In honor of Independence Day, here are a few inspiring quotes about freedom and independence from Goodnet.
What’s your favorite quote on the subject?
Happy 4th! Enjoy the festivities.
“My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular.”
– Adlai Stevenson (31st Governor of Illinois and United Nations ambassador 1961-
“Freedom cannot be bestowed — it must be achieved.”
– Elbert Hubbard (American writer, publisher and artist)
“The great revolution in the history of man, past, present and future, is the revolution
of those determined to be free.”
– John F. Kennedy (35th President of the United States)
“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”
– Albert Camus (French author, journalist and philosopher)
Do You Feel Full Freedom to Express or Do You Censor Yourself?
Do you find yourself censoring your writing, given the current climate and the way all our actions are tracked on the internet? I do. There are things I won’t write about because I’m concerned how it might be tracked and used.
As we celebrate July 4th, perhaps we can think about the things we can do to initiate greater freedom, such as fighting for greater security and less sharing of our data on the web.
What are your thoughts? Share your favorite quote below, share what freedom means to you as a writer and anything you plan to do (or are doing) to restore greater freedom of written thought in our society.
Good post, Lisa!
As a writer on food, health and technology and currently writing my first book, ‘Food Uncovered’, I find myself continually self-censoring (both in my writing and on so-called social media), because most UK publishers who I will be approaching will tend to have the standard bien pensant liberal views on, for example, climate change and (in the UK) Brexit.
To say that I am anti-EU & pro-Brexit or that I feel that there are more pressing issues for us to tackle than climate change – for example the abysmal long-term breastfeeding rate in the UK (the world’s worst – only 0.5% of women and still breastfeeding at 12 months) or the obsession of the UK’s health service with the failed drugs-and-surgery model, or the profound health detriments associated with industrialised agrochemical farming – risks me being categorised as. perhaps, ‘not the sort of person we want to publish’.
So I continually self-censor, because I want to get a publisher!
Thanks for sharing Andrew. I had no idea breastfeeding rates in the UK were that terrible. Is it due to formula advertising or what?
The voice of freedom must be communicated on the same fast pace digital networks that’s changing and shaping the world for future generations.
We must give voice to the multitude of people being denied social and economic freedom.
To collaborate and innovate to reshape the destiny of a disconnected population.
Currently, finishing a book entitled “Black Moms Can ” that addresses these issues.
hi Lee, That sounds like a much needed book. When it’s published, we may be able to post an author interview at
Peace without freedom is an impossibility. Penni Livingston
So, true, Penni. How is your writing coming?