My private clients and book-writing students often ask me if there’s a best time to write. Yes, there often is, but that perfect time varies from person to person. If you want to find out the best time for you, try early morning, mid morning, mid-afternoon and evening. See which seems to be your most creative time.
Do you have to write at the same time every day? Many people find that writing at the same time each day makes them more productive. Honestly, since I write so much, at all times of day, I find I can write just about any time of day as long as I’m not too tired. But, if you don’t write all day long, it can be most powerful to write at the same time each day. That way, your creative mind and muse get in a creative groove.
Morning tends to be a powerful time to write, because the mind isn’t cluttered. You’ve just been sleeping and you’re close to that creative sleep/dream energy, full of symbolism and layered meanings. Perfect.
Evening can be productive, too, if you can put aside your concerns of the day–work, meal planning, conversations, people–and clear your mental and emotional slates for writing.
Some people feel peak energy mid-day. If this describes you, go for it.
What about writing in the middle of the night? A student in my Bring Your Book to Life Program found herself waking up in the middle of the night to write. She enjoyed the flow of ideas, but she paid for it the next day when she dragged herself to work. This happened several days in a row. What to do?
As we spoke, it became clear that her jam-packed days made it hard for her muse to settle down and write. She often didn’t have the time and, when she did make time to write, she felt rushed. Once she made time for her muse during the work day, set some boundaries, and took a few items off her plate, she didn’t need to wake up in the middle of the night to write her book.
In tonight’s book writing teleseminar, one student asked how she can consistently get into the space for her writing to flow. Writing at the same time of day can help that. So can creating a ritual for writing. What ritual might get you into a creative, inspired state?
Share your comments: What time of day works best for you and why?
Ask your questions, too.