1. Targeting: Wouldn’t you love to have a portfolio EXCLUSIVELY of ideal clients—those people you just LOVE to work with, who leave you energized and full of a sense of purpose? There’s no better way to attract your ideal clients than to write a book for them.

2. A Boost for High End Sales: One of my clients, Evana Maggiore, says that a $25 book sale off the internet often results in someone devouring her book, Fashion Feng Shui: The Power of Dressing with Intention, in one sitting and then registering for a $3,000 plus seminar. What could your book do for you?
3. Be the Expert You are and Get that PR: I’ve had many an expert tell me they couldn’t get on TV until they became a published author. TV and other PR provide great exposure for your business and your book makes it that much easier to get coverage (especially at the national level). If you want to be seen as one of the top experts in your field, just write a book! (Your competition probably is…).
4. New Experiences: Exciting opportunities will show up in your life as people read your book and want to connect or partner with you—things you may not have even dreamed of. One of my clients, Pat Hastings, author of Simply a Woman of Faith, has led retreats in Bermuda, Hawaii and a Caribbean cruise as a result of becoming a published author.
5. Hang Out with Interesting People: When I became a published author, I began to meet other authors, speakers, TV and radio hosts and others whom I found stimulating and inspiring. Becoming an author will expand your circle.
6. Increase Your Influence: If you want to impact more people with your wisdom, system or message, a book is one of your most potent tools.
7. Double or Triple Your Speaking Income (or Start a Speaking Career): No question that most speakers get paid more (and get higher profile speaking gigs) when they become published authors.

8. Retire from Your Day Job: Pat Hastings retired from her job as a substance abuse counselor 9 months after publishing her first book, Simply a Woman of Faith, and launched her career as a spiritual life coach. What’s your dream job?
9. Tax write-offs: You may be able to write off expenses that are related to your book (travel, research, classes that inform your book, etc.). Check with your accountant.
10. The Feel Good Factor: Writing a book provides a powerful sense of accomplishment. After all, according to a New York Times article, it’s on 81% of people’s bucket lists, yet most people never make it happen.

11. A New Expanded YOU: Writing a book makes you expand and grow as a person in ways you may not even expect. You’ll develop new skills, step into your power and more deeply align with your purpose and Spirit. I see it in my clients and it’s exciting to watch that process unfold.
So, what’s your top reason for writing a book in 2011? What will you do about it? Share your comments and commitment here so we can support you.