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Join Me and Journal!

Lisa journaling
Journaling is one of my favorite tools for personal growth, creative fulfillment and transformation.

I do a lot of funky things in my journals–recording my dreams in the morning, which can include dialoging with a dream character, penning a poem inspired by the dream or something really out there like a one-act play with Greek chorus (not necessarily something I’m going to distribute commercially, but it was really fun to see where the dream took me.} Dream journaling can also serve as a portal to larger work like blog posts and books.

Just as fun and creative can be journaling prompts (I’m working through the untethered soul-guided journal I bought at Kripalu a week ago), and I still go back to The Joy of Writing Journal from time to time.

The start of a new year also offers an excellent time to journal about the kind of year we want to experience, creatively and otherwise. And, given that we’re already three weeks into 2023, we can think about how the year’s starting out and explore whether it’s going in a direction that feels juicy and fulfilling or if we need some course correcting.

If you’d like 2023 to be a wildly creative and fulfilling year, join me for a Virtual Journaling Party and Workshop.

Virtual Journaling Party and Workshop
* Wednesday morning, February 1
* 11:30 am ET, 8:30 am PT
Come in your sweats and bunny slippers or dress up for your creative muse!
  • Explore what would make 2023 your most fulfilling year yet!
  • Choose and prioritize the creative project(s) you want to complete this year.
  • Journal about what might get in the way and what support you need to get it done!
  • Set yourself up for a wildly creative and fulfilling year.

Learn the TENER Method for Creative Flow and
* Tune into your deepest inner promptings.
* Explore your dreams and vision for 2023.
* Riff on some juicy prompts to put your vision into words.
* Get clear on priorities and bring your vision into your daily activities.
Fee: Purchase The Joy of Writing Journal before February 1, email me a copy or picture of your receipt and I’ll send you the Zoom link.

Already have a copy? Buy one as a gift!

Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

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Indie published Joy of Writing Journal.

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The Joy of Writing Journal:

Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day

Winner of the Silver Nautilus Book Award & IPPY Award

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