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Lisa Tener’s Writing and Publishing Blog

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Back from Retreat – Writing from the Heart

I began my retreat with an ayurvedic massage, followed by a walk in nature that led me to a beautiful labyrinth. As I walked the labyrinth, I found myself feeling peaceful. Afternoon yoga brought more peace and feeling centered in my body. By the time our writing workshop began at 7:30 pm, I felt ready…


10 Hours and Counting…

My writing retreat starts tomorrow morning at 8:00 am as I drive north and westward. I’m only taking notebooks (the paper kind). Not sure why, but something is telling me I need to write long hand. I’m tempted to bring notebooks and folders full of notes for a couple of books I am thinking about…


Create Your Own Low Budget Writer’s Retreat

The last two posts have been in anticipation of my personal writing retreat next week. Carol posted a comment saying she’d never been on one and can’t wait for her own turn. This post is for Carol and anyone else who thinks they have to wait for their turn. I will attempt to address every…


Still Dreaming

I am still dreaming about my writing coach’s writing retreat. One week to go.

How does one prepare for a writing retreat? In the past, I’ve packed up all my notes on the book I’m working on, maybe some research to read over, and thought hard about what I would accomplish.

This time, my writing coach (me) suggested I try something new. I’m clearing my mind in preparation. I’m not even sure which book I’m going to work on. I probably won’t take any of my preparatory notes for my works in progress.

I admit, this is my book writing experiment…


Writing Coach Retreat

As a writing coach, I think I have one of the most fun jobs in the universe. I love the process of helping people:

* Clarify their book ideas
* Learn the secrets of good writing
* Write a compelling book proposal
* Attract a top agent and publisher
* Enjoy the benefits of being a published author

There’s just one problem…


Which Book Should I Write?

People often come to me with more than one great book idea. One thing I do as a writing coach is help them evaluate which book to write. Here are a few ways to evaluate for starters:

1. Goal based:

* Identify Your Goals.
* Evaluate each book project on how…



Get Lisa's New Book:

The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day

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