Book Launch Tips, Working Today
In the past couple of weeks, two books by Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduates reported a successful book launch and a third graduate is re-launching his book, Cold Cures, on Amazon in anticipation of cold and flu season. Another editing client launched to all 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Light bulb moment.
I love a win-win-win. I can share their secrets with you to help you launch a book successfully, spread the word about their books (maybe you’ll find a book in here that will solve a current problem or challenge!) and help further their sales. Plus, I get to brag about my clients!
As I put this post together, I realized that some of my clients with a book launch in the past six months (as opposed to a couple of weeks) have had more time to reap the rewards of their book launch strategies, so I’ve asked a few of them to weigh in, as well. That includes a client who’s re-launching a book and can provide advice on both book launch timing and international markets (the Spanish language version of his book hit #2 in the largest bookstore in the Dominican Republic!).
I also asked a couple of colleagues to weigh in, because they are brilliant with book launches and one recently launched another book of her own.
Without further ado…
[bctt tweet=”Brilliant Book Launch Tips ” username=”LisaTener”]
More Than a Book Launch Party

Gus Ferrer, MD and Burke Lennihan, RN, authors of Cough Cures, had great success with their Spanish language book launch, hitting #2 in the largest bookstore in the Dominican Republic. They share:
“In the Dominican Republic, we had much media coverage. Several TV interviews and multiple Radio Shows.“The publicity really helped! About 70 people were invited to the launch party, but even more came from hearing about it from radio shows and TV interviews. Over 150 people showed up!”Those 150 helped the book go viral in the largest bookstore in the Dominican Republic.
Prior to The Book Launch Event
- We selected about 40 people, gave them the book in PDF format and asked them to read it so that they would be ready to give a positive review on Amazon the day of the launch—staying ahead of the game.
- We advertised through Southeastern University’s Newsletter.
- We invited everyone, I mean everyone we know.
- We did a huge social medial push and asked everyone to like and share the invitation to the event
- We sent out an evite to get a head count, inviting 50 people, with a turn out around 90!—with lots of follow-up.
At the Book Launch Event
We had a prominent keynote speaker, Major General Loeffke, say a few words and introduce Dr. Gus.
- We provided a DJ, an MC and good food.
- We offered raffles.
Some takeaways:
a) Plan ahead.
b) Get everyone you know involved! Ask them to invite people, too.
c) Ask for reviews.
d) Use multiple ways of reaching people.
e) Use your launch party to kick off your Amazon sales.
And because Dr. Gus has asked for support from colleagues and friends, the relaunch email will go to approximately 160,000 people, right at the start of <ahem, ahem> cough season.

Secret Book Launch Weapon, Video
From Stephanie O’Leary, whose book, Parenting in the Real World, is getting rave reviews on Amazon:
“Lisa’s suggestion to introduce each chapter with a video (via QR code) and introducing me to Tamara Monosoff, an expert in that strategy, was brilliant. It makes my book stand out and has had a huge impact on readers. The first book reviewer loved them, saying, “It helps you to connect with the author and her voice and I think this really aids in grasping the message as well.”“I have also received feedback that the videos make readers feel as if they are having a conversation with me. One reader said the videos made her feel like she was having a “much needed deep conversation” and she wanted “to keep talking.” My YouTube views are also up and it’s fun to see them climb in order of the chapters as new readers check them out.”

Add Pros to Your Community—And Ask for Book Launch Help.
From Diane Radford, MD, author of the just-released Bless Your Little Cotton Socks:
“Amass a network to spread the word about the book. I have found the faculty from the Harvard Writers Course, led by Julie Silver MD, to be most helpful.”
More Advice from Recent Successful Book Launches
Testimonials, Ebooks and Self-Care!
Linda Mercer, author of Rebuild Your Immune System in 10 Minutes a Day, makes these three suggestions:
1. “Include testimonials from your book readers in launch emails—one per day starting day 2 of a 5 day launch.”2. “Make it really easy to purchase digital copies—charge 99 cents—and add the link to go directly to your amazon sales page. Buyers can even pay by one-click if they’ve given their credit card numbers to Amazon previously.”
And, given her passion for self-care, Linda offers this Self-Care tip while going through a book launch:
3. “My favorite all time self-care tip is to take just 10 minutes (or more if you like) for quiet time in the morning centering and grounding yourself before you get your day started. It not only relaxes and energizes you at the same time, but also sets the tone (and success) of your entire day. You can drink your favorite drink, pray, meditate, journal…something quiet and reflective or even—one of my favorites—just stare out the window.”
Carol Lambert, author of Women with Controlling Partners says:
“Post blogs wherever you can.” Carol’s publisher, New Harbinger, has a platform on the Huffington Post. Carol tied her first post on the Huffington Post to proposing changes to our laws by pointing to the laws that the UK and France have passed in Outlawing Psychological Abuse: What the UK and France Can Teach Us.
How These Authors Got Big Results—More Book Launch Tips
Sage Advice from a Pro

My colleague, Stuart Horwitz, author of three excellent books on writing and revision shares this advice about choosing book launch strategies that work naturally for you:
“The number of things you can do is like a vast supermarket; you still have to figure out what you like to eat. I love my newsletter but I am never on Twitter, I have fans who will review the book on Amazon but I don’t have time for a lot of guest blogs. So I picked and chose my what came naturally to me… And cooked up something delicious.”Like Stuart, I am a big advocate for not trying to do everything, but figuring out what excites you, what’s authentic for you, what you’ll enjoy and what stretches you—in a good way.
You may also be interested in these past articles on specific ways authors successfully launched their books:
- How Chris Spurvey Sold 8,000 Books in 3 Weeks (and 10,000 in a month!)
- A Big Leap in Author Platform for Victoria Dunckley, MD: this post focuses on several things Dr. Dunckley did before her book came out. These steps helped her get a book deal as well as helped grow her following to help book sales during her book launch.
- The Ultimate Book Launch Party includes tips from one of the most fun and exciting book launches I’ve attended, that of my clients Drs. Carrie and Alton Barron for their book, The Creativity Cure.Have you launched a book or seen some successful strategies in action? Please share! Or ask your questions below. Thanks.