Writing a book proposal is both an art and a science. I know many of my readers are looking to get picked up by a traditional publisher and, therefore, need to write a proposal. Perhaps that describes you.
On this website, I’ve put together a substantial body of knowledge to support you in writing a book proposal. I’ve detailed the steps for how to write a book proposal on a page that also includes links to my many blog posts on specific aspects and sections of the book proposal.
On that page you will also find links to interviews with literary agents and advice on finding the best agent for your book.
So, I won’t repeat myself here. Instead, I’d like to open the forum for your questions about writing a book proposal.
Have questions come up as you work on a particular section? Or do you wonder about the purpose of a specific section of the proposal? Do you wonder what publishers are looking for in that particular section?
Or do you have more general questions about the process?
Ask your questions about writing a book proposal and I will answer!
And for my clients and colleagues who have gotten book deals–please share your experiences and tips here as well.