While browsing through Triberr, I read a recent blog post “Three Questions That Will Change Your Business” by Michele Welch that suggested entrepreneurs ask themselves, “What’s the complete opposite of what I’m doing?”
My quick answer was: take a walk and have more fun and I could see immediately how that would help my business. It also made me think about asking that question about my writing.
And the same answer seemed applicable. Plus get a really fun journal to write in.
So, I’m committing to taking a walk tomorrow (it’s 10:55pm — too late to walk tonight) and having fun. And picking out a really fun journal to write in (as opposed to my computer). So, ask me tomorrow how I did because I am holding myself accountable.
How about you? What’s the complete opposite of what you’re doing? What might it do for your business? For your writing?
Share your answers and accountability here.