Today’s prompt stirs memories of my cousin’s bar mitzvah—all the ancient relatives from my dad’s side that I’ve never met before, or met once or twice. I’m eight or eleven and confused by all these seeming strangers.

I feel particularly embarrassed when Grandma Stella sings. Her intense emotion makes Barbara Streisand seem tame...
…Now that I’m older, I’ve begun to appreciate what Stella must have gone through on her journey to America—the pogroms she survived, the exodus portrayed in Fiddler on the Roof. Only, in the real life exodus people stumble along the way. As a young girl, did she have to step over bodies to keep going?
Her singing provided a way to express her pain. I think the root of my own shame is in the pain she expressed. As if I wanted to stop her and say, “No. It’s too much.”

When I wrote The Joy of Writing Journal, I intended to help spark my readers’ creativity. I went for a light touch, focusing on qualities like playful, quirky and fun.
But when we immerse ourselves in writing—be it journaling or other creative writing—we cheat ourselves if we try to control our emotions and remain in a comfort zone emotionally.
There’s power in exploring our shame and other uncomfortable emotions. Often, when we allow ourselves to feel and explore these emotions, we discover a certain freedom, and insights we would not have experienced had we stayed comfy and safe.
Your Turn
When you give yourself “permission to be bold” where does it take you? What did you write about today? Share a snippet or some of your experience in writing today. Or even post a video of you reading some or all of your entry!