![SAJ_6103-1 lisa tener book writing coach](https://jodieburdette.net/lisatener/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/SAJ_6103-1-199x300.jpg)
When I saw that my coach and client, Teri Scheinzeit won Best Mentor/Coach of the Year 2011, I thought, here’s the answer to something I know I’m not the only one pondering:
“How do I help people see instantly that what I’m offering is the best program out there?” A national award–yes. This got me to thinking about awards in general and how powerful they can be. Not only for me, but for my clients.
* Sell More Books: Awards always contribute to book sales–through increased credibility, links from the awards site to your book and pr that mentions your award or even stems from it.
* Impact More People: When you reach more people, you have more opportunity to make a difference in their lives.
* Get Top PR: You can leverage your award in a press release (and call the press as well)–this can land you TV and radio interviews as well as coverage in local, regional and even national newspapers and magazines. In the press release, use the award as a jumping off point for offering 5 tips in your area of expertise.
* Improve Your Search-ability Online (SEO): An online press release as well as a link to your website from the awarding organization can help improve your ranking with search engines, helping people find you more easily when they google your subject.
* Be Viewed as a National Expert: Especially for a how-to or self-help book or other nonfiction, a well-written book says that you’re an expert in your field.
* Attract High End Clients: You can target a particular audience–your ideal clients–by writing a book specifically geared to that market and their particular needs. And you can target awards that speak to that audience–a business award if your ideal clients are business people, an award in self-help, new age or religion if your book has a spiritual bent, etc. Your award also speaks to quality and helps attract high end clients because this group often looks for such creds–and they’re willing to pay extra for the quality.
![IMG_2179 speaking gigs award](https://jodieburdette.net/lisatener/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/IMG_2179-300x225.jpg)
* Improve Your Speaking Venues and Fees: An award from a reputable third party adds to your cache as a speaker–and can help justify higher fees.
* Make More Money: People expect to pay more — and are comfortable paying more–for services of a top expert; Your award helps establish that.
* Help Define Your Brand: An award says that part of your brand is excellence. The specific type of award will also contribute to brand and image.
* Create More Impact with Your Social Media: An award icon (or more than one) on your blog and facebook page send a certain message. My assistant, Geri, recently suggested we change my profile photo on the business facebook page to show me holding up my awards. It added another level of credibility to my social media and I got lots of comments as well–Thanks, Geri.
* Convert More Buyers on Your Website: Visitors on your website may be looking for reasons to buy or not buy. Winning an award creates a certain confidence that can help them decide to “risk” their money and buy your book, course or services.
I decided to interview some of my award winning clients about their achievements and what benefits they’ve reaped. Amy Beth O’Brien author of Stuck With Mr. Wrong, Evana Maggiore author of Fashion Feng Shui, Deb Scott author of The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue and Elizabeth Hamilton-Gaurino author of Pink Doodle Bug worked hard for the honors bestowed upon them. Being crowned in their respective fields soon reaped powerful results for their books and businesses:
![Stuck with Mr Wrong Cover](https://jodieburdette.net/lisatener/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Stuck-with-Mr-Wrong-Cover.jpg)
Lisa: Amy won the International Book Award for Best Self-Help Relationships for Stuck With Mr. Wrong and was a finalist in a few other awards. How has this affected you, Amy?
Amy: Winning the awards has been validation. I came to writing later in life, so I wasn’t sure I had the talent for it. Completing a book, in and of itself, was a big achievement.
Lisa: Has it had an influence in your business?
Amy: Yes, in fact, the gold sticker on the book and the title “award-winning author” lends credibility to my business. I’ve also been invited on radio shows and to speak to a variety of women’s groups. The biggest thing winning these awards has done is given me credibility. From here on out, I am a “4-time award-winning author.”
Lisa: Evana won the Association of Image Consultants International IMMIE (Image Makers Merit of Industry Excellence) Award for Innovation. Evana, can you say a bit about this prestigious award?
Evana: It indicates that the recipient has made an important contribution to the image industry. My contribution was creating a groundbreaking transformational dressing technique called Fashion Feng Shui (R).
Lisa: And the effect?
![Fashion Feng Shui Cover](https://jodieburdette.net/lisatener/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/NEW-BOOK-COVER-FRONT1.jpg)
Evana: Instant credibility! What had been a far out concept, was embraced by image consultants worldwide, many of whom have studied with me.
Lisa: So, it helped tremendously in growing your business. Can you say more?
Evana: I stepped out of the box by blending fashion and feng shui. At first I had been worried that my professional colleagues would think it was too “woo-woo” — but I did it anyway. If I hadn’t taken that risk, I would have missed the greatest opportunity of my life.
Lisa: How about on the personal level?
Evana: Winning AICI’s IMMIE for Innovation confirmed that success comes when you are authentic and do what you love.
![The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue](https://jodieburdette.net/lisatener/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/BOOKLO11.jpg)
Lisa: Deb Scott has won INDIE Next Generation for Motivation, Moms Choice Award for Self Improvement, USA Best Books: Best New Non-Fiction and Books & Authors Award for Self Help. That’s quite a few awards. How has this effected your life as an author?
Deb: I have been a featured as a guest on over 50 radio shows talking about my book The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue, including CBS radio and stations in major networks such as Boston, LA and New Orleans.
Lisa: Any specific results from your success that has helped your business?
Deb: I created the Motivation Marathon, featuring major experts and celebrities. My radio show is also now top rated in 17 categories with over 200k listeners! Publications and speaking opportunities came much easier after I won my awards. I can check them off my bucket list now!
Lisa: Elizabeth Hamilton Guarino is another winner of the Gold Mom’s Choice Award. Elizabeth, have you seen any increase in sales because of your award?
![Pinky Doodle Dee](https://jodieburdette.net/lisatener/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/pinkycover.jpg)
Elizabeth: Yes, they grew handily and it also led to my book Pinky Doodle Bug being featured at the Maine Festival of the Book.
Lisa: That’s wonderful!
Elizabeth: We thank everyone at Mom’s Choice Awards. The book goes through very careful screening with industry professionals and so it is a tremendous honor to have won.
Another Gold Mom’s Choice Award winner is Anne Burnett for her book Alleviate Autism. The MCA recognizes authors and business people who contribute to family-friendly media available to families so they can make informed decisions on particular and everyday challenges.
Anne credits her book as being the number one reason for securing a high level job as Executive Director for a national nonprofit at a generous compensation package well above what she’d been earning. I’m sure the awards contributed to her standing in their eyes. Anne told me that when she contacted the organization, they read her book and re-opened the position, despite having picked a finalist. In interviews everyone shared how inspired they were by Step Ahead of Autism. The book spoke to her expertise in a powerful way that an interview just can’t match.
My client, Pat Hastings is another award winning author. Her award was from the Yuxon Spring 2009 Christian Choice Writing Contest for her book Simply a Woman of Faith and she was chosen for Inspirational Woman of the Year by the TV show Tea With Marie. As a speaker, international retreat leader and spiritual coach, her awards have added the credibility to attract speaking and teaching opportunities, clients and publicity. That includes speaking and teaching opportunities in Bermuda, Hawaii and on cruise ships!
So, now’s my turn to ask for your help in winning another award. If you have not already voted for my Bring Your Book to Life Program in the People’s Choice Awards of the American Business Awards, please do. Anyone can vote. We are now in second place and the voting is close. We can win the gold with your help! Please vote here (it takes 30 seconds!) and share with friends, too.
Thanks in advance for your vote and please share your questions about winning awards and your comments and ideas for benefiting from this practice. Have you won a book award? Tell us how it has helped you!