The subject of this afternoon’s e-mail from Maria Palmer: “No excuses in NJ.”
The content:
“Hi Lisa,
Even with the power out, I’m still writing.
Yes, she’s wearing a miner’s hat! Maria did not let Hurricane Sandy put a crimp in her writing progress.
A mentor of mine, Mitch Feigenberg–who happened to take my book writing course and did finish a first draft in 8 weeks–once shared, “You can have your reasons [for not completing your book] or you can have your book, but you can’t have both.”
I’ve been quoting Mitch ever since. It’s a “tough love” message. I once even wore a mask to my Narragansett book writing class to deliver that one, but it is true.
And the people who show that extra level of commitment tend to be the ones who finish their books, get published and manifest the vision they had when they set out to write their books.
Is there a way to take your commitment to the next level? If you’re experiencing a breakdown (like no power) can you turn it into a breakthrough?