I don’t remember seeing an ad pop up (and darken the rest of my screen!) when I click on a link from outside the Huff Po to read an article on the Huff Po. And I don’t remember having an video ad pop up when I click on my first headline.
Maybe a minor annoyance, something I have to put up with to read the news and engaging columns and posts by columnists I enjoy. Maybe. But it’s annoying enough that I’ll have second thoughts about clicking on a busy day.
I can see my reading habits change already. Yes, I can just hit the x and close the window. But somehow, it’s more junk right in my face. More stuff I have to do. And I don’t think I’m going to do it as often. It made me curious what effect it will have on readers. What effect does it have on you to get those pop up ads when you first click?
As writers and authors, we need to be sensitive to our readers’ experience–whether it’s reading our books, our blog posts or our newsletters. Repel your readers and you may not get a second chance.
Sometimes, I notice more unsubscribes after a particular mailing. I try to analyze why. When you’re writing a book, you’ll want to get some “test” readers who are members of your audience and ask them what they like, what they want more of. Also ask where they get bored or confused–and certainly find out what turns them off or ticks ’em off.
What repels you? What repels your readers? Any cautionary tales? I’d love to hear from you…