way to see it from another perspective? See if you can open up to an expanded view. You may even turn your resentment into gratitude.
- Write 50 reasons for you to write your book. Does 50 intimidate you? Just start thinking of all the possible ways your readers can benefit from your book, then think of the ways your book can change your life. Then think of individual people you can inspire or help—each one of them is a reason.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s Thanksgiving message. I decided to post on my blog in addition to e-mail so you can share your insights, inspirations or ideas that came out of the writing prompts–please do share your comments!