Welcome to Day 2 on the journey through The Joy of Writing Journal. Here I share an excerpt from my journey and I hope you will share something about yours—an excerpt, an insight, a challenge, a joy…
Journaling helps me derive meaning. In this excerpt, I begin to find meaning in my own resistance to writing…

…I pull the rock out of the earth
Scoop my hand in the dirt hole
A slimy worm
A root
The scent of earth
My brain too stupid or lazy to describe the smell
Too dull for metaphor
Too wet to catch fire
WIll I find something? Anything?
Your Turn
Share an excerpt from your Day 2 in The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day. If you don’t have a copy, you can buy it here.

I’d love to hear what the prompt inspired for you this morning, whether an insight, a joy, a challenge, resistance, an exploration, a poem or something else…Feel free to share anything about your response or an excerpt of what you wrote today.
Looking for the journal prompts? You can get them here.