What to do when your writing loses momentum? Trap yourself.
If you’re not accountable to anyone to get your writing done, it’s easy to get off track. Often, all it takes is being accountable to someone to get back in the game and write again.
Teaching a class has been great for me. Every week my book-writing students make their commitments for the week. I’ve begun to share my commitments as well and, as a result, I’ve transcribed several chapters from notebook to computer, written one new chapter, and edited several chapters. Woo-hee!
How do you identify an easy way to be accountable? Here are 5 different ways:
1. Get yourself a writing buddy. Call or e-mail each other with your commitments. Follow up regularly to affirm that you’ve done what you said you’d do.
2. Join a writing class. A writing class automatically makes you accountable. And since you’ve put some money on the line, that can motivate you, since you don’t want to waste your investment.
3. Start a writing circle. Post a sign at your library or on the internet and get a group together to provide feedback and support. This is a great option if you can’t afford a writing course or writing coach.
4. Hire a writing coach. A writing coach can help you stay accountable and also help you improve your writing, make productive decisions in your writing, and write the best book you can
5. Commit yourself now, today, right here on my writing blog! Just put your commitment in the comments section. On Thursday I’ll blog again and ask for your progress. Check in again Thursday to report. The pressure is on. Let it work for you.
Go ahead, please share what you’re going to accomplish by Thursday. What days are you going to write? What exact times? Share it now as a comment.
Then schedule the writing in your calendar or blackberry! Enjoy the accountability.