What’s the shortcut to personal growth?
Hint: Maybe it’s not exactly a shortcut.
Answer: Yes. You got it. Writing a book.
[bctt tweet=”How Writing a Book Changes You (for the Better) ” username=”LisaTener”]
One of the joys of being a book coach is seeing people’s lives expand, grow and deepen in remarkable ways as they journey from aspiring author to published author.
After writing and publishing her first book, Amy O’Brien, a Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate admitted that, “Writing a book was something I thought was reserved for other people. I honestly didn’t believe I could do it.” Once Amy broke through her own doubts, she went on to write two books, Stuck with Mr. Wrong and Star in Your Own Life Story. You can imagine how exciting it was to see her inner writer—freed!

Another Bring Your Book to Life® Program graduate, Victoria Dunckley, MD, confessed that she was terrified of being on TV. Yet, in service to her book and the good she knew she could accomplish with it (and with the hope of attracting a publisher) she overcame that fear and appeared on the Today Show as a mental health expert—twice! Now, Reset Your Child’s Brain is a reality, published by New World Library, and her work has influenced other bestselling authors, creating a movement around reducing screen time for kids.
Carol Lambert, MSW, author of Women with Controlling Partners, shares, “I ran the Boston Marathon at 42. Writing and publishing a book gave me a similar sense of empowerment, like, ‘What can I take on next?’ Both achievements make me hopeful that when I break down tasks and master them I can get to the finish line. That’s how I approached the marathon and approached my book.
“Since becoming an author, I continue to feel more and more confident in my professional life, and have greater ownership of what I know. I’m becoming the expert that people see me as. I had to grow into it and I’m still growing into it. ”
Writing and publishing Feedback First gave Huibert Evekink the confidence he needed to leave his job in a multinational company in order to start his own consulting business, something he’d contemplated for years. Less than four months after publishing, he is helping teams boost performance by improving communication skills. His clients come from both the private and public sector around the globe.
And you?

When you write a book, you say “yes” to:
- Your dreams.
- Your abilities.
- Your gifts.
- Overcoming self doubt and old habits that hold you back.
- Sharing your wisdom and experience.
- Making a difference for more people.
- Creative self expression.
- Being a mentor.
- Giving back.
I can promise you, this will require some stretching on your part. We all have some “ego-consciousness,” “stinking thinking,” and habits that keep us from playing as big as our potential.
We also all have a spark of genius—actually, a bright light. We all have access to creativity, inspiration, passion, wisdom, knowledge.
Every time you say yes to working on your book, you are saying yes to the light within. Every time you doubt yourself and let that stop you, you are giving into that voice of ego, inner-critic, saboteur.
It should be an easy choice, but it isn’t always. Is it?
Sometimes you need tools.
[bctt tweet=”5 Ways to Silence Your Inner Critic ” username=”LisaTener”]
Another recent product of my Bring Your Book to Life®Program Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: It’s okay. Let that voice chatter away. Sit in your chair and write anyway.
- Create Community: Surround yourself with people who are also committed to embracing their creative spark, perhaps even those writing a book!
- Reach Out: Having a tough time? Connect with a trusted friend or colleague you know will be supportive.
- Have a Plan: Schedule specific dates and times to write; plan with an accountability partner; join a book writing course or class (yes, I have one coming up!). A plan will help you write even when you don’t want to. It will give you structure and support to stay the course.
- Spend Time in Sacred Space: Both sacred inner space and sacred environments will support the brilliant writer part of you. Spend time in nature, meditate, sit quietly in a church or temple or yoga class—any places that will inspire you. Remember, too, creating that quiet time and space can also crowd out the critic. I guess space behaves more like a gas than a vaccum in that way, but there’s my nerdy side showing up. I digress.
Back to You, Personal Growth and Writing Your Book

Personal growth may not be your number one reason for writing a book, but when you look back on the experience, it will be a very rewarding one.
Imagine it now. You hold your book in your hands. Someone says to you, “I always wanted to write a book.”
And you say, “Do it. It will change your life. For good.”
What are your reason for writing a book?
It’s not too late to explore my Bring Your Book to Life® Program for 2017. I only teach this book writing course once a year. You’ll find that support, accountability, momentum, plus guidance from a seasoned coach who loves helping aspiring authors discover the sparkle that makes their books distinct. And more. So much more. Read more more more about Bring Your Book to Life® here.
Update: My new program, Get Your Writing Done, occurs every week! Join us and learn how to get in a state of flow with ease and write your best stuff! Get the support and accountability you need to write a great book, finish and publish it!
Has writing a book changed you? Share your experience?