Are you looking for a book proposal coach to help you land a top agent and publisher?

Lisa’s clients have signed 5- and 6-figure book deals with top publishers including Random House, HarperCollins, Hachette, St. Martin’s Press, New Harbinger, Beyond Words, New World Library, Yale University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, ABC-CLIO/Praeger, Karnac Books (British publisher of much of Freud’s work), Health Communications (of Chicken Soup fame) and many more.

Hire a Book Proposal Coach who Gets Results

book proposal coach lisa tener
Lisa is a contributor to the upcoming book “The Creativity Workbook” (edited by Eric Maisel and to be published by Routledge and launched in June 2020)

Certainly, traditional publishing has continued to become more competitive every year. Book Proposal Coach Lisa Tener specializes in helping nonfiction authors, especially how-to, self-help and memoir authors, develop a marketable book concept that remains authentic to your essence and vision. Lisa will also guide you to write a compelling book proposal, helping you fine tune each element of the proposal, so that your query letter and book proposal rise above the hundreds of others agents and publishers get every week.

For free, you can start here with an article on how to write a book proposal, which takes you step by step through the process. The article includes links to additional articles addressing specific sections of a book proposal and how to understand what agents and publishers are looking for for each particular section, as well as tips to make each section compelling and “spot on.”

The authors of the following books received book proposal guidance and editing from coach Lisa Tener:

Lisa can also refer you to a book proposal ghostwriter to write the book proposal for you if you prefer.

Book Proposal Challenges

Many aspiring authors feel daunted by the prospect of writing a nonfiction book proposal. Some of the biggest challenges a book proposal coach like Lisa Tener can help you with are learning how to:

  • Structure your book proposal for maximum impact.
  • Begin your book proposal in the most compelling manner, for your particular audience, genre and topic.
  • Convince publishers that you’re likely to sell a large number of books.
  • Compare your book to competitive and complementary books.
  • Research the markets for your book.
  • Develop a comprehensive, compelling and believable promotion plan.
  • Grow your platform now, before you pitch agents and publishers.
  • Write a nonfiction query letter.
  • Write your author bio.
  • Create a branded website and social media presence consistent with your book and the book’s audience.
  • Be creative in your approach so that your book proposal stands out among others.

Book Proposal Coaching Can Provide:

  • Step-by-step guidance to start and finish your book proposal.
  • Accountability to make progress consistently.
  • Support to break through blocks.
  • Brainstorming creative ideas to make your book exceptional.
  • Developing a business plan to go with your book to amplify success.
  • Advice that will make your book proposal stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Get the Free Ebook: 10 Tips to a Book Proposal Publishers Will Love!

10 Tips to a Book Proposal Publishers will Love PDF Cover

You’ll learn:

  • The best strategies to craft a book proposal gets your book published!
  • How to save time and money by writing a compelling book proposal from the get-go!
  • 4 ways to make your book stand out from the crowd.
  • Specific secrets that helped three different clients get book deals with major publishers.

Here’s what top literary agent Jeanne Fredericks says about Lisa’s services:

Literary Agent Jeanne Fredericks

“For qualified authors who have a marketable book in the works, I recommend that they consider drawing on Lisa’s expertise to help them polish their sample chapters and construct a winning proposal. She has the experience and talent that can make the difference between having a good submission packet and one that is professional and get results.”
Jeanne Fredericks, literary agent


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“Awestruck by the Publisher’s Offer”

“Lisa Tener is an amazing coach and so much more. One day I was googling online for ideas on how to write a nonfiction book, when I stumbled upon her web page. I continued on…

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“The Best Thing I Did”

“Taking Lisa Tener’s Fast Track Your Book Proposal program was the best thing I did to give my book momentum. I had written an entire rough draft, but was floundering with where to go with it, and what to…

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Lisa Tener is a joy! She’s experienced and insightful and is facile with every aspect of book coaching and publishing.  She reviewed my book proposal and made so many valuable and practical suggestions, encouraged me…


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When people ask me about publishing, I say, “There’s only one way this could have happened for me: the support and guidance of working with Lisa Tener.” Lisa shared so much wisdom, knowledge and a…


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“Meeting Lisa Tener at Harvard Medical School’s publishing course changed my life. I was struck by Lisa’s ability to bring out our creativity and at the same time how well she understood the business end of…


If you need a book proposal coach, contact Lisa Tener.

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