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Day 19: October Journaling Adventure with The Joy of Writing Journal

In today’s journaling session I write about a huge, colorful beachball expelled by the waves in Narragansett Bay. It bounded directly to my friend Paula as we walked back from the brackish pond at Casey Point.

She held out her hands and caught it. Before searching for its owner on the little cove, we decided it’s come with a message.

Surely nature is inviting us to play by sending this unmistakably bright and playful gift our way.

We turn back, make a left into the woods, out of the wind and begin a game of catch. A couple from the beach join us as we throw the ball high into the air for each other to catch.

Sometimes we decide to share an excerpt from our journal. At that time, it may be appropriate to edit. You may take out something that feels too personal to share. Or, as in my case, the journal writing may ramble and you want to tighten for your readers.

Here, I started with a summary before sharing a shorter excerpt.

The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day

Your Turn to Share

Looking back at the list and prompt, I see I’ve invited us to write about an experience generated by some kind of movement, as well as exploring how it made us feel.

Did you explore the feelings or, like I did, leave it to the description to convey that feeling? Now I wonder what it would have been like to explore that sense of exhilaration that comes when we play like children.

What did you write about? Please share an excerpt, a phrase or an insight.


Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Day 19 – Move and Flow – Prompt – Dancing poem

    Arms alight on high
    Hands delight soft in flight
    Legs circle round
    Feet spin abound
    Body twirls in space
    Gloriously with grace

  2. Deborah- your dance poem inspired me! I’m playing catch up after a few busy days & nights, but I have really missed opening the prompts in the morning with my coffee and being part of this daily challenge. Thank you all for posting faithfully and keeping this going!

    moonlight cast its spell
    as Tequila Sunrise rocked
    the starry September night
    only a few partygoers
    heeded the almost
    voices of Glenn Frey and Don Henley
    you know
    i can’t dance they said
    sipping wine, watching
    but a handful
    shook the soft grass
    swaying and stepping
    singing along
    knowing body and soul
    that this was
    oh, yes it was
    one of those crazy ol’ nights

    • Mary Ann, the whole scene came alive for me – the texture of the grass under one’s feet, the music, the moonlight…I love the sensory details.

  3. This prompt brought me back to college, when I would often pull all nighters before exams. In the morning, my head stuffed with facts and concepts, I would be pretty darned exhausted. To psych myself up for the exam, I would put on loud music and dance around my dorm room like a crazy woman.

    My absolute favorite song for this activity was “Contort Yourself “ by James White and the Blacks. I would turn on the record player (remember those) and bounce and jump and bop my head up and down (a real 80’s move), shrieking along with the music at the top of my lungs. “Contort yourself, doo doo doo doo…”

    I can’t say it’s the best way to prepare for an exam, but certainly the dancing and singing, the utter abandon—pumping myself up and getting the blood flowing—seemed to work. I would walk into my exam ready to rock. Maybe it will work for my writing, as well. I think the song is available on Spotify…

    • Fun, Maureen. I’d love to hear how it works. I wouldn’t be surprised if you find it similarly supportive – and fun!

    • Maureen,
      I couldn’t find the song on Spotify but it is on Youtube. I never heard of this song or group. I listened to most of it and it made me smile to think of you grooving to this tune. I say go for it! Contort your bad self! Whatever sets your soul on fire, go for it!

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