Browsing recent posts on LinkedIn, I came upon Cara Bradley’s podcast. It’s always exciting for me to see what happens after a client’s book gets published. It’s especially so when the author dives into book promotion and related activities with the kind of gusto Cara Bradley brings to it.
I asked Cara to share her experience both to inspire you, and also to help you think about the kinds of activities that might go into your promotion plan and the business plan for your book. Some of Cara’s advice plays well into some of the content of your book as well.
Lisa: What were some of the early responses to On the Verge that stick out to you?
Cara: The best response I hear is that my book sits on their nightstand.
Lisa: That’s wonderful, knowing it’s that powerful a resource for your readers. What’s been the most thrilling opportunity to date that’s come from writing On the Verge?
Cara: Sitting in Congressmen Tim Ryan’s office talking about how much he loved my book
Lisa: Can you share with us how some of your early opportunities have led to other opportunities?
Cara: I’ve learned to trust that no meeting or connection is wasted. In time, they will always lead to either new opportunities or learning. I also believe to live in a state of openness, it’s there that we make ourselves available to unexpected possibilities.
Lisa: Great takeaway! You’ve been doing a lot more speaking and media lately, can you share some of the highlights with us?
Cara: More and more I’m teaching and presenting both online and in the corporate setting. One of the highlights of 2019 was being asked to host an online summit called Embodiment At Work. I interviewed 36 experts in the field for over 18,000 attendees. Other highlights were working with women leaders of Goldman Sachs and Guardian Insurance.
Lisa: That’s exciting and impressive. How have the speaking opportunities come about? Did you sign on with a speakers bureau after becoming a published author?
Cara: My speaking opportunities come to me by word of mouth. While I do some sales prospecting, I find the best gigs come through referral. I’m not affiliated with a speaker’s bureau yet although I am in discussion with one—fingers crossed.
Lisa: Good luck. I’m sure you’ll find the right one. You’ve done keynotes for some major brands like Coca Cola, Virgin Pulse, SAP and the National Parks Service. How have those come about and what have these companies been looking for that the message in your book addresses?
Cara: Networking at conferences has been an incredibly effective way to build my speaking business. With that being said, having a traditionally published book is often the stamp of approval potential clients need to validate my expertise.
My book is chock full of pithy sayings such as, “drama drains and focus fuels” and “overwhelm is not an option.” People want me to expand on one or more of these sayings in a presentation.
Lisa: That’s great. It sounds like one valuable step for those of us writing a book would be to think about pithy sayings that can be teased out into a full presentation, workshop or seminar. I know some authors share these pitchy sayings on social media. Tama Kieves is a great example of that.
How does your book On the Verge play into the speaking and training engagements? Do you sometimes wrap book sales into your speaking fees? Have you done any bulk sales (over 100) or special sales? Or do you sell books back of the room?
Cara: I have bundled sale of books into a talk though, to date, none have been over 100 books. If asked to speak for free, I will bundle book sales into our agreement. Also, I do not like to sell books from the back of the room. Finally, I always bring a few books to talks carefully selecting potential clients to gift them to.

Lisa: When we first worked together, you started blogging, now you’re podcasting. Can you talk a bit about the shift to podcasting–why you did it and what you love about it? Did a particular podcaster or podcast inspire you?
Cara: I started my podcast shortly after my book was published. Being a lifelong teacher, I find that verbal communication comes much more naturally to me than written form. I transcribe my shows and will sometimes turn them into a blog or article.
I made the decision to do a solo podcast instead of interview style. While it’s been harder to grow the show that way, I’ve created a place for “super-fans” to find me every week. I’m always amazed how people find my podcast and then hopefully find my book and other work.
My next project is to create a new show offering short, five minute shows, Monday thru Friday. Stay tuned.
Lisa: Wow. This is exciting! Good luck with it. Can you share one or two of your favorite podcasts?
Cara: Favorites? I listen to so many podcasts. Most of them are interview style so I can’t say I got my inspiration from any particular show. I am bouncing around these days but tend to find my way back to Found My Fitness with Rhonda Patrick and Finding Mastery with Michael Gervais.
Cara Bradley is a leading authority of body-brain training having led Fortune 500 companies, CEOs and elite college sports teams through her signature strategies to feel and perform their best. She is the author of On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine, and founder of the award-winning Verge Yoga Center in Philadelphia.
Note from Lisa: In the spirit of Waking Up, Showing Up and Shining, I’d like to remind my readers (you) that on January 2, 2020, I am offering a special conference call where we will breathe, get into an inspired, creative inner space and then just write!
Bring a piece you’re working on, or you can work on your vision and intentions for the New Year and New Decade!
WHAT? A FREE online workshop via ZOOM conference call
WHEN? January 2, 2020 at 8:30 pm ET
HOW? Click the orange button and join us by computer or phone! (You’ll get instructions as soon as you register).
If you’ve been looking for the inspiration and a little push to get going on your book, or to reignite your writing, or want to set a vision for the new year and decade, this is your golden ticket.
Comment below if you plan to join me. Schedule it now in your 2020 calendar and I’ll see you on January 2!