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Do You Have a Marketable Book?

She Kept Doubting She Had a Marketable Book

Lisa Tener book coach

I recently heard from an aspiring author who had several ideas for a book. When she researched her first idea on Amazon, she found several books on the subject, many of which had excellent reviews.

“I guess I should pack it in. Why does the world need another book like this? There are already quite a few good ones.”

Don’t Let Self-Doubt Stop You From Writing Your Book: Listen to What Publishers Know

Her conclusion is common, but runs counter to the wisdom of the publishing community, and, in particular, traditional publishing houses.

  • Publishers want to see books that are like yours.
  • Publishers are excited to see that those books did very well and resonated with readers and sold!

Why? This proves there’s an audience for your book (it’s marketable!) and that people will pay good money (at least the price of a paperback or ebook) to get the information, wisdom and transformation your book can provide.

  • Publishers also want to know what will make your book stand out and be different.

So, even if you plan to self-publish, it’s a good idea to research whether there are books on your subject and think about how your book will be different.

How to Research Your Book’s Marketability

One suggestion in researching comp books: use keywords on Google to find the comps. Amazon is not as good a search engine for books as it used to be and it’s easier to find the most relevant results using Google instead. Of course, you can do both.

You can also use Publisher Rocket ($97 one-time fee) to find out how competitive a category is, as well as how popular it is with book buyers on Amazon. [Note: I am an affiliate and receive a commission should you purchase from my link.]

Janet Snoyer’s Comp Books Research Tip

Family Guide book cover

Janet Snoyer, a graduate of my Bring Your Book to Life® program is now the author of The Family Guide to Medical School Admissions. In class, before she even started writing, Janet shared her strategy of reading Amazon reviews for competitive and complementary books to hers. This brilliant move helped her realize what features readers liked about the other books (and therefore might be valuable to include in hers), as well as what was missing and what they wished they’d gotten from these books, both in terms of features and content.

How to Make Your Book Stand Out

There are many ways to differentiate your book from others on the market. For example, you can:

  • Target a new or under-served audience, such as a dating book for mixed-race couples, rather than a dating book for a broad market like women or men.
  • Include cutting-edge research to back up your strategies with evidence-based information and give readers the understanding that helps motivate true change.
book with strong voice
Carla Naumburg’s first several books had a nurturing quality, and as she leaned into her voice even more, her irreverent and sassy humor accentuated her voice in her most recent books.
  • Find your unique voice and really play it up. If you’re a playful person, really let yourself ham it up. You can always cut back if you go too far, but for now, experiment with gusto. If you’re sarcastic, take that to a new level. People are drawn to writers with a strong voice and your voice can really make your books stand out–book after book after book. A client of mine, Dr. Carla Naumburg, offers a great example of an author with a strong voice–irreverent, sassy, yet at the same time nurturing, kind and wise.
  • Apply research from one field to another. For example, apply a recent breakthrough in physics to dating or business practices or weight loss. Of course, in this instance, you’d want to apply the research-based strategies in real life in, let’s say, a course you offer, or as consulting services; this will provide you with stories that prove it works to apply the research across different fields.
The Joy Writing Journal
  • Add unique features to your book that add to the reader’s experience. These features can add to readers’ understanding of the material (illustrations or graphs for example), engage readers in experience and their own transformation (writing prompts, QR codes that lead to audio meditations, exercises or rituals are some examples), or just make the book more fun or interesting. For example, many journals offer prompts, but I have not seen other journals with QR codes that lead to videos and audio meditations. I incorporated these into The Joy of Writing Journal to add a layer of depth of experience, as well as make it easier and fun to write. I wrote it during COVID when people felt particularly isolated and I felt that the videos and my invitation to join the Facebook group added a layer of connectivity to the experience. What features would turn your book into a deeper, more engaging experience or help your readers experience the full transformation possible with your material?

Your Turn

Share your ideas and questions. What have you done to make sure your book is marketable? What questions do you still have?

Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Hi, What if you research complimentary or competitive books and find none? According to what you are saying if publishers want to see books like yours that are selling, is this a bad sign?

    • That’s a great question, Nikki. In general, a publisher would usually see it as a red flag, but it may be that you’re just not identifying the comps. What other books might your readers buy either instead of yours or in addition to yours? What genre is your book?

  2. My first Spiritual Book deals with the Facts that this Almighty world we are Living in has two God. #1 The Dead Almighty God seed of Creation; and #2 The One God of Power/Eternal Life that has The Dead Almighty God seed of Creation Alive. Where One God of Power True Love Sown 1% Spiritual Power to become **MAN** as a Blessed temple of Creation to Save the Destruction of This Dead Almighty god **Seed of Creation** in Reality and Guided by the Truth; who they are. This book Apparently could be the first of its kind; for it is not a Religion; or Deception. For most of it will be Opposite what the World Religious Leaders Teaching Today. For in a Simple Understanding in this Book God Jesus Never Dies but only the Temple was Destroyed and Raised on the Third Day. In this Book God Jesus Blessed Temple is Not White but is the Son; **Son of Man; meaning Son of a Black Woman and was Conceived by the Spiritual Salvation of Our Lord God of the White Man; therefore; The Temple is a Creole Seed of Salvation as that of Abel. Today this new Generation need to Go to God Jesus in Spirit and Seek the Truth through their inborn Spiritual Comforter Sown by God Jesus 2023 Years ago; and Stop; Stop following these Religious Deception of the People whom are Lost; Confused; Ignorant as to who is God Jesus Christ Our Lord. For the Unfaithful seed of Christ are all the Black unfaithful seed of Creation; whom today majority as yesterday in the beginning still following the white supremacies seed of creation as their gods and saviour. So lets read and understand this book is the first spiritual book to be publish. Thank You. In God Jesus Name We Pray.

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