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Lisa Tener’s Writing and Publishing Blog

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Find articles on your most pressing writing & publishing questions. Plus, creative support for your inner muse!

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Lisa Tener with scarf

The Beautiful Secret from a Qigong Master

I watched the first video I created for Breathe. Write. Breathe. (Natural Stance) and broke into a big smile when I heard myself saying, “Beautiful.” Behind it, I listened to the echo of my master teacher, Robert Peng. I always feel blessed when Robert says, “Beautiful,” whether in a practice room at Omega Institute or…


Lisa Tener journaling

7 Ways to Tap Your Subconscious for Inspiration

Some of my most potent writing comes from my dreams and other experiences related to the subconscious. Is this true for your writing? So, how do we tap our subconscious for creativity—innovative ideas, fresh metaphors, new ways to put words together on the page, an adventure for the writer and the reader? Here are 7…


Lisa Tener Portland Helmich

Tips for Recording Video and Audio

For the past three weeks, I’ve been swept up in a whirlwind of activity and teamwork creating all the special interactive tools and accompanying video and audio for my upcoming book. Speaking of which, and forgive me if you’ve heard this before, but please schedule the book purchase and party for June 12 at noon…


writing a book on grizzly bears

Surprising Lessons on the Book Writing Path

I’m working with a client who is writing an extraordinary book about one of the momentous environmental victories of the last century. In the middle of working on this book, Louisa Willcox told me, “I have to take a break and write this 40-60 page article for my subscribers. Grizzly Bears are in grave danger…


Lisa Tener book coach

Too Many Ideas to Cram into One Nonfiction Book?

Do you constantly find yourself adding ideas to your nonfiction book concept? Do you feel confused about what tools, skills, and information to offer your readers? Sometimes, authors feel a great deal of pressure to give their readers everything needed and to squeeze it all into one book. You may think this is a generous…


Super smooth Bastion bolt action writing pen

In Search of the Perfect Pen for Writers

As a writer, two things that are important to me—and actually inspire my writing—are beautiful journals and quality pens. A few weeks ago Mike Navitsky reached out from Bastion asking if I would consider a guest post. While I don’t generally do guest posting, I was intrigued by the idea of a high quality pen…



Get Lisa's New Book:

The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day

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