As authors, we all need to build our platforms. Why not make great money and help people go deeper with our offerings in the process?
One of my clients who’d been hot and cold about offering teleseminars said she finally got it yesterday. “Tell me more about teleseminars. I think I could earn that same six figure income I’m being offered–or something quite comfortable–on my own if I do this right. And I like that I’d be helping people go deeper with the message in my book–really support them. And I’d have a flexible schedule, free time with my kids…”
Yes, she articulated exactly why I love teleseminars:
1. You can reach and help so many people at once–and with the new interactive technologies it can be so interactive that it’s like being in an intimate live workshop together.
2. You can make a great living–close ot a third of my income comes from teleseminar programs or teleseminar sales.

3. Teleseminars provide for a flexible schedule and lifestyle–mom’s hours, a month-long vacation, retreat days–what’s your dream?
4. Teleseminars can support book sales–or growing your platform before you even publish to create pent up demand and interest agents and publishers.
5. You and your participants don’t have to travel–so they’re super time efficient for everyone.
6. You’re not locked into making a specific amount of money per hour.
7. You get plenty of ideas for your book as you interact with participants–hear their questions, concerns, insights and even their stories.
8. You get to know your readers intimately and that makes for better writing.
There are some keys to successful teleseminars. Maybe you’ve been on a talking head-type call. My friend and colleague Joshua calls it the “Sage on the stage.”
With the new technology available, there is no excuse for anything less than a highly interactive, exciting and even transformative call.
I want to put the tools and technology into your hands that will make your teleseminars truly sensational for every single person on your calls–and to empower you to fill your programs the way I do.
My colleague Joshua Home Edwards and I shared our best secrets for Creating Transformational and Profitable Teleseminars. Listen to the recording here.
As mentioned on the call, we have two limited-time special offers for those who registered and wish to experience MaestroConference teleseminars for yourself:
50 Line, 6-month Subscription for $47/Month