Is it possible to write the wrong book? Yes. You may write a book that:
* Doesn’t meet your goals for sales, impact or results (the results it gets for you, your business or your readers)
* Doesn’t speak to the audience and meet them where they are. Maybe it’s too technical, speaks the wrong language (sports metaphors for women artists) or assumes a common experience or belief system that isn’t accurate.
* Is hard to follow or doesn’t flow well.
* Loses your readers’ interest.

Or a number of other issues. Avoid this unnecessarily sorry fate by thinking clearly through your book concept from the beginning: clarifying who your audience is and what they want (not what you think they need), then matching your content, tone, table of contents, features, etc. to that specific audience. And, of course, polish your book to perfection.
How to clarify your book concept? Join me and Linda Joy on February 2 for Birth Your Book: From Inspiration to Published Author to learn more tips for clarifying what your book is (and isn’t), who it’s for and how it will captivate your readers.

And if you’re in New England, you can follow the teleseminar by coming to my open house / introductory program in Narragansett, RI on Feb. 4. E-mail me to RSVP and for directions.
And, as always, feel free to ask questions here on the this blog.