Doing some last minute shopping for writers on your list (or to put on your wish list)? Perhaps a great book? As promised here are some books I recommend–a few classics and some new books, too.
Classic Books about Writing and Style

Stephen King’s On Writing: King breaks the rules by combining a memoir and how-to book on writing. The result is a compelling read and great, simple tips for writing well.
Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style: A classic for developing your writing style and it’s a quick read, to boot. My friend and mentor Teri Scheinzeit gave me a copy of the fiftieth anniversary edition, which is particularly elegant.
Books about Writing and Creativity
Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird: A witty and comforting book that explores the highs and lows and gives some solid advice along the way.

SARK’s A Creative Companion: Or anything by SARK. Her books are wonderful for tapping into playfulness and creativity.
Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles: Tricia Gilmore recommended this great book in my Bring Your Book to Life Program and I absolutely loved it. If you’re procrastinating or stuck, read this book and break through.
Books Recommended by Our Write Your Book Community
From Nora Hall: “I am in the process of reading Patience, The Art of Peaceful Living by Allan Lokos and am finding it extraordinarily helpful in learning to be patient and at peace with the process of building a platform for my book. In fact, I will post a review of it on Dec 28th and an interview with Allan on January 11th. The release day for the book is January 5th.” You can read Nora’s post on the book here.
Let’s hear from you. What great book do you recommend for writers (or anyone) this season?
Ready to Write a Great Book? This post will tell you how to write a great book and show you the elements needed to get started on the path.