How to make 2022 a wildly creative year? Grab your journal and answer these questions:

- What’s your creative vision for 2022?
- What other projects are you excited about for the year and why?
- What is the most important project for you this coming year? Why?
- What else do you wish to accomplish by the end of the year? Is it realistic to take on all these projects or do you need to shelve some? If shelving, which ones are your priority and why? What can you take off your plate to make space and time this year for your high priority creative projects?
Celebrate The Year’s Creative Accomplishments
Don’t forget to take some time to journal about your creative accomplishments of 2021, as well.
- What did you accomplish? What did you most enjoy?
- What worked (in terms of habits, accountability and support)? What didn’t work? How can you do more of what worked and problem solve for what didn’t work? Based on these answers, develop a plan that supports you in making 2022 a creative success.

Grab your journal, envision and plan for a joyously creative year!
Share your vision, goals, commitments and strategies as a comment below! Feel free to share your creative projects of 2021 as well. What are you most proud of?
And as a year end gift, download your free copy of 40 Reasons to Write a Book.