Perhaps you’re familiar with my tradition to blog my gratitude list this time of year. I have much to be grateful for, especially this writing community.

Gratitude to You
Here are a few things and people I’m grateful for:
- My journaling practice. Just about every morning, I’ve been journaling my dreams, followed by other journaling, followed but what seems to be a new book! I love how journaling frees me up creatively and opens the floodgates to my other writing.
- The beautiful fall weather–our raspberries have been gifting me with a handful of berries for breakfast up through early November. And since walking in nature stimulates creativity, I specially appreciate all the good walking weather and vibrant colors in nature this year.
- The wonderful writers who join me two Thursdays a month to breathe, move and write together in “Get Your Writing Done.”
- Health! 2021 brought its ups and downs health-wise. I’m so very grateful to the healthcare professionals and healers in my life–from practitioners I see to clients whose wisdom has been invaluable.
- My amazing friends, colleagues, clients, author-crushes and family who have joined me to create 27 inspiring videos to inspire your journaling and writing, and that can be accessed in The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day.

Thank you to everyone who helped make The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day a bestseller and hot new release.
I am so grateful to the team of amazing colleagues, clients and friends who provided creative input and suggestions, who participated in the videos that go along with the journaling journey who helped me publish the book, and who helped spread the word.
You can meet the team here. A little disclaimer here: Despite my best intentions, I’m a bit challenged to get everything done and I did not get to complete all the links to team members. If you see someone whose website you’d like to explore visit and there’s no link, just email me! If I didn’t link your name to your website, please send me the link and I will. Likewise, if you supported me with feedback, helped with the launch and don’t see your name here, please let me know. I have a feeling my list is incomplete as I got sick a week into my launch and am still catching up!
Special thanks to:
- My Publisher Tamara Monosoff: From the gorgeous cover to inner design, to the original inspiration for QR codes and putting every single one of those crazy videos on my website, and guiding me patiently throughout the process, Tamara is my dream publisher.
- Web Designer Extraordinaire Rachel Vane
- Brilliant Editor Lynne Heinzmann
- Video Editor and Overall Mensch Dan Thibeault of Fast Twitch Media
- Media Coach and Producer of many videos Portland Helmich
- The most talented photographer I’ve ever met Seth Jacobson
- Howard Van Es with much sage advice on marketing and, particularly, Amazon insights.
And those who helped spread the word:
- Blog and Podcast Outreach Frances Caballo
- Launch Advisor Kristin Meekhof
- Podcasters Robin Kall Homonoff, Sharon J. Burton, Dan Janal, Josh Steimle,
- Colleagues Jane Friedman, Stuart Horwitz, Dawn Montefusco, Zilker Media,
- Bloggers who offered guest posting opportunities and interviews, sharing my work with readers: San Francisco Writers Conference, Elisabeth Kauffman, Jennie Nash, Laurie Hunt, Nina Amir, Sabrina Ricci, Susanne Lakin, Dana Corriel (Doctors on Social Media)–and more to come!
To my beta readers, cheerleaders, word-spreaders, reviewers – Mwahhh.
And thank you to every single person who has written a book review on Amazon. Reviews are a crucial part of reaching readers and help them discover books. I know how busy people are and I so appreciate your taking the time to write a review. If you haven’t gotten to it yet, it’s not too late! I’m envisioning doubling my reviews and ratings from 29 to 50+ by the end of the month. Can we do it?
Thank you for Joining the Adventure!
Thank you to everyone who joined the October journaling Adventure–whether you commented on the blog close to daily (Deborah, Mary Ann and Maureen, that’s you!), made a couple of brave forays on the blog or facebook group, or you followed along quietly and told me privately you wouldn’t be posting from your journal but you loved the opportunity to journal in supportive community and were inspired by the posts. Thank you to Jamie Palmer of Outlier Marketing Group for helping me share the October Journaling Adventure on social media.
Thank You to the Many Authors I Read this Year
These trying times have brought most of us to a profound appreciation for the things we took for granted. I feel a deeper sense of gratitude for the many writers in my life and the ways we support and enjoy one another.
I love to read fiction in my spare time. Two recent reads that stand out:
I read an advance review copy of The Good Son by Jacquelyn Mitchard as we are doing an author interview when her book debuts in January. Jackie is the author of multiple New York Times Bestsellers and the inaugural novel of Oprah’s book club. She’s always been a stunning writer but The Good Son is my new favorite. The characters are extraordinarily real and I entered their world so completely. It did cause a few very delayed bedtimes. Pre-order it and discover how one mother comes to term with the heinous crime committed by her son when he was on drugs, and the ramifications of this small-town tragedy for victims, perpetrator and…well let’s just say there are some surprises in store for you.
The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki is another un-put-downable novel–wildly creative, masterful, and wise, it offers a fresh perspective on mental illness that is generally absent in our culture–and much more healing than the status quo. I loved the characters. Every scene is masterful.
My gratitude list would not be complete without thanking my team here, especially my VA who has been with me for over a decade and without whom I could never have offered the level of service we provide. Thank you Geri Lafferty. Also, Rachel Vane, Web Designer Extraordinaire, Jamie Palmer, social media / marketing guru.
I invite you to comment and share anything you feel grateful for this season. And thank you for being a part of my vibrant community of writers.