Lisa Tener’s Writing and Publishing Blog

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Find articles on your most pressing writing & publishing questions. Plus, creative support for your inner muse!

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What is an Author’s Advance? What is a Royalty? How is a Book Deal Structured?

I had a call from a new client today who seemed very embarrassed to ask me these questions. She apologized for her ignorance, but did not “know how the publishing industry works.” These are not “dumb questions” at all. Many people don’t know what an author’s advance or royalty is or how it works. What’s…


author expert lisa tener's first book

How to Write a Book Proposal or Book: Why I am a Perfectionist

I’m not a perfectionist about everything. Take one look at my desk and that will be way obvious! I am a perfectionist when it comes to how to write a book proposal and how to write a book, though. Here’s why: 1. Branding: Your book sends a message to all readers and potential readers–from the…


writing coach Lisa Tener

One More Poem

While I promise this book writing and publishing blog will not turn into a poetry blog, I felt I left you with a rather intense image with yesterday’s post/poem and thought a little word play might lighten things up. I wrestle a noun I wrestle a noun till it yells “Uncle,” Lasso a verb and…


writing coach lisa tener jumps up

Writing Poetry–Playing, Having Fun and Toning my Writing Muscles Effortlessly

I’ve been writing daily and here’s my secret—I write a poem a day.  Now, it’s a big admission for me to even share this, because even though poetry was my first love, I had learned somehow to marginalize poetry in my adult life—and I think that’s because as a culture we’ve marginalized poetry and poets….


Publishing Decision: How Much Money Can an Author Make?

I recently received this e-mail: “Dear Lisa, “I’m wondering if anywhere on your site you discuss money, as in what a typical new author will make per book by signing w/traditional publisher versus what an author will make by becoming the publisher…taking into account marketing budget needed to do marketing regardless of which way you…


How to Write a Book Proposal and Attract the Agent and Publisher of Your Dreams

“Lisa, I just signed the book contract!” I heard some version of these seven words three times this summer, as my clients signed with traditional publishers. I also received a phone call just last week from a client who anticipates signing with a large publisher in the next few weeks. It’s always exciting to know…



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