Tomorrow is newsletter day. And so, if you subscribe to both my blog and newsletter, you’ll get two e-mails from me in less than 24 hours. So I shouldn’t be blogging. And I apologize.
At the same time, I can’t help but blog today. I just had to tell you about this book I’m reading and it seems it can’t wait another day. I don’t know why, but it can’t.
My new favorite book–and I do not bestow that honor lightly–is Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend by Mike Dooley. Why is it my favorite book? I’ve been reading a few pages every night and most mornings and it puts a huge smile on my face. I feel happy, yummy, filled with light when I read it. And cool things seem to happen.
At a New Year’s retreat at the Kripalu Yoga Center, my meditation teacher recently said, “When you read a book, you get that person’s energy. Be careful about what you read.” So, I’m guessing he’s right, because every time I read this book I feel great–filled with possibility, potential, lit up.
I think I once heard Joe Vitale say something to the effect of The energy of my books changes as I change. People get more out of my books because of the work I’ve done on myself–even books I wrote twenty years ago. I may have the exact words wrong, but it was along those lines and inspired me.

Okay, so, yes, there are the yummy vibes that come from the book…and then there are the aftereffects. It doesn’t feel like that, “I have to visualize my dream now” law-of-attraction homework. I just find myself connecting to my dreams–or just smaller things I want in my life–when I read the book and lo and behold, it seems to be manifesting at record speed.
I want to work with a certain type of client–ta-da–they show up. I want information–an e-mail on the subject shows up in my inbox in minutes. I’m blown away by the specificity and speed of delivery.
I’d been thinking I’ d like to blog consistently on a particular topic that will excite my readers, but without more work and the idea came to me while walking by the river with my friend Sarah this morning. You’ll hear more about this exciting new blog development very soon. Thanks to Mike and the Universe, my desires seem to hook up directly with God or source energy without my having to control or try to make it happen.
Of course, one book or person rarely is the only reason we manifest. It takes a village, right? In my case, I thank Sarah Bell–my walking partner this morning, the people who created the beautiful walkway by the river in Wakefield, RI, the Heron we heard splashing well before we saw him and the miracle whisperer at One True Self–Julia Griffin, who has taught me more about manifesting than anyone.
If you want to turn up the dial on manifesting, or just start each day with a smile on your face, check out Mike Dooley’s books and sign up for his daily e-mail.