When I read Dr. RKG’s blog post on brain neuroplasticity and how to “take in the good” the lights went on for me. It hit home for me in a personal way, but I also connected some dots for some of my clients who may embark on book writing with lurking belief systems like:
– “I can’t write.”
– “It’s dangerous to express myself (or my truth).”
– “When I’m fully in my power, I won’t have anyone to love me.”
– “Telling my story/truth will hurt others.”
– “I’ll never write anything worthy enough for people to read/buy.”
It can take work to get over such belief systems (as some people call them, the tapes in their head). One of the things I do with my clients is focus on what’s working in their writing and building on that. And giving them exercises to do–replace the passive verbs with active ones when they can, for instance–and celebrating how much better the writing becomes as they incorporate such techniques.

Reading about neuroplasticity makes me see why that works so well–we’re reprogramming the brain and reinforcing the positive experiences around writing.
I won’t steal Randy’s thunder–I just highly recommend you check out her post and Dr. Hanson’s simple 3 step exercise for “taking in the good.” Your writing may take a huge leap forward when you do so.
I’d love to hear your experiences around this.