If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you know that I love to take writers to “meet your muse.” I lead people through a visualization that gets them in touch with their creative source and their deeper knowing for answers about writing a book.
In a book concept consultation today as part of my Bring Your Book to Life Program, a client asked how she might get into the zone consistently to write. Rather than tell her how, I suggested we ask her muse and led her into a meditation similar to the meet your muse visualization you can find here.

Her muse told her to take a hot bath.
We both thought it funny until we thought about it–water–the second chakra, which governs creativity. Water helps flow, as does warmth.
Writing isn’t just about sitting at a computer and typing. There’s a preparation of the body, mind and soul we can do before we write that makes our writing experience inspired, transcendent and productive.
Your muse is wise, too. Next time, before you sit down to write, ask your muse how you can get into the zone for writing and have it flow with ease and instant inspiration. See where your muse leads you. And share your insights here. What does your muse want you to do before writing?