Lisa: Let’s start with health, since that’s such a big part of what you do, Dylan. What are some of the health benefits of creativity?

by Lisa Tener
Lisa: Let’s start with health, since that’s such a big part of what you do, Dylan. What are some of the health benefits of creativity?
by Lisa Tener
Having worked with a handful of talented feng shui practitioners as clients, I’ve learned the importance of our surroundings in supporting our creativity. Working with them helped me realized I wanted to be more intentional about making my creative environment more inspiring to my muse.
Until recently, I kept a bulletin board behind and above my computer, so that I could look up at inspiring messages and images throughout my day. Over a couple of years, inspiration became clutter.
I felt my message to myself had become, “You have to accomplish this and this and this…” I knew I needed focus. Creative focus. Something that centered and stilled me. Something to take me deep.
At Aspire Magazine‘s Love, Light and Laughter event last March, I found just that in a beautiful glichee print by Melissa Harris (pictured above).
Not only does the painting, called Guided Journey, take me to a deep and inspired place, but it reminds me of the teachings of Esther and Jerry Hicks: I picture myself gently rowing downstream–knowing that when I’m thinking harmonious thoughts, I naturally move downstream to all that I desire. If I’m feeling negative, it’s a reminder that I must be thinking “upstream thoughts.”
I found it hard to part with a few key images and one affirmation, so I put up a mini magnetic board with eight of the ninety six items from the larger board. (Even eight seems like a lot. Maybe I can pare down over time!)
I bought a second print (pictured right) that I can only see when I close the door to my office—incentive to close my space and create sanctuary in my office. This beautiful flower fairy makes me think of my muse emerging, or the birth of a new idea or project, powered by the shining sun and the elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit.
I recycled my bulletin board for my bedroom, promising myself that I will keep it clear and focused. I plan to put up a few key affirmations in large, bold print and I will post a plan for how I wish to start each day, with intention, feeding my soul with loving practices, writing in my journal and connecting with my loved ones in a sacred way—a far cry from the typical morning in my house. I’ll let you know how my plan works—I realize it needs to be flexible with my family demands, but I’m excited about what’s possible when I wake up to my clear and focused intentions each morning.
How about you? What do you wake up to each morning when you open your eyes? What surrounds you in your office? How can you support your creativity and writing by creating an inspiring space? Feel free to share ( as a comment) what you’re already doing as well as any new commitments you’re now inspired to make.