These posts are designed to work with The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day. If you haven’t bought your copy yet, get it here and join us for the free October Journaling Adventure!
We have a few celebrity novelists in today’s video: New York Times Bestselling author (for multiple books) Jaquelyn Mitchard (watch for her new book The Good Son: A Novel coming out in December!), Global Read Aloud winner and multi-award winning author Padma Venkatraman whose novel, The Bridge Home, won over 50 awards (“Gorgeous Storytelling” – The New York Times Book Review) and Kristin Bair O’Keefe, author of Agatha Arch is Afraid of Everything, PEOPLE Magazine’s “Best New Book, 2020” among new writers to discover!
Of course, you may prefer to respond to the prompt, “A stranger knocks. What happens next?” before you watch the video or read my excerpt. Start by listing 5 possible next lines. Which one inspires (or scares) you the most? Write from that one!
My own dream-like response to this prompt surprised me. I run out the back door!
The stranger pursues me.
Finally, I’m cornered at a chain link fence. Here’s my excerpt:
I hear his rapid breathing, then his heartbeat, feel his breath on the back of my neck.
Still, I face the fence, eyes closed, my own breath shallow, stomach clenched.
“You Lisa?” he asks.
“Why?” I open my eyes but do not turn toward him.
“I got your mail. By Accident. I live next door.”
I turn then, mesmerized by his blue blue eyes. I don’t hear what he says. I’m lost in his gaze.
The stranger hands me my mail—two letter sized envelopes and a thick 8×10 package.
My taxes.
I knew I should have run away.
Your Turn to Journal

I hope you had as much fun with this prompt as I did!
What ideas came up? Which did you choose?
In the comments, share an excerpt or just a first sentence.
Or share what surprised you about the experience.
How have you been enjoying the October Journaling Adventure? Are you able to journal every day (or close to it)? If not, what do you think you need to commit more deeply? What’s missing? Do you need to use the planning page to schedule specific times? Put your journal in a different place so you see it daily?
If you’re journaling daily, share what’s helping you be consistent. Your insights may help others!